I’ll Hide You Away From the World.

Pain, Anger, Fear and Hate gripped his body all at once as he cried silent tears on the hospital floor. Everything he loved in the world had just been torn unfairly from the palms of his hands. There was nothing left of him as his heart shattered inside his chest.

Being a Rock Star is hard enough. Being a parent is even harder. In addition, being a single parent is harder still. For Mikey Way, his worst nightmare came true as his beloved Alicia died only seconds after the birth of their first child. Now he feared he had nothing else to live for. The small child Alicia left behind was the only thing he had left. It haunted him every time he looked into the babies deep brown eyes and he saw his deceased wife. How would he cope with a baby and the tour of his band’s new record at the same time?

This story was begun as a challange from "The Way" in response to her Single Parenting Challange. So any feeback from you guys is really appreciated.

Disclaimer: I do not know MCR or any of its members. This story is completely fictional and any offence that may be caused is completely unintentional. I certinaly would not wish for this to happen in real life, and I defiintely don't want Alicia to die. It think they are a cute couple.

Hope you enjoy and please comment with your feedback! Hearing what you guys thinks of the story motivates me to continue with the story when I know people are geuinely interested in it.