Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Drug Sex?

Wrath knew better than taking my bull shit word on the subject of actually joining the gang's trip to Stockholm of my own free will. Which is why I'm sat on the plane with love consuming me and a grin on my face; my morning milkshake had been laced with E!

"You're gonna kill us for this, aren't you?" Claire asked, leaning over the back of her seat to face us.

"No, just Wrath cos I know it was all her."
Life is a bitch, and so is Wrath.

We enter the Swedish airport with our hair jacked up and makeup perfected. I wore red stiletto knee high boots, a red Hardcore Superstar custom shirt, black leather pants and jacket, bracelets and necklaces falling from my body.
Wrath had her red leopard jeans on with heeled black cowboy boots, her Peep Show shirt and red leather jacket in her hand.

"Bitches!" Alexx hollered across the terminal, aimed at Deathstars, whom she had spotted.
Her, Claire and Ellie all charged forth, soon followed by Wrath. But I didn't. I didn't see Cat with them. As much as I hate to say it, my heart actually sank to find him absent.

"Morbid, Morbid! Don' be so upset. Cat is waiting outside," Skinny grinned. "You two are so miserable, I don't know what's wrong with you," he tutted.

"Why's he outside?" Wrath asked as Andres put her down after their hug.

"He couldn't find a parking space," Bone replied.

"Should have gotten here earlier," Nightmare added.

"Morbid-" Andreas began, but was cut off by me being dragged out by Alexx and Skinny.

"Cat!" I screeched when I saw him, still fucked off the drugs.

"Morbid?" he stared at me as I sped towards his car. After scanning my expression and pupils, he screwed his face up, "What are you on?"

"It's not my fault!" I protested.

"Morb', get in the fucking car!" Wrath ordered, opening the back door, "Hi cat!" she threw me into the backseat and had Andreas and Ellie put our bags in the boot before climbing into seats themselves.

We arrived at our hotel and checked in, arranging to meet the boys in two hours to go out for the night.

"Wrath, I'm coming down, have you got any more?" I asked, chewing on my finger.

"You're coming down already? Fuck! That’s the last time I get those ones," she mumbled.

"Yeah, who are they from?" I began grinding my teeth together instead of my flesh.

"Allison, shit. I haven't got anymore. As if I'd bring them through customs!"

"Well thanks! Now I'm on a shitty come down after you drugged me!" I stormed into my room feeling dizzy and gurning.
Luckily I'd stashed my powder with me, and by that I mean a legal version of MDMA that I bought from a shop for party purposes. I carved up a decent line and snorted it in hopes that it would bring me back up so I wouldn't be a mess, which it did.
I redid my makeup and hair to perfection and changed into a red satin corset, red high heels and black glittery jeans.
I met the girls in the lounge area of the suite and Wrath, being the only one to know I was on a comedown, looked at me puzzled when I smiled at her.

"You owe me!" I pointed at her.

"Let's go wait at the bar," Ellie suggested, breaking the silence.
So we all wandered down to the bar in our heels and got a drink each while we waited. Twenty minutes early, and the guys arrived, shocking for men, and just stood staring.

"What?" Alexx choked on her drink, trying not to laugh.

"Nothing, nothing"

"No, nothing, let's go."

We hastily drained our drinks and stood up.
"Morbid, a second please, Cat stopped me.
We walked over to a corner of the bar while everyone else left. What's going on? What happened to not seeing each other?" he questioned.

"Wrath and her Cupid E pills happened," I replied. "Aren't you glad to see me anyway? You told me the idea wasn't fair."

"yes, but I'm confused. Andreas told me you would come, but it's under false presences. You don't want to be here," he said sadly, getting up from his seat.

"It's not my fault!" I whimpered pathetically. The ecstasy was making me feel awful for making him unhappy, more so than I normally would, which was unbearable.

But we somehow managed to smile as we climbed into the taxi which was waiting outside. It took us to a club, which the boys led us inside of.
The music was good and the drinks seemed to be cheap. Drink after drink, shot after shot, we all got fucked up and everything was excellent.
Except then I decided to find Cat and speak to him, even though drunken talks are always a bad idea. When I found him, he was surrounded by stunning girls. Even in a drunken state, I knew he was flirting with them and having more fun than he ever could with me. the depressing kick to alcohol came into action, and the powder had worn away a long time ago and I felt smaller and uglier than anything.
Whether he saw me or not, I don't know but he didn't care if he had. I tried to stop but tears welled up in my eyes and I bolted for the door. I ran up the steps and outside, looking around frantically, not knowing what to do. I saw Alexx on the pavement with a cigarette. She looked up at me and her smile faded. She got to her feet.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I wanna go back to the hotel, I'm fucked," I almost lied.

"Ok, we'll go," she flicked the fag filter into the bin and I hailed a cab.
We got into it and told the driver the address. Alexx text messaged someone to tell them that we had gone back and I stayed silent. When we got back into the suite, I grabbed the bag of powder and we had about three fourths of it before things got…weird.
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THANK YOU FOR COMMENTS! Oh and I'm really sorry it took forever!