Death Dies Harder in the Gutter


"We're going for a drink. NOW" I demand, a murderous expression on my face. I grabbed Andreas by the arm and pretty much dragged him away from his convosation with Skinny and Alexx.
It had been a few days since that getting naked infront of the fans incident, and the end of the tour was drawing nearer and nearer. I realised this, and found myself spending more time with Andreas. Not anything like that, he was just good to drink with I guess.

"What's wrong?" Andreas asked and I stomped down the street, my cowboy boots making angry sounds on the concrete.

"One guess" I sighed, glancing sideways at him.

"Mikael?" Andreas smirked.

"Yes; He won't leave me ALONE!" I shouted, gaining myself some startled glances from random people walking by.

"Oh dear...What's he done now?!"

"Right, you know before the show I went out to get some cigarettes? Well I came back to find him sitting in the tour bus...on his own. The girls were in your tourbus, playing 'scrabble' as Ellie told me...Scrabble being the codeword for drugs, but he was just sat there" I rambled.

"How did he get in your tourbus?!" Andreas asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I haven't a clue...but I told him to get the fuck out of my tour bus, and do you know what he said? Do you know what he fucking said?" I raged, my tone getting higher as I spoke.

Andreas shrugged in reply, indicating for me to carry on.

"He said 'We can't avoid this any longer Wrath...I think I love you'" I shouted.

Andreas stood there for a few seconds, before he burst out laughing. I noticed how gorgeous his smile was, but pushed these thoughts from my mind by slapping him playfully on the arm.

"It's not fucking funny! Its inappropriate and grotesque to be quite honest...He's such a wanker. He's really pissed me off" I grumbled.

"So what did you say to him?"

"I told him to fuck off, stop being so damn stupid and leave me the hell alone. I also told him if he ever said it again I rip his dick off and make him eat it" I replied casually.

"Evil...I like it" Andreas nodded in approval, causing me to grin.

"I'll actually be glad for this tour to be over...That's how much he's pissing me off and you know how much I love playing shows" I told him as we found a decent looking bar and went in.

"Well at least you know now, never to let them on tour with you again" Andreas smirked.

"Damn fuckin' straight!"

The interior of the bar was very modernised, but dark. The people that were standing around with their friends indicated this was a place for alternative people to hang out. The music, which I regonsied to be The Cure, was also an indication. Good choice!

"You get the drinks, i'll find us a table over there" I told Andreas before walking off in the direction I had pointed in.
I struggled to push past crowds of people, but eventually discovered an empty table in the corner. Perfect.

"Hey, Are you Wrath?" Someone asked, causing me to look up at them.
A tall guy with long blue dreadlocks stood before me, his clothes baggy and his face full of metal.

"I am indeed" I replied.

"Great show earlier! You guys were amazing! Can I have a picture with you?!" He asked excitedly.

"Sure!" I smiled, standing up next to him. He grabbed a small silver camera and held it at arms length. I grinned at the camera and waited for the picture to be taken. After a flash, he placed the camera back into his pocket, and thanked me.

"There you are!" I heard Andreas exclaim just as I sat back down.

"Where else would I be?!" I smiled.

"You pointed to the other side of the room! And I see some of your fans are here...At the bar, people were saying 'Wrath's here! Oh my god!" Andreas giggled, putting on a high pitched voice as he did an impression.

"Yeah, someone just asked me for a picture. Something tells me there will be alot more tonight" I sighed, taking a large sip from my glass of Soco and Coke.

"Oh god" Andreas growled, a dark expession on his face as he glared to the other side of the room.

"What?!" I asked as I followed his gaze.

I let out an annoyed sound as I saw Mikael flirting with a thin blonde girl, occasionally glancing in our direction. Fucking great.

"He's fucking stalking me!" I exclaimed, not quite believing this was happening.

"He totally is! And he's flirting with some girl to try and piss you off...but I have an idea" Andreas grinned.

Andreas slid an arm around my shoulders, and leaned close to me, so his lips were near my neck.

"Just follow my lead...if this doesn't make him go away, I dunno what will" Andreas whispered in my ear, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Andreas began kissing my neck, until his lips found mine. After five minutes of making out, we pulled away to see Mikael glaring at us.
I smirked at him before raising my hand to Andreas and turning his face towards me. With that, I pressed my lips on his and we began making out again.
With one swift movement, Andreas had pulled me onto his lap, causing me to giggle. After a while, I began to realise that this wasn't just a plan was actually happening and we were both enjoying it. We wern't even drunk yet!

"I think he's gone!" I whispered, pulling away to glance across the room.

"Has he? I think we'd better carry on, just in case" Andreas told me, before kissing me again.
Without a second thought, I kissed him back, revelling in how good a kisser he was compared to the last few guys I'd been kissing.

I pulled away and smile at Andreas.

"I think we should drink now...shots?!" I suggested, moving from his lap and back onto the seat. Andreas sighed, frustrated, but got up and went to the bar. I downed the rest of my drink and glanced across the room, surveying the people.

At the other end of the really long sofa/seat (it went from one side of a wall to the other) I could see another couple making out as if they were two horny teenagers.
I suddenly recognised the leopard print...the glitter...the big hair. And I realised who it was.
Instantly, I started giggling my ass off. I was still laughing when Andreas came back with a tray of 20 shots of random crap.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked.
I pointed in the direction of our friends, and he gasped.

"Oh my GOD! Is that who I think it is? That is sooo not Travis Barker and Mandy Moore!" Andreas exclaimed.

"What the FUCK are you talking about?!" I laughed, his comment increasing the loudness of my laughter. "It's Cat and Morbid you dick"

"WHAT?!?!?!" He exclaimed, leaning forward to take a closer look.

"Yep...They've been randomly making out for weeks. They've not fucked each other yet though, as far as I know" I informed it as we stared at them.

"Really?! How do you know all this?"

"Morbid can't hide anything from me...I'm God you see. I know everything" I nodded, smirking.

"I say we drink these shots, then break up their little rendez-vous" Andreas sighed, taking a shot and pouring it down his throat. We both did these actions ten times, and by the last shot we were rather drunk.

Andreas stood up, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to Cat and Morbid. We loomed over them, until they noticed. They both screeched when they realised we were there.

"Hello Cat" Andreas grinned.

"Andreas...Hi" Cat mumbled.

"How long have you been watching us you fuckin' perverts!?" Morbid shouted.

"We were sat over there for ages...and then I noticed you" I told her, pointing to where we were sat.

"But I saw this couple making out not so long ago...Oh my god! That was totally you!" Morbid exclaimed, bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Oh go fuck yourself...or Cat might do it for you, you were pretty much going at it anyway" I shrugged.

"Shut up you whore! So Wrath and Andy...Andy and Wrath...It sounds lovely" Morbid smirked, pouring a drink down her throat.

"Be quiet, slagbag!" I demanded, throwing myself down onto her.

"AH!" She screeched, shoving me away so I fell on the floor.

"OW!" I roared as my head collided with the floor.

I lay there, not moving. My head hurt too much.

"Wrath, are you alright? Get up!" Morbid asked, peering over me.

"No...Sleepy time" I sighed, closing my eyes.

"Passed out AGAIN! What a fucking lightweight!" Morbid declared.
That was the last thing I heard before I passed out totally.
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I hope everyone enjoyed! Thanks for reading x