Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Vodka In The Veins

We were all pretty stoked to be back on tour, it's where we create the most havoc. Although this time I had someone to leave behind I was hoping to distract myself with the debauchery.
It came as a shock to say the least to discover our support acts. The last time Wrath and I had encountered Deathstars (well Cat and Andy to be precise) the only word which springs to mind to describe it is 'ignoration' although granted that isn't a real word at all. However Marionette were friends of ours, which balanced things right out. After realising the better part of this, Wrath and I took off running down the corridor to find their dressing room.

"Mikael!" Wrath screeched, launching herself through the door and onto their bassist.
At which I also did the same but calling Linus's name instead. The rest of our band followed with puzzled expressions. In turn we greeted the rest of Marionette and up until our curtain call we hung out with them.

"Girls get up there now!" our manager yelled.

"Keep your knickers on, love" I giggled. We all left the room and began down the corridor.

"Cat that is not yours, come back here" someone called as the door next to Marionette's opened and a body collided with mine.
I pushed Cat straight off me as he began to apologise. I just glared at him and he stopped halfway through to glare back at me. Obviously he didn't know what my problem was and I didn't care so we just stood glaring at each other.

"Morbid come on" Ellie tugged on my arm, having known the problem straight off.

"I'm gonna fucking kill whoever got them on this tour with us" I growled.

"At least we have the other guys to make up for it" Wrath pointed out.

I grabbed a bottle of something flavoured vodka and drank half of it while slinging on my bass. I had a further few gulps as our entrance music died down before immediately opening our set with Drunk Girl.
A couple songs later Wrath spoke to the crowd, sending them wild. Alexx and I began what was originally Girls, Girls, Girls and watched as they all sang the words to our version. We then stopped abruptly.
"Now what do you want it to be, one for the girls or one for the guys?" Wrath questioned the fans with a teasing smile. "Well I tell you what, because you boys are just so sexy" she purred, "we will do this one for you."
So Alexx and I began again but harder. As the whole band played along to the Motley Crue song with panache and flair, I did my usual dancing with Wrath, back to back I looked to the side of the stage to find Marionette watching us. My grin spread and I blew them a kiss before separating from my singer and continuing to prance around.

We finished our set with a song called You Cant Hate Me More Than I Do. Just as that ended I caught a glimpse of Cat and Andy stood with Marionette and decided to loose my gaze into the crowd instead.

Tired and sweaty but excited to have finished our first show of the tour successfully; we gulp down the first drinks that come our way.

"He was fucking staring at her, what's with those two?" I hear Claire saying behind me.
I spin around to see her speaking to Ellie and Wrath. Shrugging it off we all go into the dressing room one by one to quickly shower, change clothes, reapply our makeup and restyle our hair into place. We grab a beverage each, a jacket and slip out of the back to greet the fans.
We all spend a good hour and a half, taking photos, signing all manner of things [tickets, underwear, body parts] and talking to everyone. It proves to be extremely fulfilling.

"Are you coming out with us now?" I hear a voice down my ear. I spin round and recognise my Swedish friend immediately.

"Yeah, let's round up the troops" I reply linking my arm with his.
We grab Claire, Alexx, Ellie and Wrath before meeting up with Anton, Jimmy, Aron, and Axel, [Wrath decided to reattach herself to Mikael without being told twice].

The next thing I remember is singing Lesbian by Peppermint Creeps with a bottle of Schnapps in one hand, and Wrath in my other hand.

"Will you be fucking quiet!" someone screams at us as we near our bus.

Something resembling a foreign language is spoken and I realise the only language around here apart from Spanish is likely to be Swedish.
Evidently the first voice is very angry in comparison to the second and third voices who sound much wearier.

"I'm sorry about him, he's on his period" come Skinny from the tour bus, poking his head around the door.

"No I am not!" screams the first voice again.

"Dude, fuck you, we're having fun!" Ellie bellows back.

"Do you know what time it is?!"

"Cat, shut the fuck up now" Andy appears as Cat flies through the door and into the cold night air of the parking lot.

"Oh for fucks sake, get back inside woman!" Wrath cackles, falling against a brick wall of the building.

"I wouldn't be out here if it weren’t for you anyways, why don’t you follow your own advice" Cat glares at her.

"You're on your own" Andy groans, closing the door of their bus.

"You're not my mother, don't tell me what to do kiddo" I roll my eyes and stumble towards my band's bus.

"What's your problem anyway?" Cat shouts in my direction as everybody but Wrath wanders off.

"You're so fucking rude, that’s what my problem is" I snap, pulling Wrath along and inside with me, leaving Cat to pound on the door of his bus in total exasperation of behind both locked out and defeated by women.
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Not the most exciting chapter but it's the start of me getting back to Cat and Andy isn't it.
Let us know what you think.