Status: Hiatus.

The Beauty Within, When the Day Met the Night

Where We Began

Recap: The door opens to reveal my mother staring into my room where I am lying on my bed, nearly naked, underneath her boyfriend, whiles our clothes scatter the floors…

I continue to struggle underneath Greg, with tears pouring down my cheeks, as I hear my mother gasp loudly, clearly in shock. Glad that this is now over and that my mother would dump this raping, malicious man, I smirk inwardly while on the outside, I am still shivering uncontrollably. I feel Greg tense up as he slowly gets off me and stands up.

“Rachel-” Greg begins but then my mother cuts him off. I just know that Greg is going to get a thrashing from her and then I will never have to see him again. He was so close to…well to raping me. I shudder as the thought runs through my mind and a new colossal of tears seep down my cheeks as my mother begins to speak.

“How could you do this to me?!” My mother screams and I feel relieved as she shouts these words across the empty air of my bedroom…however why is she looking at me? “You little, cheap, dirty whore!” I suddenly raise my head in shock as thoughts rush through my mind. Whore? Does she think that I seduced him?! I laugh at that thought but then look back at her to see her glare at me and realisation hits me. Does she not know how much I hate him? Why would she assume that I would do something like that?

Greg looks up at the same time as I do. He automatically realises what is occurring and I can sense his smirk rising again. I turn my head from Greg to my mother and back again, as if this is some sort of sick joke.

“W-w-what?” I sob out.

My mother steps towards me and glares down upon my 5”7’ frame. “How dare you cheat on my boyfriend when he has been nothing but good to us…to you?!”

That felt like a slap upon my face. Did she not notice how much I hated him? Did she even care to once ask her daughter how she felt? Of course not. This is my mother we’re talking about. Since when does she care for anyone other than her boyfriend? Since when does she care for me? I wipe my tears away as I feel my face over-heat with rage and I’m sure that I’ve turned red from my glare. “Fuck you! Did you even consider that maybe I was innocent. You know, did you think that maybe Greg was not all so innocent and he was…oh I don’t know…RAPING ME?!” I scream the last bit as Greg looks like he is about to beat me up and my mother looks at me in shock horror.

She recovers quickly and wipes the shocked face from her face to display one of confusion and then of defiance. “Why would Greg do that? He loves me and you’ve never cared about me. You’re just a spoiled bitch who doesn’t deserve to live in this house!”

I gasp at this. I’ve never heard my mother talk to me like that. She defiantly did not believe me and now she is accusing me of not loving her. It’s true that we fight a lot but I’ve always loved her. She is my Mum!

Before I can retaliate, my mother comes towards me as I cower back slightly. Deciding to stay strong while I’m emotionally breaking down on the inside, I regain my composure and match her stare into my eyes. “This is the last straw. Get out!” She pauses. “GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE NOW!”

I can’t believe that she is doing this but she actually seems to mean it. Behind her, Greg stands looking quite pleased of himself to be getting rid of me. Well I know where I’m not wanted. Why would I want to stay here when my own mother does not even seem to want me? She never did. I bet she only took me to live with her, after the divorce, to spite my father. That’s the kind of woman she was and still is. No wonder they divorced… Well I’m not going to intrude on her life if she doesn’t want me!

I quickly gaze back into my mother’s eyes just to make sure that there is no glint of love left in there…or any regret. Instead I’m not surprised to only gaze back at my reflection while her eyes cloud over with an angry smoke and I know that I should go. I didn’t want to stay, so I look down and then side-step slowly around her, pulling my shirt and jeans back on. I walk to the door and exit through it. Then I stop and spin around. My mother is still facing away from the door and Greg is looking at me in awe, yet also in shock. I stand there for a second before retreating from the door and going down the stairs. I sigh as I reach the front door and pull it open. Stepping outside I feel sad and lost…yet also free as I venture to find my place in the world, where I will be loved and finally accepted.
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I'll be posting on this story very regularly because I really love writing this. Therefore, if anyone wants more, just ask for it and I can post some pre-written chapters.
