I Never Told You What I Do For A Living.


I woke up to the sound of someone breathing heavily, my eyes fluttered open and I finally saw Frank. He was tied up, a piece of material in his mouth. He looked like he got a terrible bashing. My heart jumped in my throat seeing him like that. I swallowed and could taste blood in my mouth, I guess they bashed me too.
Brodie was standing next to him, another man was behind Frank, his hand on his shoulder.
Frank was struggling, he was the one breathing heavily. I worked to get my hands untied.
"You've been a bad boy, Gerard" Brodie said, walking towards me. He extended his hand to touch my hair, I flinched away angrily away from his touch. He chuckled as he began to walk back to Frank.

Whoever tied me up did a bad job, I pulled the last of the material and was free.
"I'm going to show you what we do to people who break the rules."
Brodie said everything so calmly, a hint of a smile on his lips.
My eyes popped wide as Brodie pulled out a handgun, aiming it at Frank's chest. I began to panic, he was wearing the bullet proof vest, but at the small length between his chest and the gun.. the vest will do nothing.
Brodie gave a small nod to the man behind Frank, who turned him slightly so the middle of his chest was in the path of the gun.
Frank looked at me with fear across his features. He tried to say something but his mouth was blocked, it sounded like "I love you, Gerard"
I tried calling out no! when I realized my own mouth was blocked by material.

Brodie snickered. "You shouldn't have broken the rules" and with that, he fired.
I jumped at the deafening sound.
Frank let out a tortured, muffled scream as his body tumbled to the floor.
I pulled my arms forward, ripping the material out of my mouth.
"FRANK!" I roared, reaching back to pull the gun from my pants, managing to shoot Brodie in the neck before shooting the other guy in the chest. They had no time to react I was that fast.
I slid across the floor till I was over Frank.
"Frank! baby, stay with me"
He coughed and looked around "My chest hurts" He wheezed, his eyes were rolling.
"Stay with me Frank!" I yelled as I pulled out my phone.
I picked up the bottom of his shirt, biting it and forcing the material to tear.
"Nine one one, emergency"

I told the lady on the phone the details as I worked over Frank.
My fingers managed to rip the velcro off on his vest, pulling it off.
A single bullet hole was just off center in his chest, blood overflowed from the wound, spilling down his chest and to the floor.
I pulled my shirt off, rolling it into a ball before placing it over the wound.
Frank coughed again and rolled over on his side, blood came out of his mouth.
"Shit Frank, don't die please. I love you, Frank. Stay with me!" Tears made everything blurry, I could hear an ambulance in the distance.
"It's going to be okay, the ambulance will be here soon. It's okay. It's alright" I kept trying to convince myself, but I had a funny feeling in my stomach telling me everything wasn't going to be okay.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my god!
Is Frank going to be okay? D:

Come on guys, I would like someone other than the usual 3 people to comment this.
Ten subscribers, not hard!