Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses


“Fucking bastard!” Frank’s high jacker spat at the sight of one of his comrades lying motionless on the floor beside Ray. He throws frank to the lockers on the side and pushes Shayne violently in the same direction to get her out of his way. He came up to Ray and Gerard a struck them both down hard across their faces feeling it move an inch out of place. Ray turned to retaliate but thankfully Gerard held him back before the high jacker had the chance to pass them.

“Chris…Chris!” he called shaking his shoulder. When there was no reply he applied two fingers to the pulse at his neck. “Chris, you son of a bitch,” the other whispered with the gun whispered, “I fucking told you so.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Amelia’s high jacker said, “Sam get up, he ain’t coming back, and you, Jack put that away before you kill one of us you stupid cunt!”

“What are we waiting for Keanu? Fucking Christmas?” Sam seethed pulling Chris over his shoulders.

“What the fuck do you mean?”

“We should just kill them now, what the fuck are you just standing there for! Kill them all, they’re fucking useless!”

“Just fucking put him down; let us just make up our minds first...” Keanu said with frustration in his breath before being cut off.

“About what Keanu? Chris is out cold, we can’t find Bob, oh wait let me rephrase that, Bob is dead and this little white whore here is dead thanks to Jack, the shaking pistol. What else is there to think about?” Frank looked up angrily at Sam and if looks could kill, well, you know the rest.

“Aye, shut up!” Jack butted in as a response to Sam’s last comment.

Shayne looked at Gerard with wide eyes and reach out slowly to try grab his hand.

“What the fuck do we have here? Young love?” Sam said seeing Shy reach over to Gerard. As she heard him she pulled away holding her hand close to her chest. “Tisk, tisk, don’t be doing that now, I tell you now, losing limbs is very painful. Try that little stunt again hun and I’ll cut your fingers off. One. By. One.”

The all laughed wickedly as she slowly lowered back into Frank’s side.

“Patience Sammy, everyone just shut up.” The fifth high jacker said calmly. He held his gun out and scurried Frank and Shy over to Gerard and Ray. “Let’s just lock them up first and then think about this for a sec…”

“Are you seriously fucking me? We’re strewed anyways why not just kill everyone now…” Jack exclaimed more frustrated then ever.

“Because that would be inhuman...”

“Inhuman? Inhuman? Shit Joseph, don’t make me laugh.”

“Well shithead, now that Chris is now officially peachy I’m in charge of this show. And if you have to know, I got plans for these pretties so listen to me or get your ass blown to 66 bitch.”

After the little Rumble Ray, Gerard, Shayne and Frank were escorted to the classroom on fall end of the hall were they we’re kept imprisoned