‹ Prequel: Hijacked on Reality

Rough Love

Push Me Down On The Floor

We were arguing, again.

We always argued. I sometimes wondered how we were friends, let alone housemates.

It was hardly ever about serious stuff, at the moment it was because he thought I was making the pancakes too thick.

I had no idea why he was so rabid towards me all the time. I knew why I returned the favour, however.

God, how I knew.

He was gorgeous.

My constant and nightly wet dream. The fact that those dreams were consistently demolished by the sick sounds of his girlfriend in the adjacent room, that accounted for my less than polite attitude towards the brunette.

I don’t know what made me finally snap, but I shoved him.


I watched with an angry glare as Henry’s back collided with the wall.

He stood shocked for a moment, then returned my glare and moved to shove me into the table. The sharp pain to my lower back never came however, as he practically threw me onto the table top, lips colliding with mine mid flight.

I inhaled sharply as I hit the table and felt Henry’s hot tongue enter my mouth. I reached down and dragged my fingernails hard across his lower back.

“Fuck Darcy.” He gasped, ripping his mouth away from mine and arching his back, groin rubbing against mine.

I let out a low groan, grabbing Henry’s ass hard and flipping us. I grabbed Henry’s wrists in my hands and pinned them above his head, kissing him hard and grinding down slowly on his crotch.
Hissing as I felt Henry bite my lips, I moved my head to his neck as I abandoned his wrists and began tugging at his top, raking my fingers over his abdomen.

I was just about to start in on his belt when I felt a sharp pain in my skull. Henry had grabbed a fistful of my hair and as he flipped us again, we fell, colliding with… something. I was a little too distracted to care.

I had barely gotten my bearings before Henry rose up and tore my shirt over my head. As one we dove for each others zippers, tugging on belt buckles.
I let out a loud groan as I felt Henry’s hand bury itself in my crotch. I responded by literally ripping his shirt from his body.

It was old, flimsy and had a tear in the neckline, can you really blame me?

I panted hard as Henry sucked on my neck, rhythmically stroking my cock whilst grinding his own into my leg.

Then… he was gone.

Fuck! What the hellare you doing?”

I could hear crashing in the kitchen but couldn’t find the energy to get up. The throbbing between my legs was almost painful; I took the matter into my own hands.

As a particularly overwhelming shot of pleasure went through me, I threw my head back, arching upwards. My eyes almost glazed over as I saw Henry, upside down, standing there. He was holding a bottle of oil loosely in his left hand, gazing at me with a look of pure lust, remnants of his shirt hanging loosely around hard abs.

I smiled impishly and spread my legs a bit more, groaning as I ran my free hand over my chest.

In another second he was on top of me again, kissing me hard, ripping my hand away from my crotch.

I allowed him to turn me over, rising to grind my ass into his crotch. He groaned quietly and bit into the junction between my neck and shoulder.

Henry’s nails blazed down my thighs as he pulled my jeans down lower. I heard the oil cap pop and a second later, my eyes rolled back in my head as his finger entered me.

“Geez, I thought you’d never been with a guy before.” A second finger entered, my forehead grinding into the ground.

“I haven’t… the internet was a wonderful invention.”

Later I would probably confront him over the fact that this was obviously premeditated, but right now…

He was done preparing me and I gripped Henry’s left hand, which he was using to brace himself, tightly as I felt his cock push into me.

I was breathing harshly and still hadn’t lifted my head from the ground. Sure, I had been prepared, but contrary to popular belief I hadn’t gotten any for a while, so it still hurt.

“Darcy?” Henry’s voice whispered from my shoulder uncertainly.

He mirrored my grip on his left hand by covering my right hand with his.

Move.” I growled out, bucking back slightly.

He moaned as he pulled out slightly, starting up a steady rhythm.
Each thrust was punctuated with a soft puff of breath against the overheated skin of my neck.

He was moving so painfully slowly, so steadily, it was driving me insane.

Just as my arms were about to collapse, I felt Henry’s own arms encircle my waist, pulling me up so I was sitting on his thighs, head thrown back over his shoulder.

He grabbed my cock in a strong hand, timing his thrusts with his strokes.

I don’t think I’m going to survive this.

I was completely lost in ecstasy, only vaguely aware of the teeth biting into my neck as I came with the most painfully wonderful orgasm that I could remember.

I remained panting in Henry’s embrace as he licked at the wound on my neck, massaging my stomach lightly.

“I still think the pancakes were thin enough.”

A grin spread across my face as Henry nipped my neck and whispered.

“Fuck you again, Darcy.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please :)

This was my first time writing rough good stuff ;)

Be nice to have some kind of idea of whether or not it was awesome.