Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Bar Staff

After a long night of...'playing chess', I untangled myself from Mikael's limbs and stumbled over to our tourbus, so I could possibly make myself feel better. Soon after many attempts of ramming the key into the door, the tour bus opened and Alexx climbed out.

"Hey Wrath...good night I see then?" She winked, scanning me.

I grumbled something random in reply and climbed up the steps to see Ellie and Claire passed out on the sofas, bottles of vodka scattered around them. Typical.
I carefully stepped around the empty alcohol bottles and strode into the section of the bus where all the beds were...and I screamed in horror at the sight I saw; Cat and Morbid entangled on her bunk.

"What the fuck!" I screeched as loud as I could, my eyes like saucers as I stared at them. Surely they hadn't?

"What's all the comotion about?!" Claire asked as her and Ellie walked up behind me to look over my shoulder.

They burst out laughing, and I smirked. It was slightly amusing...They hated each other, and here they were, cuddled up like uh...two cuddled up things. Haha. Ellie grinned as she withdrew her phone from her jeans pocket and took a picture.

"I think Skinny will rather enjoy this...I think i'm gonna send it to him" She giggled, as she pressed the appropriate buttons.

We stood there, giggling for some time, until they started to stare, causing Claire, Ellie and myself to spring from sight and onto the sofas that were a few paces from the beds.
We sat there, whispering to each other and abruptly stopped when Morbid sauntered out, eyeing us suspiciously.

"Hi Morbid!" Claire smiled.

"Uh...Hi" She replied eventually, a hint of suspicion in her voice.

"So...did you have a good night last night?" I asked casually.

"Uh yeah...It was ok" She nodded, standing at the small sink.

"I saw you had fun at the Casino last night" Ellie nodded, strugging to keep a grin off her face.

Claire and myself burst out laughing as Morbid whirled around to face us, casting us confused glances.

" you know then?" She muttered shly after our laughter had simmered down slightly.

"Yes! I walked in to see you all, ontop of each other and so on!" I replied.

"Well for your information, it totally wasn't like that...He got locked out of the tour bus last night, and I found him and said he could stay with us.." She shrugged.

"Whatever you say love, whatever you say" I giggled, totally not believing her.

Morbid leaned over to me, and sniffed.

"EW, you smell like sex!" She screeched loudly, causing me to blush slightly.

I glared at her, as I pushed past her in order to take a shower and change my clothes.


Later on that day, we had arrived at the next venue are were drinking backstage. It was only 10 minutes before we went on. Morbid and Cat were sat on opposite sides of the room, glaring at everyone because Skinny had shown the rest of his bandmates and Marionette the picture Ellie had sent him.

"Cheer the fuck up, emo kid" I grinned, slapping her lightly across the head as I walked by to stand near the stage.

"Fuck you Wrath!" She replied, her tone harsh.

"Oh come on, lighten up. It was funny. You'd do exactly the same if you found me and Andreas in a comprimising position" I shrugged, sliding an arm around her shoulders.
A small grin found its way to her face at that one.

"We still going to do that idea then?" She asked, slinging her bass around her torso.

"Fuckin' right! I've asked them to put random bottles of alcohol behind the amps" I grinned.

Backstage managers rushed around, making sure we all ready to take the stage. Ellie, Alexx, Morbid and Claire, took the stage one by one, in darkness. As they stood there, the crowd went absolutley insane, screaming at them, anticipating the start of the song. Smoke exhaled from the fog machine, as small lights lit up the stage, creating an eerie sort of atmosphere. As the song started, the lights lit up the whole stage, allowing Morbid, Claire, Alexx and Ellie to be in full view. Just before the words started, I strode on stage casually, the crowd cheering at me just as they had at the first sight of the others.
After our first few songs which we played one after the other, I grinned as I spoke down the microphone, spotting the bottles of alcohol placed behind the amps and so on.

"How are the sexxi boys and drunk girls enjoying themselfs so far?" I growled down the mic, nodding my head at the uproar of screams in reply.

I glanced to the edge of the stage, and saw Deathstars and Marionette stood there, as usual.

"Who would like a drink then?" I asked, titling my head as I held up a bottle of Southern Comfort.

The front row screamed and reached out towards me in response.

"You want some, honey? I'll need to see your ID first" I grinned at a black haired guy infront of me. His face was covered in glitter, and his hair fell over his eyes. He was rather attractive. He slid his hand into the pockets of his pants and withdrew an ID card. I took it off him and examined it.
I handed it back to him, along with the bottle of SoCo which he took large sips of and handed it back. I winked at him and turned to Morbid, then back to the crowd.

"Anyone for champagne?" I announced as Morbid grabbed a bottle of champagne, shook it before digging a key into the cork and pulling it out. Champagne erupted from the bottle, which she pointed at the crowd, drenching the first row. She poured alot of it down her throat, then offered it to someone in the crowd, who flashed her his ID.

"Now then...Does anyone want Drugs? Cos we do!" I shouted down the mic as we started one of new songs, We Want Drugs. The crowd loved us, and when it was time for us to retire from the stage, they started chanting for us to come back on. Easily persuaded, we trudged back on stage to play one more song, to the delight of our audience.

"Your nice rockstars!" Skinny grinned as we collapased into the backstage dressing room.

"Damn right. Now lets get fucking wasted!" I announced, pouring half a bottle of vodka down my throat.
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Sorry if it was slightly short :) comments are much appreciated<3 xxx