Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Jealousy Goes A Long Way

It wasn't long before someone noticed; With Cat around we figured we'd cause mass hysteria (well, within our band, Deathstars and Marionette) within seconds.

"Oh my fucking god! OH MY GOD" Cat screamed, rushing into the room, pulling everyone from their convosations. Morbid and I glanced at each other exhanging brief smirks before placing innocent and concerned expressions on our faces.

"What's wrong now? Lost your mirror or something?" Skinny laughed, sipping from the beer bottle clutched in his hand.

"YES! That's exactly what's wrong! They're all gone...From the tour bus, from the bathroom...everywhere! Even my special mirror collection I keep in my wallet" He shouted, looking livid and worried.

"What?! Are you sure?!" I asked, acting outraged.

"YES! What the fuck am I going to do? We're on in like...half an hour! OH MY GOD!" He screeched, on the verge of having a heart attack.

"Oh FUCK! How am I supposed to do my make up??" Skinny exclaimed.

"I feel lost without at least one mirror" Cat mumbled solemly.

"Well they can't have gone far...Calm the fuck down Cat" Andreas instructed him, rolling his eyes at his melodramatic tendencies.

"Well they were all here earlier...I mean, we were talking to the girls for ages...then we came here...and then Cat tells us this" Andreas pondered.

"The girls? Not all of us were there" Claire smirked, glancing towards us. Everyone in the room turned towards us, sliding us looks of accusation. I suppose she had to give them hints.

"I don't know why you're looking at us! We were in the tour bus!" I exclaimed, placing an angry look on my face even though I was dying to burst into giggles.

"Yeah! Why are me and Wrath always the ones to be accused of such crimes?!" Morbid exclaimed.

"Give me my mirrors" Cat demanded, his tone dark to match the expression on his face.

"We don't have your stupid mirrors!" Morbid replied.

"Give me my fucking mirrors...Now!" He shouted.

Morbid stood up, grabbing my arm and tugging me so I was standing up alongisde her.

"RUN" She screamed, dragging me out of the room as we fled, laughing hysterically as we went. We broke into a run as we heard heavy footsteps behind us, indictating someone was chasing us. I briefly turned my head and burst out laughing.

"Cat" I shouted to Morbid, who looked behind her aswell.

We turned down a long corridor, and Morbid shoved me into a closet, slamming the door behind her as she stood next to me. We heard Cat running past, shouting "Fucking bitches! Give me my mirrors", aswell as many other footsteps, telling us everyone searching for us and their mirrors.
As the footsteps faded, Morbid and I burst into hysterical laughter. Perfect.

"Oh so this is where you hid them?" I muttered, turning around to see what seemed to be a thousand mirrors.

"Yes! And I put our stage clothes and make up and everything in here, aswell as some Southern Comfort and Jager so we can chill and get ready, so we don't have to get out until we're on stage" She grinned, sitting down on the dusty floor.

"Jesus, you really thought this out didn't you?" I smirked, joining her on the floor and reaching for my Soco. I handed Morbid her Jager and we started drinking.


We spent about two hours in that closet; In that time we had drained our bottles, done our make up and changed into our clothes.
I was wearing a glittery dress with ripped up fishnets and 6 inch platform stilletto's. Morbid was wearing skin tight black skinny jeans and a cropped neon pink shirt with a lightning bolt on it with 7 inch platform stilletto's. Bitchin'.

"Right...What we'll do is, we'll check the coast is clear, then head in the direction of the stage. We might not bump into any of them" Morbid told me, checking herself in the mirrors.

"Cat is going to fucking kill us you know" I grinned drunkenly.

"Never mind! I bet everyone else will see the funny side" She giggled.

Morbid carefully opened the door, and stuck her head out. She gestured to me that the coast was clear and we made our way to where the stage was, making as little noise as we could in the shoes we were wearing. We successfully got the stage, just in time for us to go on.

"Oh my god, Cat is SO pissed at you guys" Ellie laughed, as she began to tell us details of the last few hours along with Alexx and Claire adding to it aswell.

Again, we played an engergetic mind blowing show. Just as I was about to stumble off stage, I noticed two very familar guys in the audience; Aaron and Matt, the two hot fans from earlier.

"I spy two sexxi boys! You two are coming back stage!" I announced down the microphone, pointing at them.

They glanced at each other and grinned, then proceeded to make their way to where the security men were.

"Oh god, get ready for some bitching" Morbid told me as we stumbled back stage to find a very livid Cat, aswell as the other bands all glaring at us.

"It was a fucking joke!" Morbid yelled before anyone could say anything. As usual, it turned into a yelling match between Cat and Morbid. Morbid stormed off, with Cat following her behind her. As I watched their retreating forms, I kind of figured they were going for a shag or something.

"Still ignoring me?" Someone asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

"I'm not ignoring you; I'm just trying not to waste my time on wankers like you" I told Mikael, raising an eyebrow.

"Can I at least just tell you-" He started say defensively.

"No! Go and fuck Claire or whoever you were fucking last night" I spat, interupting.

"What the fuck?! I didn't go near-" He started, but I shrieked in delight, cutting him off.

Aaron and Matt had just wandered into the dressing room, their eyes scanning the room. I turned my back on Mikael, and ran towards them, jumping into their arms.

"SEXXI BOYS" I screamed, kissing them both on the cheeks.

Matt was the one I thought was more attractive; he had bright blonde hair that was backcombed and gorgeous green eyes that were smudged with eyeliner. Aaron looked smiliar but his face wasn't as pretty as Matt's.
I introduced them to random people around the room, and they engaged in convosation with Skinny, Alexx and Claire, whilst Mikael glared at them from across the room.
Seeing this, I flirted outrageously with Matt, laughing at him, kissing him on the cheek and snaking an arm around his waist as he spoke. It wasn't long before he stormed from the room and out of sight. Job fuckin' done.
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I hope everyone enjoyeeeeed this ;D xxx