
Who is it I can't find?

I don't know what's wrong with me,
I feel so alone,
So hurt and betrayed,
And I can't figure out why.
I need something,
But can't define what.
I want someone to just sit,
And talk with me...
The thing is I don't know,
Who it is I want,
But I know,
It has to be a specific person.
Dang it!
Why do I feel tears welling up in my eyes?!
I seach my contacts,
Knowing if I see,
Who it is I need,
I'll know,
But wouldn't you know it...
Who ever it is,
Isn't online.
Somebody please,
Explain this to me!
Why am I crying?
Who is it I MUST talk to?
Sombody help me,
Sombody fix this!
Which way,
Which way should I run?
Which way do I need,
To turn?
Tell me where,
Where do I find you?
I search through,
My contacts again,
Turning them each down,
One by one!
Who is it,
That I must talk to?
And why can't I find them,
Why do I need this person so much?
Is it a friend I need to seek?
Or is there more than that?
Am I looking to the wrong,
Source altogether?
Should I just turn off the computer,
And turn to my bible?
I see a problem with that as well,
You see,
My bible can't hug me tightly,
And whispher over and over,
'Everything's gonna be alright, I'm here'
And I don't know why,
But that's what I think I need right now.
I guess I don't have another choice,
I guess it's just me and my bible tonight.
And so with this resolve,
I will post this,
Then I will check once more,
I will then shut my computer down,
(It needs the rest),
I will turn my phone to silent,
Lock my door,
And open my bible,
Seeking guidence from,
My God... My Silent savior.
And Then I will,
Shut off my light,
Shut my window,
Curl up in my blankets,
And try to find some form of rest.