Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Jager In The Morning

I had been watching Wrath and Mikael for a while on and off, taking my mind off Cat and his gayness. It came to be a strange occurrence that Andreas stormed off like he did.

"So what did you say to Mike before?" I questioned Linus who was sat beside me.

"Oh just that he wants wrath and is just putting it off" he replies.

"Putting it off? Putting what off?"

"Asking her out, or for sex" he shrugs.

"Well that was random" I say finishing my drink.

"Well it is true that two people like them cannot be so close without having feelings for one another" he adds, staring into my eyes as it would seem.
I tear my stare away from him and leave for the bar as my glass is empty.
I reach it and order a double Jager and coke, Andy is stood beside me and I feel as though I need to speak to him.

"What's wrong?"

His face contorts. "What is her problem? What's your problem with us?" he grunts.

"Answer my question first" I reply, paying for my drink.

"Not before you answer mine" he says, pausing before storming away from me.

"Faggot" I sigh.

"What's up?" Linus startles me with a squeeze around my waist.

"He's a right weirdo" I explain after a slight squeal of surprise.
Linus just gives me a blank stare then orders a heap of shots. I feel my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket to which a find a text message after much fiddling.

I'm sorry. Its over

From my boyfriend. No explanation. Just that. My face freezes. I slam my phone onto the bar in front of me and hold back the tears.

"What's the matter?" Linus grabs my arm and turns me towards him. I keep looking to the ground until he forces my gaze upwards with his fingers under my chin.
"Morbid what's wrong?" he repeats.

I slide my phone towards him, he turns it over and reads the message. Without words he wraps me in his arms tightly.
I struggle free and slam dollar notes on the bar, grabbing shot glasses with my other hand and pounding them down my throat not caring what they even are.

"Easy there" Linus grabs a glass from me.

"Fuck that. I'm the designated drinker" I reply harshly.

He lets me continue before I slump back over to the table.
"Hey wrath" I go to speak but as I look at her, her mouth is busy swallowing the face of Marionette's bassist. Good grief.

My half warped and crazy mind cares not for just being dumped and only more alcohol and good times.

"Fucking assholes!" a scream

I blacked out again didn't I? Now it would seem that I am sat slumped by a bush. I pull myself off the ground and look around, parking lot. I stumble in the direction of the scream and find myself between tour busses.

"Let me back in!"
It's Cat.

"Oh dear, not even your own band likes you anymore" I slur, grabbing the surface.

"Morbid?" he squints into the darkness.

"The one and only!" I giggle.

"Oh great" he sighs, continuing to bang on the door.

"Why are you locked out?" I spark up a cigarette, forgetting why I hated him.

"Because Skinny is fucking someone and I was the last one to get back, so I got locked out" he explains, also lighting himself a fag.

"Oh charming. Well" I open the door to my bus with ease. "...guess you're stuck with us" I say, nearing the end of my smoke. "Unless of course you fancy sleeping in the cold all night that is."

He gives me a strange look. "I thought you hated me"

"Yeah you're meant to hate me too, so nobody has to know about this do they" I wink, stamping out the end on the floor.
He deeply inhales before tossing his to the floor.
"Come on" I smirk, grabbing his wrist and pulling him inside.
I slam the door behind us before checking everyone is inside. Wrath is missing.

"Alexx...Alexx!!" I hiss waking up my guitarist. "Where the fuck is Wrath?" I ask.

"Mmmm..with Mike" she sighs, rolling over. Usually she'd have punched me. I'm kinda glad she didn't.
so I go back and lock the door.

"They might be upset if they find you in here, so you'll have to hide with me" I figure.

"I might not want to hide with you" he answers.

"Well it's your call, hide with me or get burned with straighteners or something in the morning"

"Fine fine" he sighs.

I fall into my wide empty bunk and shuffle next to the wall, getting under the cover fully clothed. He slides in next to me and I pass out.

Light burns my retinas, I go to pull the cover over my eyes. My arms are against something. I pull hair away and find Cat's face. My eyes nearly fall out of the sockets. I look under the cover at us entangled. I'm sure I passed out with clothes on.
I stashed a bottle of Jager somewhere. I sip in, screw on the cap and replace it, shrug and put my arms back around him before falling asleep again.
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I know it was short was eventful plus I wanted it out quickly for you.
Thanks for the subscription whoever it is, now can we have comments?