Deep Down Cemetery Drive

On Your Way To The Hospital

"W-w-What?, Where am I?" whispered Aiden.
"You're in the hospital" said a young and pretty nurse with the name Molly written across her name-tag.
"Why? What happened!" Aiden said, a little louder this time. Pain shot through his leg. He pulled up the checkered hospital sheets to see his leg. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it. There was no place where the bullet he was struck by could have hit him but he was still in the worst pain he had ever imagined.

He lay there staring at the tiled ceiling as his mother explained the story to him. She was sleeping when she heard a hard bang from Aiden's room. She ran into his room to see him laying on the ground clutching his leg screaming.

He wasn't really listening to his mother. He knew the story. He was there. He suddenly had a great anger towards his mom. All he did was continue counting the dots on each tile of the ceiling. " ahh how boring." he thought.

The dream kept re-playing inside of his head. The man, or was it a man? Or some sort of beast, monster, alien. Well whatever it was. He was so sure that he had shot it. But anyway, even if he hadn't shot it, how was he feeling the pain? It was just a dream!

Then he sat up so quickly that most of the people in the room jumped.
"Mom! After I woke up, did i say anything?"
"No"she answered quite flatly.

Aiden looked out the window. It was quite dark out. And the moon was centered outside the window. But wait, the clouds weren't moving. He stared out the window for a few minutes. Still no movement from the clouds. He start to ask himself whether or not this was a window. Aiden rolled over in bed. Standing talking next to his mother was his aunt Lily. No one was moving though. And actually after he thought about it there were no sounds except for the wind. Which was not making anything outside move.

He tried to get up but now couldn't move either. He started struggling. The wind picked up. Aiden now heard footsteps coming down the hall. He couldn't see who it was because his eyes were fixed stuck on his Aunt Lily who was frozen in mid-word. His hospital room door opened:silently. In stepped the hooded man. His face white, his robes ripped and bloody. Exactly how he had left Aiden.

The man,thing, pulled out a sharp silver-bladed, black handled knife with a small hour-glass engraved on it. He stood behind Aiden's Aunt Lily. Aiden screamed silently as the man wordlessly and carelessly slit Lily's throat.

Suddenly the world came back as the end of Aiden's Scream burst to life and his beloved Aunt Lily fell to the floor.