Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Alibis And Ammunitions

I woke up to a bitch of an aching stomach, my head hurt and I just wanted to die. Then I sat up and noticed the leg. I turned slightly and saw the body in my peripheral. Women are not the usual suspects.
I pulled on some underwear and then grabbed my clothes, tidying up and getting clean so I could go and take a shower.
I washed all the Alexx sweat off me, shuddering at the thought and then got redressed in my usual black ripped skinnys, black Rob Zombie t-shirt and heeled boots. I combed my hair and set my makeup into place as always and then went to find breakfast. The phone in my room rang and I sighed, remembering I had a radio interview this morning.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good Afternoon, this is Key 103, are we speaking to Morbid of Gutterpussy?" the radio show host bellowed.

"Yes, yes you are. Good afternoon" I tried to be nice, taking the cordless into the kitchen to find a milkshake.

"How are you today? You've just come off an exciting tour and we hear you're already in Sweden away for pleasure!"

"Well I woke up with my naked guitarist next to me so I'm slightly confused and yes we are in Sweden and the Four Seasons hotel. Its very nice." I said as cheerily as possible after realising we don’t have a kitchen in a god damn hotel suite!

"Your guitarist? Whoa wild night?" the host persisted.

"I guess so."

"So, was the tour good? What's on the agenda next for your controversial, not to mention, loud rock band?"

"I'm not sure, I guess a lot of CD signings around the country and maybe the world. I imagine there's another tour being drawn up for Europe. The last one was so much fun. I love being on tour." I pulled the phone away from my mouth to yawn.

"Who do you think will be supporting on this next tour?" she questioned.

"You know what? I have no clue because we didn't find out that detail on the last tour, until the actual gig. At the time we were really pissed off. But fuck it, it was all good in the end."

"OK. Thank you for that revealing insight into the life of Gutterpussy, Morbid. Take care and don't do anything we wouldn't do." She laughed.

"Trust me, I'll probably do everything you wouldn't do. Bye!" I said in high pitch before pausing and hanging up.


"Morbid!" Wrath came charging into my presence, "Where is Alexx?" she said worriedly.

"Chill your beans. She's in my room" I shrugged.

"Why?" her eyebrows raised at me.

"How should I know. Don't go in there though. I left her masturbating with some tissue under her," I advised.

"That's fuckin' disgustin'" she screwed up her features at me before wandering off, probably to get dressed.

"And where the fuck were you, dirty stop out?" I called after her to gain no response from the fiery singer.

I flopped onto the sofa in front of the TV and ordered coffee and bagels with cheese from room service.

"What happened to you guys last night?" Ellie asked, sitting beside me in her pyjamas.

"Ah I got sick off Sambuca shots and wanted to come home…well back here. I swear I hate that stuff now" I sighed.

"Lightweight. Stick to your Jager."

"Don't you fuckin' worry. I will."

Ellie's jaw dropped down as she looked across the room. I turned to look too, only to be blinded.

"Argh! Put some clothes on you freak!" Ellie called.

"Oh, fucker!" Alexx shrieked, eyes wide as saucers still. She ran away to her room with her back towards us.

"Wasn't that your room that she just came out of?" Ellie quirked an eyebrow.

"Yeah" I shrugged, "Don't look at me like that, I was the one waking up with it in there. I deserve sympathy!"

Ellie just looked back to the TV set and stare at the pictures, probably not taking any of it in.

Around four o'clock, the guys all called round. Being all out of my MD, I wasn't in the highest spirits, especially considering that Cat was still ignoring me. I claimed fatigue and retired to my room with a bottle of Jager and Kiss and Makeup for the five millionth time.

I woke up the next morning with the bottle still in my hand, the lid off and none spilt, it being upright.

"Morbid!" a mass shrieked which made me jump and rush to put the lid on.

"Whattt?" I groaned.

"What the fuck is this shit?!" Alexx came storming into my room, followed by everybody else, clutching at a magazine. She threw it in front of me so it rolled out and I could peer at the front cover. There was a paparazzi picture of us on the cover with Alexx and myself circled, written beneath it "Lesbian Love Romp. Morbid Tells All".

"You guys are joking right?" I yawned.

"What the fuck did you do this for?" Alexx screamed, utterly offended.

"Dude, this is all made up. I made one brief comment yesterday on the phone. If you look it's all gonna be shit I would never put together in a sentence, if there is any direct speech from me at all." I droned, un-amused.

They all sauntered out wordlessly, apart from Wrath who sat on my bed and stole my Jager to sip for herself.

"What's your deal? Not mad at me now?" I asked.

"Sorry, Morbid. I didn't read it I just took their side I guess. Alexx was really upset."

"Yeah well...I'm gonna book a flight home tomorrow. I can't be arsed with shit off them and Cat not speaking to me and having no drugs. So yeah I'm gonna go home."

"You're such a drama queen! I got a fat bag of coke the other night."

"Oh so that’s where you went is it? Go do drugs without me. Whore!" I smirked, slapping her knee lightly.

"Sorry. I was off my face anyway. If Andy hadn't found me then I probably would have been raped or died or some shit" she cackled.

"You wankstain" I shook my head. "Well unless Cat stops being a cunt and speaks to me then I'm going home so I can be harassed in the comfort of my own damn flat. And any more accusations will have to wait until I get home." I announced.

"I'll go and get The Cat" she said, heaving herself off my bed and exiting my room, shutting the door behind her.
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I'm sorry it took so long.