Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Someones Gonna Get hurt

"Morbid that cannot be classed as a joke that was sick to say the very least!" Cat yells at me

"Oh for fucks sake it's not like I stole your fucking eyeliner or straighteners! We only moved it! You can have it all fucking back you whiney bitch!" I scream back at him.

"Go and fucking get it now then!" he demands.

"You're a dick" I spit with a dirty look, charging off towards the cupboard where they're all stashed.
Behind me he starts muttering in Swedish.
I unlock the door and fling it open.

"You're a bitch" he scowls.

"Yeah well..." I struggle for something that would really insult him, "your kissing sucks!" I stomp away a few steps before he gasps and grips my arm, yanking me back and pushing me into the door backwards.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" he shrieks in my face.

"Your kissing sucks," I repeat slowly but still angrily, unsure of myself for some reason.

"Coming from you!" he glares.
Wow, if looks could kill. His eyes, thickly lined with black, are almost clear and inches from mine, wide with rage.

"Yeah," I push him back; "coming from me" I press him onto the opposite wall, clenching my teeth.
I can feel his breath heating up on my face now. After a few minutes I step back and charge off to the tour bus for a drink in peace, well that’s what I have in mind.
Stepping up past the door in the dark, I go to close it and as I turn around a shape is in front of me and my back crashes onto the floor, connecting hard. The door closes and I smell Pussy Cat. Breathing deeply I feel that melting sensation again as his lips press to mine tightly.
I shift my weight and roll him underneath me.

"What is your deal?" I whisper, leaning back down, kissing him again, and giving into everything I shouldn't be.

"Maybe you should ask yourself the same thing" he replies, sitting up so I'm stuck on his lap and he's kissing me even harder.

"Linus, let it go!" Ellie calls, echoing through the parking lot.

"Let what go? I'm only concerned that they've not torn each other apart," Linus replies.

I jump to my feet instantly as does Cat. We stand hidden in the dark shadows of my bus, unseen and unheard.

"Linus...let her go!" she advises.

"I don't know what you mean."

"For fucks sake!" Ellie cries out, "she isn't about to get with you! Not now and not for the foreseeable future!" she continues, exhausted.
My heart skips a beat. What the fuck did I miss?
"If she wants anybody then it's fucking Cat ok? So get over it and let her fucking go!"

"That's bullshit, Ellie. Those two hate each other in case you didn't notice," Linus shouts after her, footsteps storming away, most likely hers which stop.

"In case you didn't notice, they may act like they hate each other but that’s what women do sometimes, and if you think that doesn't apply to Cat then you're fucking blind because he's clearly part woman!"


"Fuck right off!" famous last words of Wrath, Ellie and Morbid, is what she uses.
Their footsteps quickly disappear.
Once they have, I turn on the light in the bathroom and sort my messed hair. I flick the light back off, grab a bottle of Jagermeister from my stash and go back outside. Cat joins me and we walk in silence back to the dressing room.

"Ah, still alive children? Thought those two would have found you by now" Alexx comments as we take seats.

"Well I heard something as I was getting my Jager but I've not seen them" I reply, opening the bottle and sipping from it.
I glance at Cat whom shakes his head in agreement.

With Wrath prancing about the room attached to this blonde guy, it's apparent that Mikael is absent, not that it seems to upset her at all that is.
An idea springs to mind for tomorrow night, bringing a smile to my lips.
I go in search of management and find our next destination before finding a laptop to complete my scheme.

I return to everybody and order that we go out to the clubs for some drinks and do it....which entails over doing it. As I always say, "If you're gonna do it, over-do it".

"Shots!" I call.
By the end of the night Gutterpussy's table has about fifty empty shot glasses littering it aswell as several bottles of wine and last thing I remember is being given a tablet with a love heart on from Wrath and swallowing it happily before raving to whatever was on.

"Alexx isn't breathing!" I'm awoken by Claire's scream.

"What?" Wrath charges over to where those two must be, "Yes she is you fucking cock end!"
There's a thud.

I struggle to get up, and when I do, all I find is Alexx passed out in the drivers seat of the bus, Wrath collapsed back in her bunk, Claire sliding down the stairs and through the open door while lighting a cigarette and I appear to have slept face down across the coffee table with a familiar looking bracelet wrapped around my wrist.

"Isn't that Cat's?" Wrath exclaims, looking over the metal.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that was stupidly short and I'm sorry but it will get better.