Alexander Online Friends Ovechkin

Jessie and Alex

---Jessica's Apartment (New York)---
Hmm maybe I should check my facebook, I thought to myself after I got home from work one day. I work for a minor junior team in New York and love it. I am ultra hockey obessed and love everything about it. I am usually a sweet person but I sometimes tend to have a short temper. New message flashed across my screen, hmm I wonder who that could be. "Sasha" I don't know a Sasha so I read the message.


You are beautiful! You seem like my type of girl. I want to tell you who I am but I am afraid you will not beleive me, but I will say anyways. I am Alexander Ovechkin. Yes I am sure you know me.


WOOOO! Wait Alexander Ovechkin just sent me a message on facebook it can't be him. I sent one back but was not to sure if it was him really.

Wow Alexander Ovechkin really I am a little weery about beleving if it is you. How are you going to prove to me its you? My phone number is 1-403-656-9898. You may text me but if you do something to make me beleive I may meet you.

I can't believe I sent that! I had to call my best friend Caitlin. "CAITLIN guess what just happened to me." I yelled into the phone. "WHAT!" "Alexander Ovechkin sent me a message on facebook or well who I think it is." "WHAT!" "Cait really I think its him. God hes beautiful." "Well keep me posted got to go Wade's home." Cait said to me and hung up. I was the typical girl but hockey obesessed. My best friend Caitlin is dating Wade Redden from the New York Rangers and we are ultra obsessive. We love to go to the games and go to them all the time.

---2 Days Later---
The Caps and Rangers were meeting this Friday. As I was sitting watching the Rangers away game with Caitlin my phone started to buzz. "Jessie my beautiful I am thinking about you. Wish me luck tonight. Alex" OMG! "CAIT! Alex just texted me!" "Well stupid text him back duh." "K well Cait this is what I am saying."Alex your so wonderful! Thank you for the roses you sent to work they are beautiful." I said back to him. It wasn't five minutes later that Alex sent me a text. "aww my beautiful, meet me this Friday after the game." "K Cait what do I do. Alex wants to meet." I said to Cait a little apprehensive. "Well Duh we are downstairs anyway go for it. I am sure it will be him." Cait said to me matter of factorly. We watched the rest of the game my mind racing as it was going on not being able to pay attention to it.

As I woke up groggy from my sleep I opened up the New York Times to find a huge picture of Alex on the front page. As I was reading the story over and over at the very end it said:

Alexander wants to say hello to a special person in his life named Jessie. We do not know who he or she is, but Alex wanted to say that.

RING RING! "JESSIE! Its him its really him." Cait yelled to me without even saying hi. "Really you think so." I said back still unsure. "Yes Wade saw him talking to the reporters I know it is. Wade's dropping me off in 2 hours before he heads to the rink we need to get you to look hot missy." And with that Cait hung up. Not going to lie the prospect of dating Ovechkin got to me all the time and if it really is him I will prolly faint at the site of him. I showered and picked out my outfit before Cait got here. My Rangers Lundquvist jesery and blue jeans. My dark curly hair hanging loose over it. "Jessie you look beautiful, your going to sweep him off his feet." Cait said to me with a huge smile on her face. "I hope so." I said with a smile on my face.

---The Game---
It was an afternoon game. Very back and forth. Alex scored 3 times and texted me all the time saying I scored this goal for you and making me smile. After the game we headed down to the locker rooms. Cait practically pushed me towards the Washington room. As I was going to walk away I felt a strong hand on my elbow. "Jessie." The masucline voice whispered. "Yes." I said as I turned around to face THE ALEXANDER OVECHKIN! I nearly fainted. "Jessie, its me Sasha, I know you are probably a little speechless, but I love you. The minute I saw your profile I just had to comment you seemed my type although this jersey may need to change" Alex said in his russian accent that made my knees weak. I couldn't talk so the only thing I knew to do was throw my arms around his neck and I pulled his face down to mine, I slowly let my lips touch his. He wouldn't let me pull away he pulled me closer and we started to kiss more intensley by the second. After what felt like an hour we pulled apart. "Wow Alex its you." Is all I could still manage to say. "You know Jessie, meeting online works for everyone." He said pulling me in for another kiss.

---April Playoffs---
"CAIT! Who do I cheer for!" I said to my best friend as we walked into Verizon Centre for game one. Me and Alex have been dating for four months. He was the best thing that has ever happened to me. "Well I dunno but I am cheering for my boyfriend." She said proudly. "I guess I just hope they both play good games." I said half heartdly although I knew my whole heart was still with the Rangers. "Cait, I may love my boyfriend, but the Rangers are my first love." I said with a little giggle as the game was about to begin and I couldn't stop smiling wearing my Ovechkin jersey that even had his smell.
♠ ♠ ♠
for NYRChick25x17x34 (Jessica)

Hope its goood! Sorry if it sucks!