Wilderness Boarding School - For Troubled Teens


A/N: Hey guys. Thanks if you're still reading...if you haven't given up on me! :) I'm SO sorry that I never seem to update! School holidays are in a few weeks so I should get the time to write a lot then hopefully. Anywho, thanks! And sorry!

Gerard’s P.O.V:

“Okay class,” the teacher started. “Today I’d like you to create a portrait of someone. I don’t care who, as long as it’s good. I’ll be expecting your finished work on Monday.” With that said, he sat down at his desk and left the class to do their set work. Oh joy. I’ve gotta draw a portrait of someone. After sitting at my des staring at blank paper for half the lesson, I decided I’d start by just drawing something…anything. I began to subconsciously sketch Mikey. He’s so easy to draw…maybe that’s because I’ve drawn him so many times before from all possible angles and in all situations. I stopped drawing at that point. I’ve gotta stop this. It’s sick. I can’t love my brother in that way any more. I found a new page in my art book and began to draw someone different. I sketched his perfect features; his gorgeous eyes, his luscious lips and his somehow perfectly messy hair. Billie Joe can be just as good as Mikey ever was.

Billie Joe’s P.O.V:

Damn, today went so fast! I love it when that happens. Already, Mike, Tre, Gerard and I were being told to go to bed…at 8 o’clock! After arguing with the teacher for a while about our ‘bed time’ being way too early, we gave up and trudged up the staircase and to our dorms. Oh well. At least I’ve still got Gerard to talk to. Ever since school finished, he’s been so happy. I’m happy after school is finished for yet another day, but never that happy. It seems almost…fake. To go from being so miserable and strange at lunch to being so happy after school is just not right.

Gerard’s P.O.V:

After brushing my teeth for way longer then necessary, I wiped my mouth and headed to bed. “Can I turn the light off now?” Billie asked. I turned in bed to meet the gaze of his emerald eyes.
“Sure,” I replied, trying yet again to sound happy. I’ve been faking smiles and laughter ever since school let out. Any minute now I was gonna break. Seeing all those sketches of Mikey brought back sweet memories of us together. Memories that never should’ve existed in the first place.
“Okay,” Billie said, turning the bedside lamp off. “Night night.”
“Night,” I whispered. I couldn’t hold it in any longer. Turning around and facing my back to Billie, I buried my head into my bed covers and cried silently. At least…I thought I was silent.
“Hey,” came Billie’s soft voice from behind me. I heard the lamp turn on. “What’s up?” I hid my face beneath my covers, not wanting him to see me cry. I must’ve been a pathetic sight. “Gerard. What’s wrong?” Giving up, I sat up in bed, tears streaming down my cheeks. I wiped them away furiously.
“N-n-nothing,” I stuttered. “I’m just s-stupid.”
“You’re not stupid Gee,” he replied sweetly. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I miss m-my family!” I suddenly cried out, breaking down in tears again. Billie got out of his bed and sat beside me in mine. He put his arm around my back and began to lightly stroke it, comforting me.
“Shhh…” he cooed. I slowly began to calm down. With his spare hand, he wiped the tears from my face and tucked my hair neatly behind my ears. “You’ll be okay Gee.”
“Thanks Billie,” I said, smiling weakly at him.
“No problem,” he said back. Staring into his softened green orbs, I saw yet another wonderful side to Billie. He’s so kind and caring. He cares about me. He likes me. “Hey Gee?”
“Yeah?” I replied, still in my dream world.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispered. Even in the dim light from the lamp, I could see his cheeks reddening. I bet he could see me blushing too.
“Sure,” I whispered back, slightly nervous. With my consent, Billie placed his soft lips gently to mine. I closed my eyes and put an arm limply around his neck. As sudden as his lips had touched mine, they were gone again. I was slightly disappointed that kisses never seemed to last long enough. Billie turned around and turned the lamp off.
“Shove over. I’m sleeping here with you tonight,” he announced. I immediately moved over to make room for him. He pulled back the covers and slid in bed next to me. “Good night Gee,” he whispered in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
“Night,” I whispered back. I felt so comfortable in Billie’s arms. So safe. Everything felt perfect.