Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses

Never There

The sun began to come up over the window sill in now what was fully identified as the second floor’s storage closet. It was slightly bigger than the one Shy was caught in earlier, cleaning detergents sat on the steel shelf opposite Shayne and Gerard on the back wall. The two mop buckets and the three mops shoved in one corner between the wall and the shelf. The room was a faded white and the window stood above Shayne’s head slightly covered by the shelf.

Shayne never got any sleep; she stayed awake with Gerard trying to comfort him as much as she could. She held his hand close to her chest and cradled him with the other. Gerard fell into a half sleep, waking every now and again from the pain. Shy kept strong and held back tears.

“Gerard, I love you.” She cooed in his ear. Gerard looked so much more drained than before. His face was a ghostly white and under his eyes had a dark lining beneath them. Gerard was wet with cold sweat and all Shayne could do was watch him suffer. He looked up at her with tired eyes and gave a faint smile through his pain.

“Share the pain hun, I hate to see you suffer like this, it’s tearing me apart…” She said with a faded smile.

“i love you too...” He hushed hosting himself to be leveled with her face. She sat with one leg bent to support his back and the other wrapped around his lose leg, which he kindly guided over. He rested his head in the nook of her neck and kissed it gently trying to hide the waves of pain in his arm.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Shy said skeptically. “Is this?” she asked queering about the position he was in.

“I’m more than happy where I am now; with you I’m always more than happy.” He replied slyly.

“Even when you’re whole body is denied its comfort, you still manage to be sly.” They both shared a moment of happiness and hugged contently loving the feeling of each other before fading into silence.

Time Elapsed and the sun began to burn Ray’s eyes. He slowly opened his eyes to see both Gerard and Shy lying peacefully against each other. Ray quietly stood up and stretched being able to reach for both sides of the storage closet. Ray managed to take a look outside to find an empty street corner, how depressing. He went back to his corner and slid down the side with his head tilted backward.

Ray’s pov;

I looked at the door knob, then to Frank and then back again. I tried to ignore him and put whatever happened earlier on behind me, but I knew couldn’t deny it any longer; Frank was right. Everything I did got us into deeper shit. Rachel, I can’t stand to think of her anymore, I’m afraid I’ll go into totally melt down. Frank obviously had drifted off earlier after our little out break.

How long were they deciding on keeping us here? I’m not a big fan of small confine spaces. I slowly reach and turn the knob with caution and just as I thought, locked, just great. I slumped down on the wall and held my head in my hands. This was it. wasn’t it? This was the end.

Just as I begin to reach deeper into my thoughts the door knob began to turn rapidly. The sound of a key being forced in and turned made my heart race; I looked at Frank and saw he was just waking up. As the door knob began to rattle again I tried to pull Frank from the door as quick as I could but was proved to late as it swung open hitting his knee with a bang.

“FARRRRRRK!” Frank squealed. I pull him out of the way and force him to stand beside me near the shelf. He hissed at the pain and looked toward me. We didn’t saying anything, we knew what we wanted to say and said it through expression.

“Ah, well what we have here?” Sam questioned pointing at Shy and Gerard with his dirty little finger. “Wake up!” He retorted going for Gerard. Frank wrestled out of my grip and went straight for Sam.

“Wait!” Frank argued blocking him off.

“Get the fuck out of my way boy.” Sam seethed. Whilst all this had occured Shy slowly woke up. Shy seemed collected and slowly dragged Gerard to rest on the wall without the slightest hint of fear.

“Didn’t you hear me!?” Sam questioned loudly shoving Frank backward. Shy lucky caught him and stepped forward switching places with Frank. She held tighly to his hand and walked him back slowly.

“We heard you.” She spat back with sting and eyes filled with hate.

Shy achieved a heavy backhand for her efforts across her face making her lash to the right quickly. “You slut! Step back, now…” He trailed off. I didn’t want to interfere but this was going too far. I stepped backward more and got a hold of the mop handle, ready to strike. Frank tried to interfere himself but Shy held him back.

“Bastard!” Frank seethed. “You fucking Bastard!”

“Frank.” She whispered trying to look at him through her side view. “Is Gerard…?” she asked as if she didn’t want to know the answer. Sam soon eased into his posture and folder his arms across his chest waiting to inflicted more pain. I sided Gerard lying on the floor and he seemed to be out cold.

Shayne finally came back to view of Sam and wiped her lips. Shayne ran her tongue through her mouth briefly before spitting out her bloody saliva over his shirt. “Cunt…” she whispered softly but just enough for everyone to hear.

“Fuck!” Sam hissed, “You’ll pay for that you whore!”