I Never Told You What I Do For A Living.


I walked into the dark room, a person was waiting for me.
Long fingers of light we're pouring in through the spaces of the blinds, making the persons cigarette smoke glow. My mouth watered as I was badly craving one.
"Hello, Gerard" The male voice said, his face was hidden in the darkness.
"Hey boss" I said cheerily, I enjoyed my job, as sick as it sounds.
I sat in the chair provided. My boss sat in his own behind a huge mahogany desk.
He threw something at me. A manila folder.

"That's your new target.. names Frank" I opened the folder. It was filled with documents and a picture of this 'Frank' I couldn't stop staring at him. His green eyes jumped out at me, as well as the silver ring in his lip. The picture was of Frank smiling, which wasn't helping me. It was so cheeky I couldn't bare to stop it. His fringe swooped to the right. I fantasized about tucking it behind his ear, as I kissed him on the mouth. Stop thinking that right now! I thought. I needed to finish this job so I could get paid.
"There isn't really a time limit on this one, the person who wants him dead just said within this month" I nodded, still studying this Frank and began reading the documents.
To my surprise, he lived in my street. At least it would make it easier for me to find him.
"Now, get the fuck out of my office" My boss said, I could tell he was joking.
"See ya later boss" I laughed as I got up and left his office.

I strained my eyes into the blinding sunshine. Going from being in a dark room to the bright outdoors was difficult to adjust to. I pulled my sunglasses and cigarettes out of my leather jacket pocket. Slipping on the sunnies before pulling out a cigarette and holding it loosely in my mouth. I walked over to my car door, sliding inside. I lit my cigarette quickly and inhaled, before starting the ignition and pulling out from the curb.
Just as I was pulling into my driveway I noticed Frank walking down the street. I slammed on my brakes. Trying to open my car door and escape from the tangled seat belt wasn't a easy task. I broke free and took off after Frank. I needed to think of a lie quickly.
"Uh hi, excuse me?" I asked as I came out behind him. He turned, his eyebrows raised slightly with curiousness.
"As weird as it sounds.. I was wondering if you could show me around? I moved in a few days ago and I don't know anyone" A small smile pulled at his lips.
"Sure, I was just heading home if you wanted to join me?" He turned his body as if to start walking.
"Great!" I smiled at him, he returned it warmly as we headed off to his house.

"Thanks for hanging out with me Frank, I had fun, stop by anytime, I met you next door to my house" I was half inside, half outside Frank's front door, it was dark and I was heading home.
"No problem and sure" He smiled at me as he lent his hand on the front door.
I smiled at him and waved as I walked down his front steps, I heard the door shut behind me. That was fun, Franks really cool. And cute, and amazing. Yeah he is. The way blood pools in his cheeks when he blushes is so adorable, and his laugh. Man, you gotta snap out of it, you have to finish the job. I know that! but he's so.. gah I don't know. Dude, I think you're crazy. Tell me about it. Um, you're the one talking to yourself in your head I shook my head to try and get rid of the crazy thoughts running through. I needed to finish this job, my job was the way I survive!
I walked up my front steps and into my house, I needed to figure out how to finish this.

I woke up to a timid rapping on my front door. I rose sluggishly from my bed, I was so tired.
I stayed up last night thinking of Frank. I did stuff to myself because of Frank. My infatuation with him was getting out of hand. I stumbled to my door to reveal; Frank.
"Hey Gerard!" He beamed, I couldn't help but return the same smile.
"Frank, come on in" I moved out of the way so Frank could walk in. He looked around the house, it was good I cleaned it last night to look like I just moved it.
"Why don't you make yourself at home while I have a quick shower?" He nodded and walked to the couch.
I left and walked to my bedroom, picking up clothes and underwear and walking to the bathroom.

I came out clean to find Frank still on the couch, he was immersed in a new Hellboy comic.
His eyes sparkled as he read it, his hands so gentle as he handled the delicate paper.
I couldn't help but smile at him, he was like a little kid in a candy store.
"Did you want to go get a coffee?" He looked up at me then, smiling and nodding as he set the comic back on the table.
I grabbed my car keys from the front table, locking the front door behind us and we hopped in my car.
"You'll have to show me the way, I don't know where a coffee shop is" He giggled.
At least my lie was working, but I knew everywhere around here, I was born and raised in good old New Jersey.
He directed me to a little coffee shop, it was hidden and secluded, perfect.


I was stopped outside Franks house, dropping him home.
"Thank you for today Gerard, I had a good time. It was nice getting to know you, you're a one in a billion, no, trillion person" He beamed at me and blushed. I resisted the urge to caress his cheek.
"Me too, we have to hang out again soon" My answering smile caused him to blush harder.
He unhooked his seat belt and sat there for a second.
"Bye Gerard" He leaned over a kissed my cheek. My eyes popped wide, when he pulled away I smiled at him.
"Bye Frank" He opened the door and got out, walking up his front steps before disappearing into his house.
I started driving towards my house. Dude, you're in deeper than you thought. Yeah, I know. Shut up I hated arguing with myself in my head.
I pulled up to my house and got out, I could hear the faint ring of my house phone.
I took off up the front steps, pulling the door open and answering the phone.

"Hello?" I said breathlessly.
"Hello Gerard" My boss said.
"Oh hey boss, what's up?" This can't be good.
"Just wanting to know what your progress is with Frank" Oh great.
"Uh, yeah it's going good, working my way up to it." I need to quit smoking, I was still trying to catch my breath.
"Good, because I have a change of plans, the one month time limit has changed. It's now July seventeenth" I looked at the date on my watch, it was July fourteenth.
I needed to do this.
"Alright, no problem"
"Good, I look forward to filing the finished paper work, goodbye Gerard"
"Bye boss" I didn't want to do this.

It was now the day I had to kill Frank, I've been trying to avoid him to get rid of these feelings I had for him, but he always popped up at places. It was going to make it more difficult in the end when he was dead. But, I had to end it today.
I walked up slowly to his front door, as much as I didn't want to do this, I had to do it.
I knocked three times and waited.
He opened the door, a dazzling smile lighting up his face when it registered it was me.
"Gerard! how are you? come inside!" He shuffled out of the way to let me in.
"Hey Frank, I'm good thanks, how are you?" He shut the door behind me and stood in front of me.
"Good!" Why was he so damn happy to see me? It was going to be so hard to kill him.
Just fucking do it! I thought, it had to be done.
I grabbed Franks shirt, pushing him into the wall. I hoped the impact would knock him out.
His eyes popped wide, before he crashed his lips down on mine.
I was trying to kill him, and he mistook this violence for passion.
His lips left mine, he grabbed my shirt this time, twisting me around slamming me into the wall. I looked at his eyes for the smallest second, they were filled with lust. This distracted me, he took the opportunity to lean in, sinking his teeth into my neck. I surprised myself when a moan escaped my lips, this shouldn't be turning me on.
Fucking end this Gerard! I screamed in my head.

I wrapped my fingers around the top of his arms, pushing him into the wall behind him, he groaned loudly. His lips found a way to mine again, it was getting more difficult to fight him.
I pulled him off the wall, tripping him, sending us both crashing to the floor. A grin formed on his lips, he thought I was going to fuck him. Do it Gerard! He took advantage of my mental battle, shoving his hand into my boxers. My eyes rolled into the back of my head a little, I started pushing into his hand.I opened my eyes to see him grinning again, I grabbed his shoulders roughly, pushing him to the floor. I punched his face, hopefully doing something to make him pass out.
"Two can play at that game" He growled, taking his hand out from my pants and taking a swing, punching my jaw.
I fell back into a sitting position, holding my jaw.
Frank tackled me down.
"Fuck me Frank" I widened my eyes as my request was absorbed by him.

Franks fingers were at my button and zipper, quickly opening my pants and pulling them off. He pulled his own pants down. He trust into me hungrily. Shouldn't this hurt? Fuck it, I don't care.
I started pleasuring myself as Franks tempo got faster. He moaned loudly.
After what seemed like an eternity of pleasure, Frank moaned "Gerard, I'm close"
I nodded in agreement, but I was already finishing.
I arched my back and moaned loudly, I could feel Frank finish inside me.
He half collapsed on top of me, kissing me one, twice. Before rolling onto the floor.
I pulled a face as I looked at my stomach and hand, I needed to get cleaned up.

I'm quitting the assassination business.
I found something much better to fill my time with.
I think I'm in love with Frank.
I'm willing to give up everything for him, which is a good thing, because I might have to give up my life for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to start again, as I lost everything from the first one I wrote <_< so fucking angry at that!
Anyways, as I said this is for Ayden Heru, I hope you enjoy.
If you want me to make this into a full story I might, I think it has the potential to be a full story xD

Comment it =D
