Status: Hiatus.

The Beauty Within, When the Day Met the Night

Praying For Love

Recap: He slowly opened my door and there stood a man I had grown to resent and hate. I stared at him from the end of my bed as his eyes wandered round and finally rested on my face.

Greg stands before me in my bedroom. I don’t know what he is even doing in here. We have an unspoken pact to ignore each other and not get in each other’s way for my Mum’s sake.

I look at him confused and tilt my head to the side, as if in thought, while he just continues to stare at my face. His eyes bore into mine and soon I cannot take the pressure and intensity of that smug, yet slimy look and I turn my head to face the floor. Nevertheless, I can still feel his gaze upon me. It begins to frighten me and as I decide that I should look back up, I hear movement.

Greg comes towards me with a large smirk on his face. “No mummy to protect you?” He snarls in a mock-baby voice. He can sense my anxiety as he nears me. Finally he positions himself to be around a foot before me and I cringe back at the closeness. His smirk remains prominent as I stand still and don’t know what to expect. Usually Greg just yells at me and leaves. What is he doing now?

Before I can form an answer to that question in my head, his right arm grabs my left arm and he drags me up to look at his snarling face. It contorts into an evil smile as I am being forced to stare up at him and note the hunger in his eyes. He drags me backwards and pushes me onto my bed as I freeze in shock. I do not move. What can I do and what is going on? It is all so sudden that I’m at a complete loss. I shift slowly and slightly to test what I can do because even though I normally fight back, today there is something in his eyes that shows me that there is no use. I cannot win so I shouldn’t fight him. Even that slight shift makes Greg growl loudly as he glares down upon my now cowering figure.

I know what Greg’s going to do. It’s the same thing that Dan tried to do…and also Thomas. However both times my Mum came home just in time and I never told her out of fear. Now my Mum is no where to be seen and Greg knows that. He knows that he has free reign to do as he pleases without interruption. He knows he has me, alone, scared and frozen.

Suddenly, Greg descends upon me. He crashes upon my small frame and forces his tongue directly down my throat as I gag in my mind. I want to push him off but his weight pushes me down and I remain trapped as he quickly discovers the contours of my body with his hands. My shirt is shoved off me and ripped in two during his quick desperation to continue. He pulls away slightly to smirk at me as I just lie in fear. I know what will happen but no one will save me. No one cares about me enough…Mum is having fun and my only friend has ditched me. Who will protect me? No one…so I let him continue his violation as his shirt comes off, along with my jeans and my bra. Nothing much remains and it scares me that he comes closer to his deed. He is about to take my innocence in a few seconds and I don’t even know if I care. Inside I am distraught, but maybe I deserve this. After all, I pushed my family away and never accepted Mum as much more than someone I live with. I never respected her and now I shall pay…

As my eyes close in as his mouth returns to vacuum suck mine again, I feel oddly separated from my body. It feels as if this is not happening and I am looking down at this scene from above. It’s almost as if life has left my body, or maybe it’s just my soul… Either way, I lie limp beneath this crushing man and wait for his to proceed. Nothing is stopping him…

“Honey, I’m back! I forgot to take that DVD my friend owed me,” my mother thankfully interrupts the scene as I can hear her enter the house. Greg automatically presses a finger to my lips to signal my silence and I obey in fear. “Honey?” My Mum asks confused. “Are you here?”

Steps sound up the stairs as my mother comes onto the first floor landing. Please enter my room for once! I wish in my head as Greg remains where he is to try and prevent suspicious noises being made. I hope and pray that she will enter in and as my door handle squeaks to life; I shudder in relief while Greg becomes paralysed.

The door opens to reveal my mother staring into my room where I am lying on my bed, nearly naked, underneath her boyfriend, whiles our clothes scatter the floor…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for those of you who ave already subscribed. I've written this chapter in the hope of getting to the good bit quickly. Expect updates quite frequently, although I have to go to sleep now since it's 3a.m. :(

I would appreciate any comments (good or bad) please and if you comment, I'll definately love you forever!
