Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

A Plan or A Prank?

After Wrath vanished, it took about an hour for Ellie and Claire to show up. Then before I could ask what they had been up to last night without me, they had charged off out, along with Alexx to do interviews for guitar and drum magazines. So I got pretty bored to say the least.

With the weather being so nice it seems best to make the most of it. So i pull on black shorts with a white spiked belt, black bikini top and as much factor fifty sun cream as there is. i grab The Dirt and my iPod then climb on the roof with some cushions to lay on.

After a good hour of relaxing with rock and roll there comes disturbance.

"Where are the girls?" someone says, tugging on the locked door of our bus. I lean over to catch Linus, Skinny, Cat and Anton looking for trouble, peering into our accommodation.

Silently I lean back to grab the drink of Jager and coke i brought up with me, then back to them and gently drip it onto their heads

They look at eachother bewildered and up once I back off out of sight. Then all I hear is foreign words spoken.

"Morbid, we know it's you. Come out!" Skinny calls.

"Nah, it's nice up here" I chime with a grin on my face.

"Fine, we'll come get you then," Linus says when I poke my head over the edge to smile at them.

"Who's going to get her?" Anton mutters.
They all look at one another with dazed expressions.

"I am not climbing up anywhere," Linus decides.

"I can't" Skinny says.
They all stare at Cat.

"I don't know why you want her down anyway" He mumbles in response.

"Come on guys, leave me alone" I whine.

"No, we're bored and need someone to entertain us," Anton replies.

"Ok but it'll cost ya" I giggle. "No seriously guys leave me be"

"Cat, go get her down."

"Wankers" I growl, deciding to get down without a fight. They're gonna get their own way simply because there's more of them and i've cornered myself anyway.

"How did you know it was me anyway?" I ask as my feet touch the ground.

"Everyone else is doing interviews.we get information too" Linus answers.

"Wrath isn't though. Where is she?" Anton points out.

"Good call. I've not seen her in a few hours." I flip out my phone and press in her digits. It rings and rings and rings.

"Hello?" a deep American accent answers.

"Where's Wrath?" I snap. She always answers her own phone.

"Right here. One minute,"
Theres shuffling and laughing, my heart hammers in my chest and the guys all look at me with concerned expressions.

"Hellooo this is Wrath, how may I service you?" she answers.

"Wrath where the hell have you gone?" I screech down my handset.

"Chill out Lois!" She giggles, "I'll be back soon and explain everything then."

"But where are you?" I glower at the floor.

"Aaron's place. Look i'll be back in half an hour ok?"

"Right!" I rage and hang up on her.

"What's happened? Where is she?"

"At some guys house! i'm so mad right now.

"Have a drink." Skinny advises.

So I unlock the bus door and we all go inside to rape the alcohol stash. I place on the table Jack Daniels, vodka, sambuca, Southern Comfort and of course Jagermeister. So I sit myself down with a glass and coke for the Jager while the boys help themselves. Half an hour later Wrath herself shows up like she said she would.

By now i'm in such a delightful mood I can't be mad.

"So...where did you go?" I demand.

"Well it was really weird you that my Southern Comfort?" she interrupts herself.

"Yes, don't change the subject."

"Wench. Well I went to get some fags and after I spoke to some fans I was walking back when these guys pulled up in a car. i almost shit myself, I thought they were gonna kidnap and rape me seriously, but turns out they were fans too, hot ones, and just wanted to hang out with me. Though I did tell them not to be so forceful in future." Wrath giggles.

"That is the most retarded story I ever heard" I roll my eyes and sip my drink.

"Yeah well you are the most retarded person I ever met

"Suck dick" I comment, finishing my glass and checking the time. "Well, kids looks like we will be getting soundcheck calls soon." I get off my ass and climb over Cat to get free of the seating.

Skinny, Anton, Linus and Cat all stare at Wrath and I cluelessly.

"Chop chop!" Wrath claps, urging them to action, which works as they all file out.

"Wrath, I got a great idea" I mutter to her.

"Do tell," She smiles.

"Go find the girls, they should be back by now. All you need to do is get those three to distract Marionette and Deathstars, their management too if possible. Then find some screwdrivers."

As my plan goes ahead and takes half an hour, we join everyone for Deathstars sound check.
I sit at the bar with my usual poison and watch Cat, trapped in a daze.

"Hi Wrath, how are you today?" Andreas comes over to us.

"Fine now, no thanks to you and your bloody drinking games" she giggles.

"I had fun last night Wrath. I'd like to do it again sometime, unless of course you can't handle that" he smirks.

"Of course I can handle it you donkey!"

"Donkey?" I spit half of my drink out and choke on the rest which I was in the process of swallowing.

"Breathe Morbid, breathe!" Wrath laughs, slapping my back to clear my airway.

"You're a whore" I choke out and sit back up, breathing deeply.