Death Dies Harder in the Gutter

Goodbye Wrath

"That is the last time I ever go drinking with Andreas" I mumble, stumbling from where I fell asleep and onto the sofa where Alexx and Morbid were.

"You went out with Andreas?!" Morbid exclaimed, looking shocked.
I rested my head on her shoulder and let out a groan as my head thumped angrily.

"Yes...we played about 10 different Swedish drinking games...I was slaughtered after the first one" I replied, closing my eyes as I tried to get comftable on her shoulder.

"Did you fuck him?!" Alexx asked, her voice eager. I could tell she was waiting for some gossip so she could speculate and inform everyone else.

"No! We just went out for a laugh...Jesus, not everyone I go drinking with, ends up fucking me" I told her sternly.

"That's a first!" She giggled, flicking the side of my head as she strode past me to the beds.

"Fucking bitch!" I shouted at her, my eyes still closed. My head pounded, making me feel slightly dizzy.
Morbid pushed me off her, so I fell to my other side, lying down on the sofa now. I listened to her open cupboards and turn a tap on and off. A few seconds later, she thrust a glass of water in my hand, and placed a packet of tablets on the table infront of me. Sitting up, I opened my eyes and swallowed a few tablets, washing them down with water. I faught the urge to gag, and shuddered.
I watched as Morbid sat down opposite me, by the window. She pulled the blinds down, and stared out for a few seconds, before letting the blinds flip back up with a smile on her face.

"Who were you looking at?!" I asked, suspicious.

"No one" She replied quickly.

I narrowed my eyes and leaned across to the window. I pulled down the blinds to see Cat staring out at our bus. What the fuck?

"Did you just smile at him?!" I gasped, sitting back down.

"Maybe" She shrugged, looking bored.

"Tell me everything"

"There's nothing to tell!" She replied defensively.

"Oh fuck off! Just tell me" I told her, rolling my eyes.

"I will...if you swear to me that you won't let it slip to anyone, not even if your drunk" She told me, her voice almost a whisper.

"You know I won' tell me!" I replied impatiently, like a child.

"Well...Me and Cat are ok now...We kissed" She told me, smirking.

"Well that's certainly a shock!" I gasped, smiling back at her.

"What's a shock?!" Alexx asked, strutting back into the room and looking at us expectantly. Talk about satellite ears.

"Nothing!" We both replied at the same time.

As Alexx proceeded interogating Morbid for what we were talking about, I left the room to take a shower and make myself feel refreshed. After feeling clean again, I applied my make up, dryed my hair then styled it so it was at it's usual volume. I pulled on some clean underwear, and shrugged myself into a tight poison t-shirt and some black skinny jeans adorned with tiny silver glittery skulls. I put on some stiletto's and rejoined Morbid and Alexx.

"Where's Claire and Ellie?!" I asked, suprised they wern't with us by now.

"One's in Deathstars bus passed out, the other's in Marionette's" Alexx replied.
One in Marionette's?! A glare found it's way to my face as I thought of the possibility that Ellie or Claire could have slept with Mikael. I violently pushed away the thought, and slid a pair of sunglasses onto my face as I grabbed a wallet and stuffed it into my pockets along with my phone.

"Where are you going?" Morbid asked as I made my way to the tour bus door.

"Out" I replied shortly, before opening the door and striding away.

I had no idea where I was going, but I figured I should try and find somewhere that sold cigarettes. That seemed like a good idea. I strode off from the venue where the tour busses were parked, to hear someone shouting my name.
I knew who it was, and quickened my pace, well, as much as I could in a pair of stilletto's. God, this guy just didn't give up. I rounded a corner, and strode quickly down a street, and down another one to avoid running into Asshole No.1. Convinced that he wasn't behind me, I relaxed slightly and peered into shops, trying to find one that looked like it sold cigarettes. I found a supermarket, and strode in. After purchasing a pack of 20 and a lighter, I rushed outside, ripped the wrapper off and sparked one up.

"Oh my god! It's Wrath!" Someone screeched excitedly, startling me.

I carried on dragging on my cigarette as a group of people came up to me, brandishing camera's and sporting our band shirt. This brought a smile to my face instantly; I absolutley loved fans.

"Hey guys! How are you?" I grinned.

"We're good! Can we have some pictures? We're coming to your show tonight!" One of them beamed, her hair pin straight and blonde.

"Oh cool! I thought I was still in the city I was in last weird! I was insanely wasted last night. Here's a tip that'll help you in life...Never play Swedish drinking games" I mumbled, scoring giggles from them.

I posed with each one of them, pulling my sunglasses to rest in my mass of hair so my face was revealed. I pouted, kissed them on the cheek, and pulled weird faces as they took it in turn to take pictures.

"Anyway, I'd better get going...I'll see you guys later" I nodded, waving as I strode off. I flicked the rest of my cigarette to the ground and glanced across the street to see a black SUV with tinted windows. I could see the silhouttes of people inside, and they were pressed up against the windows, looking in my direction.
Fucking weird.
I turned down a street, going the way I came, when the same car pulled up next to me, the windows down this time so I could see who was inside. There were two guys in the back, both with bright blonde backcombed hair. They looked kind of hot.

"Wrath!" One of them shouted.

"Uh, yes?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Get in!" The one nearest the window called.

"Fuck off! I don't even know you why the FUCK would I-" I retaliated angrily, until I was violently shoved into the back of the car by the guy that was driving. What the fuck was going on?
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Apologies for the length! hahaha ;P xxx