Status: Hiatus.

The Beauty Within, When the Day Met the Night

Therapeutic Chain Of Events

As I stood staring into the large mirror before me, sweeping my hair into a pony tail with gentle strokes of a brush, I began to day dream and remember. Here I stood at the age of 17, in my room in London. No, I have not always lived here. I actually was born in Las Vegas…yes you got that right, Sin City. I don’t really recall much about Vegas because I chose to remain indoors when young (and still do) so other than the bright lights, the only other thing I recall is my family. I grew up along side my twin brother, Spencer, and we had a fair relationship, though at such an early age, it was difficult for a brother and sister to be extremely close.

After many years of fighting and frustrating arguments, our parents decided that they would divorce. I remember not even feeling too saddened by this news. It meant that I would go and live with my mother while my brother remained with my father. At least there would be no more fighting. Over the years I had often spoken to my father and brother and I do love them dearly. However I chose to never visit them and they replied with the same courtesy. Though they offered to travel to London, I rejected their plans. I did not want to be reminded of the life that I left behind. A life that was full of fighting and my fear of the consequences. Yes, even at the age of 5 I had feared arguments. I hated conflicts and still do. They just remind me of hurt and trouble and who wants to be reminded of that?... So from the age of 5, I began to live in London with my mother and I cut off my family. I did not want to be transported back into the bickering stages of life that forced me to hide under my bed as I heard plates smash into the wall. I wanted to be alone in peace and harmony, away from the bright lights that unfocused my thoughts and emotions-

“Sweetie, I’m just popping out to my friend’s house,” my mother interrupted my thoughts and I heard her rustle around to find her car keys.

“Sure thing Mum!” I shout from my bedroom in my strong British accent. I hear the front door open and bang shut as I sigh and plop down onto my bed. Deciding that I have nothing to do all day (since the summer holidays had only begun the previous day), I roll along the bed so that I can reach and grab my mobile that currently is lying on my bedside table. Sitting up again, I search through the contacts until I reach Callum. Callum honestly is my only true friend and I’ve known him since I came to live in this country. He immediately befriended me and I don’t know what I would do without him. He always supports me when I need it and I couldn’t ask for a better friend.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* Someone finally picked up. “Hey Cal?”

“Oh hey Angel! What’s up?” Callum asks me calmly.

Sighing, “nothing actually. That’s why I called. Do you wanna grab a coffee or something,” I ask hopefully.

“Erm…I’m really sorry but I’m meeting Sarah in a few.” He pauses. “I really am sorry babes.”

“Oh it’s okay,” I say sadly. And no, before you think it, I am not jealous of Sarah. She is Callum’s current girlfriend (I say ‘current’ since I’ve never known him to have a girlfriend for more than a week or two. He’s what you call a ‘playa’) but I would never think of Callum in that way. I only love him like a brother so it would be really creepy for me to actually like him. “I’ll see you later then.” I quickly end the call before I can hear a reply. Why waste time waiting for someone to say goodbye when it’s implied? I never understood the point of monotonous exchanges of words that really aren’t needed.

Just as I place my mobile back on the table I hear the front door open. I freeze as I realise who it is. The only people with keys to this house is my Mum, me and Mum’s latest boyfriend, Greg. Greg was just like all the others, but maybe worse. He resented my existence like every other past boyfriend and I just stayed out of his way and it was all fine. I didn’t have to talk to him so he didn’t have to talk to me. I was perfectly fine with this arrangement for the first month…but then things changed. He got more aggressive and would yell at me for the smallest things. I’ll bet that he’s going to do the same today.

“Hello darling?” Greg asked in a fake sickly-sweet voice in case Mum was here. No such luck. “Hello?” He repeated after a long pause.

I stood stock-still but my mobile finally rang and gave me up. Quickly glancing at the caller I.D., I saw that it was Callum. He probably rang to demand a ‘goodbye’ knowing him. I mentally noted to kill him next time that I saw him and I ran to switch it off but it was too late. Greg had already begun trekking the stairs and obviously knew by now that I was alone and Mum was out. He slowly opened my door and there stood a man I had grown to resent and hate. I stared at him from the end of my bed as his eyes wandered round and finally rested on my face.
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This is my first story, so I would really appreciate any responses. Even if they are negative, it would be nice to hear your opinions so that I know how to improve :)

I know that it seems that not much is happening and I do agree that the beginning is slow, however more is to come and after a little bit, everything will soon speed up...I promise!

I love you all (especially if you will comment *hint*),