Sexy Love

The News

The annoying sound of my stupid alarm clock woke me from a deep comforting sleep. I rolled aver and slapped the monstrous thing to stop the consistent beeping. Once I was surrounded in silence again, I pulled back the blankets and slipped out of my warm bed. I placed my feet on the carpeted floor and stretched, easing the sleep from my tired limbs. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and drug myself to my bathroom and got ready for my day.

“Anna!” My bratty little brother cried as I finished doing my hair. “Mom wants you downstairs now.”

“I’ll be down in a minute.” I called back rolling my eyes. I made sure my hair was straight before walking out of the bathroom and into my room. I knew I didn’t have much time to get my make up done before I had to leave for school. I hurried down the stairs and began to search for my mother. I finally found her standing in the living room.

“Max said you wanted me.” I stated walking into the room and sitting on our big black plush couch.

“Yes honey.” She said softly. “Um… Remember the custody battle I was having with your father?”

“Yeah… What about it?” I questioned.

“Well, I got a call from the judge with his decision.” She said solemnly. I immediately knew this was bad.

“Please tell me he didn’t win.” I pleaded beginning to grow upset.

“I’m sorry Anna. He will be here tomorrow.” I saw the tears begin to slide down the soft cheeks on my mother’s face. I got up and hugged her tightly. I started crying on her shoulder.

“Is Max going too?” I sobbed.

“No honey just you. I’m so sorry baby. I failed you as a mom.” She said wiping the tears from my eyes.

“No you didn’t. Mom, you are amazing. Don’t ever think you failed me.” I said softly. I pulled away from her.

“Go finish getting ready for school, sweetie.” Mom whispered. I left the living room, going back up to my room. I mechanically did my make up as if in a daze. I grabbed my book bag and hoodie, putting them on. I looked at myself in my floor length mirror. I was wearing loose black jeans, a fender tank top, and a black hoodie. I pulled on my white Happy Bunny socks followed by my pink low top converse. I grabbed my phone, wallet, and iPod, shoving them into various pockets. I took a long look at my room before walking out and going downstairs.
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sorry it took me forever to post something on this story but here you go.