I Never Told You What I Do For A Living.


We were heading towards my house.
I was very wary of my surroundings, we assassins strike while the iron is hot. They wont delay.
Well, I broke the rules. I have to suffer the consequences now. I'm willing to pay the biggest price.
"Hurry up Frank, we're exposed now, we need to get inside quickly." He was trailing behind me, towing a huge suitcase.
"I'm sorry Gee, this is heavy" I rolled my eyes at him, picked up his suitcase and grabbed Frank's arm.

"Do not move from this spot" I told Frank fiercely when we got inside my house.
I went straight to my weapons case.
Most of the weapons I had were guns, mainly duel based.
My favourite is the .44 Magnum, followed by the Browning 9 millimeter.
I'm virtually unstoppable when I'm holding those guns.
I pulled out a black bag from under the case.
Pulling out my Assault Rifle, Spas 15, MSG-90, Barrett M82, Kalashnikov AK-47 and the SMG's and put them in.
I figured I would give Frank the 9 millimeters, they're pretty easy.
I pulled out my gun holster and both bullet proof vests. I sighed in relief that I had another one, I wouldn't have time to get another one if I only had one.
I quickly put on the vest and holster, putting in the .44 Magnums and pulling out another bag for clothes.

I walked out to Frank with both bags, throwing him the vest.
"Put that on, I'll teach you about the guns when we get in the car"
He did what he was told and we left for my car.
I threw the bags in the boot, we both hopped in and we're speeding off towards Philadelphia.
"Alright, now those are loaded so whatever you do, don't pull on the pin, if you pull that and the trigger it will fire"
He was twisting it this way and that way, making me edgy.
"Frank, I would feel better if you weren't twisting a loaded gun around, hold it straight" He did so and I relaxed a little, if that was possible.
It was hard to concentrate on this and driving.

"OK push this" I pointed at the release button, he did, causing the clip to slide out.
"That's the clip, it holds the bullets, I just showed you how to reload it" He nodded, twisting the clip around to get a better look.
"Slam it back in" He held it in his palm, pushing it back inside the handle, I heard it click, meaning he put it back right.
"This is the frame, and inside is the spring, that's what launches the bullet" I pointed to the main part of the gun.
"Sweet, what type of gun is this?" He questioned.
"It's a Browning 9 millimeter. That's what you'll be using, you're not experienced enough for what's in the back." I put my eyes back on the road.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw him pout.
I couldn't help but smirk at him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to research a loooot of stuff.
Mainly, those guns up there are shotguns, assault rifles, pistols, revolvers and snipers.

2 comments before the new chapter =D