Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

The Interview

"What the FUCK?" Morbid exclaimed as she peered down at her wrist at the delicate looking bracelet.

"Looks like someones claimed ownership over you" I giggled, tugging at it playfully. She wrenched her arm away from me and glowered through her thick fringe in my direction.

"Don't be so gay! It's probably Linus's" She shrugged.

"Sure sure...What the fuck were those pills last night? They were mad. Good, but mad" I asked, blurred memories of last night flooding my mind.

"I dunno but they were awesome! Before we leave to the next place, you and me have an interview to go to"

"What, just us two?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yes, because we're obviously the most awesome" Morbid grinned. "Nah, they just want to feature it on us because you know, it's Wrath and Morbid"

"Oh! That's cool...Let's not tell the others though, they may get a bit pissed off" I told her quietly.

"Agreed; So you better get a shower or something, you look like Edward Scissorhands but with red hair...and tits"

"Oh fuck you! You look like uh...Ed Gein on crack" I replied lamely, before jumping up and wandering into the bathroom to take a shower.
After I was clean once again, I dried my hair, styled it Nikki Sixx style, and applied my make up. I pulled on a glittery boob tube, glittery skinny jeans and a leather jacket along with some stripper shoes.

"Bitch! I am ready to go!" I shouted as I wandered back to where Morbid was sat, smoking.

"Good! I'm not" She grinned before rushing past me and into the bathroom.

I grumbled angrily and sparked up a cigarette, wondering what to do to pass the time.
As I was contemplating finding some alcohol, there was a knock on the tour bus door. I pulled the door open to see Andreas, Skinny and Cat standing there.
I stepped out of the bus and pulled the door shut behind me.

"Morning!" I chimed, grinning at them.

"It's the afternoon Wrath...but hi!" Skinny replied, hugging me

"It's morning in my world...and to what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked, tilting my head to the side as I looked at the three of them.

"We're fucking bored! Someone said we can't leave because SOMEONE has an interview first" Skinny smirked, shaking his head in mock annoyance.

"Yes! I found out about it like, half an hour ago...I don't even know what it's for. Fuck it" I shrugged.

"How unorganised" Cat said, shaking his head.

"Shut up and grow some tits!" I shouted. "Oh and could you guys do us a favour? If anyone asks where me and Morbid have gone, can you tell them we're gone fishing?"

"Fishing?! Jesus christ Wrath, think of something believeable at least!" Andreas exclaimed, grinning.

"My mind isn't working yet, so suck my dick" I giggled.

"We all know your mind hasn't been working since...well, it never has been working" Cat smirked.

"Slander!" I screeched, and before I could stop myself to think of the reaction, I ruffled his hair as much as I could so it looked an absolute mess. As soon as I had done this, I ran behind Andreas to hide.

"Ugh! You're so fucking annoying!" Cat sighed angrily before stomping off to fix his hair.

"He thinks you and Morbid were put on the Earth to annoy the shit out of him" Skinny grinned as we watched his retreating back.

"We were, obviously" I laughed.

It wasn't long before Morbid joined us outside. She was wearing ripped blue skinny jeans with a bullet belt, black cowboy boots and a black leather jacket with a tight Motley Crue shirt underneath.

"Hey guys! Right, come on whore...we're already about 20 minutes late. Thank fuck we only have to go into the venue" She informed me, grabbing my arm and tugging me to the venue which was only a minute away.
We went inside and were ushered into a room where the interview was to take place. We were greeted by two aging men, one stood behind a large camera that was mounted on a tripod (HAHA TRIPOD).

"Finally! You made it!" One of the guys exclaimed, grinning broadly.

"Yeah, sorry we're a bit late...We kind of had a wild night last night" Morbid replied as we sat down opposite them.

"No problem, no problem...Do you mind if we start straight away? We understand you have to get to the next place as soon as possible" The guy said. Morbid and I nodded, and within seconds the interview had began.

"Hey! I'm Nick from Buzznet, and I'm here with Wrath and Morbid of Gutter Pussy!" He announced, and we waved at the camera.

"So, hows the tour going for you guys?" He asked straight away.

"It's amazing; all we do is get wasted, hang out and most importantly, play our gigs. It's fucking insane" Morbid replied, smiling.

"Fucking right! Some people may get sick of doing the same thing over and over for a month or whatever, but it's never the same every night. It'll never get boring" I told Nick, my tone laced with excitement.

"That's good to hear! So I heard a new nick name that people are calling you...wanna hear it?"

"Oh god, is it bad?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"No, it's pretty cool...people are calling you the Horror Hoes and the Trash you mind people giving you nicknames?"

"I like the Trash Twins" Morbid giggled. "No, not at all, I like the nicknames people call us by"

"It's pretty cool people are recognising us together, not one or the other...It's always been me and Morbid. As long as people call us something which refers to the both us, I don't give a shit. People could start calling us the uh...Ugly Cunts or something and I wouldn't give a shit" I stated, causing Nick to laugh.

"And I'm sure you get alot of critisism about what you do, with all the partying and shit...what do you think of people that are against the typical rockstar life?" He asked.

"I think that it's none of their business to be honest. We do what we want and we don't exactly tell people to act like us; it's their own stupid fault if they see us a role models" Morbid replied.

"Yeah and it's not as if we're doing heroin or anything like that! We're young and we're having fun...that's what people our age are supposed to do. Especially people our age in bands" I said, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"I totally agree! Anyway, enough of the boring questions you probably get asked all the time...We're going to play a game called 'Fuck, Date or Dump'! I'm going to say the name of a celebrity and you have to reply with either of those three words...Ready?" He announced, looking excited for some reason.

"Yeah" Morbid and myself replied, smiling. This was different.

"Nikki Sixx"

"Fuck" Me and Morbid replied at the same time, causing us to giggle.

"Brad Pitt"

"Ew, Dump" Morbid exclaimed.

"I dunno...maybe fuck, if he looked how he does in Interview With A Vampire"

"Bill Kaulitz"

"Dump" Morbid replied automatically.

"Fuck! And date! He's gorgeous" I replied, grinning.

"Here's one that's going to cause a stir...Cat Casino, who you're currently on tour with" He smirked.

"Oh my god! You can't ask me that!" Morbid exclaimed, looking kind of shocked.

"Only because you would do anything but dump him" I cackled, highly amused at her embarassment.

"What about you Wrath?" Nick asked.

"Dump; I totally couldn't do that to Morbid. Morbid loves him you see"

"Wrath! Shut the fuck up! No I don't!" She squeeled.

"You totally do" I smirked.

"How about Andreas Bergh? Another person you're on tour with" Nick asked, just as Morbid was about to retaliate.

"HAHA!" Morbid laughed, glancing at the blush on my face.

"I would fuck him...and probably date him. At least i'm not trying to hide it" I shrugged casually.

"Fuck you Wrath! And I would have to say dump...He's a friend" Morbid nodded.

"Thank you so much for sparing some time to talk to us, we understand you guys are really busy due to the tour and stuff...We hope we get to speak to you again in the future!" Nick announced.

"No problem! We'll deffinatley do and interview or something with you guys again" I grinned.

After we said our goodbyes to Nick and the camera man, we wandered outside and walked in the direction of the tour bus, sparking up a cigarette as we went.

"You better hope to god Cat doesn't see that...So embarassing. His ego would inflate about 2398402 times if he did" Morbid told me, her tone dark.

"You hope to god Cat doesn't see what?" Someone asked from behind us.
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Comments would be lovely! I hope you enjoyed this parrrt :)x