Time to say goodbye

This is a short story that i wrote for my year 12 english project on belonging. It means alot to me, though it is about 500 words (limit of the assignment) it is my first attempt of a stpry. the insperation for this story came from moving to a small country town - away from my family and three best friends. one of my friends has been my best friend for 14 years and my two other friends have been my best friends for atlest six years. three years ago one of my friends sufferred from depression as a result of being constanley bullied and it was a hard and saw point in my life where i felt hepless and i had no idea what i was ment to do, so this story is about how the thought of loosing my best friend made me think about what i would do and if i would cope. Simple Plan also inspired parts of this story, being a huge fan for over seven years i have wanted to go to Montrel and really just Canada in winter time, but also because there lyric's have really touched and changed my life. The song 'Save You' gave my character the resilliance and strength needed to adapt to the situation and the ability to move on.

I Hope that you like it, or at the very least don't hate it.