Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Kimberlee's Point Of View Still:

I sat up, abruptly as I heard Miles walk down the hall. Landon turned on his side and snored quietly. What was I going to do? The door opened and Miles stood shocked, staring down at me, with the sheets pulled up over my chest. Corbin walked beside him and gasped, loudly.

"Wh - what is he doing here? Naked, too?" Miles stammered, quietly.

"He came for a visit?" I asked, uncertainly.

"You fucked him, didn't you?" Miles smirked. Corbin laughed.

"Maybe," I flushed.

"Did you use protection?" Corbin asked, crossing his arms below his chest and flipping his hair to the side.

"N - no. Is that bad?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Maybe,"Miles shrugged. I bit my bottom lip and looked towards Landon. He was still sleeping, peacefully. Undisturbed by the company we had.

"He's such an angel," Corbin smirked. Miles glared at him from the corner of his eye and huffed.

"Whatever." Corbin chuckled and wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing his neck tenderly.

"What about Mark? What are you going to say to him?"

"I don't know."

"C'mon, Kimberlee. Let's leave Landon rest for a while. You need a shower; to relax your tensed muscles." I nodded and got up, a little too quickly. I shrieked in pain and fell to the floor, with a loud thump. Landon woke up, quickly and was by my side in a second. I hadn't noticed he was wearing boxers.

"Are you okay?" Landon asked, softly. I shook my head. He forced a smile and pulled me up, slowly. He looked at the bed and winced.

"What?" I asked.

"There's a big blood stain on your bed," He explained. I sighed and shrugged.

"Oh well."

"Oh, hey guys," Landon chuckled, nervously.

"Hello, Landon. Have a good day?" Miles asked.

"You bet," He smirked. I flushed. He turned towards me and picked me up, softly. He carried me to the bathroom and turned the water on with one hand.

"It hurts so much," I groaned.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have been that rough," He laughed. I smiled and kissed his lips, softly. He returned it and put me on my feet with so much care.

"I don't think I can stand on my own," I sighed.

"I'll help you," Landon said. I nodded and stepped into the shower.

As you may know, Landon took me on another round. Surely, it hurt, but it faded. I held on as I could, but I mostly dazed. I let Landon do all the work, until I shrieked as I climaxed. He did, shortly, afterwards and placed me on my feet, so he could bath me.

"Kimberlee," Landon says, quietly as he hugged my body against his.

"Mhm." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Whose Mark?" He asked.

"Mark." I hesitated. Should I tell Landon who Mark was? I didn't want Mark to get hurt because of me. But I couldn't lie to Landon, either. "He's my boyfriend."

"Oh." His body tensed and he let go of me. I frowned, looking down at the water, going down the drain.

You did it this time, Kimberlee.

"Landon, I was hurt. I'm sorry."

"Did you ever have anything with him?"

"No. Today was my first time."

He chuckled and looked down at me. "You know what I did every night since I had left you?"


"Think of you. Think of when I'd see you and hold you again."


"Yeah. Avery misses you, by the way. She doesn't know I'm here."

"I miss Avery, too. She was so fun to be around." I looked up at him. "And I missed you." He smirked and grabbed my waist, placing his lips on mine. I smiled against his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck.


Mark and me were over. I didn't want to hurt him when he found out I was cheating on him with my kidnapper. That would be wrong and I didn't want to hurt anyone. Mark was such a loyal and sincere person. He had a great heart and he gave it to me. I wish I could have gave him my heart, but it was already Landon's.

I was glad my time of month was over, now. Landon and I had done a lot during the week and I was still somewhat sore. Miles complained about all the noise; it was funny. He'd bang on my door, telling us to pipe down the noise. Heh.

Landon was gone, now, though. He had business to attend somewhere with his Father. His Father wanted to come here, but Landon said it wasn't a good idea. His Father despised humans and he didn't want anything to happen to me. Landon said he'd call when he came back and I hoped it was soon. I missed him a lot.


I checked the time and seen it was 7 in the evening. I served my last customer their coffee and biscuits, then went into the back, where Miles was chatting on his cellphone. He smiled as he seen me and said his goodbyes. Probably Corbin. I took my black apron off and threw it into my locker. I grabbed my purse and locked the locker.

"Heading home?" Miles asked.

"Yup. My shift is over," I smiled.

"Okay. I'll be home, soon." Miles kissed my forehead and hugged me. I giggled and pulled away, kissing his cheek and walking out. I was glad the night was warm, or I would have waved a cab over. I walked down the street and turned a corner.

I wished I could be with Landon right now. I felt so lonely and depressed. I hoped he was fine where he was. I didn't want him getting in trouble for anything. Especially me.

I opened my apartment door a couple of minutes later and sighed as I seen Corbin sitting, lazily on the couch. He dug his hand into a chip bag and stuffed it into his mouth. Yep, he was definitely the guy of Miles' relationship.

"Hey, Corby-Kins," I smirked. Corbin cringed at the name and turned to glare at me.

"I hate that name with a passion. I don't know why Miles had to make it up," He hissed. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Don't be so mean. It's a cute name. Why don't you make a name for Miles?" I asked, flopping down beside him.

"Because I think it's stupid to give each other pet names," He said, nonchalantly.

"Pet names? When did those kind of names become pet names?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Since forever. I don't hear Landon calling you nicknames," Corbin said, eying me curiously.

"Not everyone needs to have pet names," I said, poking his ribs. He squirmed.

"Exactly my point! Aha!" He smirked, triumphantly. I shook my head in disbelief and laid my head back against the couch. I felt so tired and exhausted. Corbin laid his head on my shoulder and we both sighed.

"What you been doing all day, mister, that you're so bored and tired?" I asked.

"Nothing. That's why I'm bored and tired," He smiled.

"Well, since I was doing something. I'm going to have a shower and get to sleep. I'm tired as hell," I groaned. I sat up and walked down the hall. I grabbed my towel from my desk chair and walked into the bathroom, closing the door. I stripped to birth suit and got into the shower.

After my twenty minute shower, I stepped into the chilly corridor, said goodnight to Corbin and went into my room. I let my towel fall to the carpeted floor and walked to my drawer, grabbing some underwear, a large shirt and some sweats. I got dressed into my clothes, putting my hair in a ponytail and got into bed.


It hadn't been 3 hours, when I woke up feeling very nauseous. I slapped my hand against my mouth and placed a hand on my stomach, as I ran, tripping over my unhanged towel on the floor, to the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat up and emptied my stomach. I heard footsteps rushing towards the bathroom, then the light turned on. I gripped the sides of the toilet as I emptied more of my stomach and groaned.

A hand grabbed the hair from my face and the other rubbed my back. Their warm body pressed against mine, sending their body heat towards mine. I felt so cold. Cold sweat dripped down my back as I emptied more of my stomach. I heard more shuffling as someone else entered the bathroom and set something down on the counter.

"Are you okay, now, Lee?" Miles asked, soothingly.

"No," I croaked. Miles chuckled and grabbed something from the counter and handed it to me.

"Take it, hun. Take this pill, too. It might settle your stomach," Miles said, softly. I didn't hesitate. I grabbed the glass of water and chugged down the pill. I sighed and leaned against the bathtub.

"I feel like shit," I groaned.

"You look like it, too," Corbin mumbled. I glared at him through bloodshot eyes. "What! Just 'cause you do!"He said, putting his hands up, defensively.

"Not helping, Corbin," Miles paused, glaring at Corbin for a moment, then turned towards me, putting a hand around my waist and pulling me up. He continued, "I'll sleep with you, tonight. I don't want you getting sick on me again. We'll go to the pharmacy down the road in the morning." I nodded and let him drag me to my room. He tucked me into bed and grabbed the towel from the ground. He wiped the cold sweat off of my forehead and face, then kissed me goodnight and walked out.

I could hear Corbin and Miles talking. Miles seemed stressed; worried. "Is she okay?" Corbin asked in a hush tone.

"She's fine." Miles didn't sound convincing.

"Do you think she's . . . " Corbin's voice trailed off.

"What?" Miles paused. "Oh no! She can't be!"

"She might. I remember when my Mom was pregnant with my younger sister, she pucked and got sick a lot. I was the one helping her out. I should know, Miles," Corbin explained.

I finally blanked out. I didn't want to wait up for Miles or anyone. I didn't care about their conversation. I needed sleep and feel the warmth of my comforter and bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
there we go, my loveliees!
that's all i'm updating for tonight. i might update my other stories, but if i don't, i'm terribly sorry.

have a good night guys, <3