Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



I woke up like a jolt of lightening. I remembered the night before clearly. I didn't want to go over the events of me hovering over the toilet, because it unsettled my stomach. I fast forwarded to the conversation Corbin had with Miles. Every word was clear.

"She might. I remember when my Mom was pregnant with my younger sister, she pucked and got sick a lot. I was the one helping her out. I should know, Miles."

I gasped. Was it possible that I was pregnant? That I had Landon's child inside me? I gulped; this couldn't be happening to me. I looked at my clock on my nightstand and sighed; 7:15 AM. The pharmacy would be open by now. I looked to my left and seen Miles sleeping, soundlessly.

"Miles, wake up, now! Please, wake up!" I said, urgently. I shook him a good couple of times, before giving up. I hated having him as a room mate sometimes. I knew that if there was ever a fatal situation happening, Miles wouldn't have the slightest clue of what was happening.

I stood from the bed and ran into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, the ran back into my room. I rummaged threw my closet, grabbing random clothes and slipping into them. I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and ran. I grabbed my keys and purse from the counter, slipped into my Uggs and walked out of the apartment.

I hugged myself as the morning breeze danced around me. It was cool and unrefreshing. I didn't like it. It reminded me of yesterday's occurrence. The cold sweat running down my back; my stomach churning.

I smiled as I entered the pharmacy and walked to the aisle where the pills and stuff were. I put my finger on my chin as in thought and scanned threw everything. I groaned as I didn't find it and went into another aisle. More pills, more tampons. More pads, more. . . Pregnancy test!

I grabbed it and sighed. I walked to the front and put the pregnancy test on the counter. The woman smiled and scanned it, before putting it in a bag and giving it to me.

"Four fifty six, dear," She said, warmly. I gave her a ten dollar bill and tried not to seem so urgent. "First child?"She asked, suddenly.

"Uh . . . Maybe," I forced a smile.

"Well, if you're a new mother to the world, congratulations." I nodded and thanked her, before running out. I felt the blood rushing as I ran faster and ran into my apartment building. I heard my heart beating in my ears; my veins pulsing.

I slammed the door opened and dropped my purse and keys on the couch. Miles ran to see me and scowled. I didn't have time for this; at least not now. I tried getting through him as he stood in the doorway, his hands on his hips.

"Where were you, Lee?" He asked, angrily.

"Pharmacy. Now, move!" I snapped.

"Excuse me? Couldn't you have woken me up first?" He retorted.

"I tried, but you didn't fucking wake up! Now, move!" I yelled. His eyes widened slightly, before he moved and huffed. He muttered b*bitch under his breathe and went into his room. I walked into the bathroom and opened the pregnancy test.

"Time to put it to the test," I mumbled.

Landon's Point Of View:


I buried my hands in my coat pockets and walked into the house I was living in for the time. My Father greeted me first, with a scowl on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him. I felt so guilty that I had brought Kimberlee into this. My Father had found out about her and how we made love.

"You'll be going to the Council, tonight, Landon," My Father said, sternly.

"I know, for the millionth time," I hissed.

"Your fault, boy. I told you not to mess with a human, but you did. You disobeyed me and there's no forgiveness for that," He snapped.

"I'll admit it's my fault, but don't bring her into this. She didn't have anything to do with it," I growled.

"The hell she didn't. She had as much to do with it as you did. Making love doesn't just involve one person, Landon."

"Think I don't know that?" My Father glared at me and flared his nostrils.

"Listen, if that girl is pregnant, she better get rid of the thing. I don't want no disgrace in this family."

"She's not aborting my child, if she is. She's keeping it."

"You really want to have a half-breed in this family? Huh?"

"You can change the child! It's half vampire, half human! It won't take long for the child to become a vampire!"

"I don't want no half-breed in my family! If the stupid mortal doesn't abort, I'm not having that child in my family!"

"Don't call her stupid! You don't even know her!"

"Defending a measly human?"

"Leave her out of this. It's my fault and only mine!"

"I don't know why you're getting so worked up, when you know the Council won't allow having that child. You know the Vampire Laws. I taught you myself. Vampires shouldn't associate with humans. It's bad for our existence. Plus, having sexual intercourse with a human is a disgrace. You've always known that. A half-breed isn't considered a real vampire."

"It's a child! What fault does it have for coming into this world? No child should be a disgrace."

"I'm done arguing about this. The Council will decide on what will happen to the girl's and her child's fate." My Father turned on his heel and stormed out. I clenched my fists tightly and walked upstairs. If Kimberlee was pregnant, she was keeping it. No matter what happened, I was going to protect her and my child.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I walked out of the bathroom half an hour later and sighed, relieved. I wasn't pregnant. I put the pregnancy test in the box it came in and put it away. Miles stood in the hallway, leaning against the wall, glaring at the floor. He looked up and grunted, "Well?"

"I'm not pregnant," I mumbled.

"C'mon, Kimberlee. Let's eat," Miles sighed. I smiled and walked with him into the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
heeello, lovely, LOVELY readers.

i finally updated and i feel very proud. i was going to update after i got back from my friend's party last sunday, buuut i had a bad hangover and i felt like crap. i stayed on my couch ALL day.


i'm sick. i've been sick since sunday night, really. i've been coughing, sneezing and having a runny nose ALL fricken week, it's unbelievable. my nose is stuffed right now, so i'm good, but i can't breathe out of my nose. i have to breathe out of my mouth and i sound like i'm about to die.

BUT, i'm getting better and i'm probably going to the doctors soon, meaning more updates much quicker. :] it benefits all of us.


yuuuuus, kimberlee isn't pregnant. [le gasp] that's really a shame. landon's and kim's baby would be such a cutie.

&& for those readers who have already read this story back on quizilla, DO NOT spoil it for others. i bet you guys are saying oh yeah, sure it's so not going to happen [/sarcasm], but the ladies and gents on here don't know that. so, shh.

thank you for reading. more updates after these short messages.
[trying to sound like those reporters on TV, i don't think it worked though]