Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Landon's Point Of View:]


I stood in a dark reception area. I couldn't stop thinking about Kimberlee. I missed her so much and I wished I was with her, now. I stuffed my hands into my black slacks and looked up at the red clock hanging above the receptionist desk. Ten minutes to go and I'd be heading towards the Council.

I watched the clock. Eight minutes . . . Six Minutes . . . Four minutes . . . Two minutes . . .

"Landon Harris?" A feminine voice called from behind me. I turned and looked down at a small woman. She had square spectacles laying on the bridge of her nose, with her blonde hair pulled back tightly in a bun. She wore a grey outfit consisting of a dress jacket, over a white blouse with a knee-length skirt.

"Yes." She nodded and wrote something down on her clipboard.

"Come this way. Don't want to keep the Council waiting. They get hasty," The woman frowned.

"Big deal," I mumbled. She rolled her eyes and closed her mouth, trying not to show her growing fangs.

It seemed like we were walking in a circle. Minutes passed and we still weren't at the Council. Finally, the woman stopped at two double doors. She held her clipboard close to her chest and straightened her posture. She looked me in the eye and gave a short nod.

"Some rules you need to follow." I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"They are?"

"One; do not speak if you aren't asked, too. Two; do not question their decisions. Three; only make direct eye contact if you are asked a question or if you need to answer. Got it?"


"Good. Now, wait here for a minute, then knock three times. Once they call you in, walk inside and sit in the chair placed in the middle of the room."

I grunted an answer and watched her walk away. Dumb bitch, I thought, bitterly. I walked up to the double doors and knocked three times. I thought they would call me in right away, but I was wrong. Fives minutes later, they called me in. I pushed the doors opened and stared down at the stoned floor.

The room I entered was square and small. Against the three walls, were rows of seats, with men and women seated in them. Five people; three men and two women, were seated in bigger chairs than the rest. They wore black robes and a red cross hanging from their neck. The others wore red robes and a small wooden cross. They glared down at me, as if I was dirt on the ground.

"Landon Harris, son of Jonathan Harris. You have broken one of the many laws against humans, us vampires must obey. You do know you can be killed for disobeying, do you not?" A woman asked. Her voice boomed around the room.

"Yes," I said.

"Do you also know that if the mortal is with child, she must abort. If she doesn't abort, she and her child may be killed?" She went on.

I glanced back and glared. "If she is boring a child, she will keep it. The child has no fault in coming into this world."

"That child is a half-breed. Half-breed children are illegal and aren't to be in our society," A different woman said, sternly.

"It's a child! Tell me, is it a child's fault that it was brought into the world?" I asked, angrily. I stared around me, clenching my jaw tightly.

They didn't answer. I was getting angrier by the minute. "Answer me, damnit!"I snapped.

"You will hold your tongue, young man! You owe us your respect!" A man growled.

"Owe you all respect? You're telling me you're going kill an innocent human and child! That doesn't need respect!" I hissed.

"Mr. Harris, you give us no choice! By three weeks, if the human is with child, we will kill her and child! Get out!"

"You can't do that!"

"We have all the right, too. Now, get out and don't come back." I growled.

"Go to hell, all of you." I pushed the chair out from behind me, sending it flying towards the doors. The doors fell to the ground from the impact and I stormed out. I heard the Council start arguing and commenting about me. When my Father found out, I was in for it.

I grabbed my cellphone from my slacks and flipped it opened, dialing Avery's cell phone number with my thumb. It rang twice before Avery answered.

Avery's Point Of View:

I read a book, quietly in the the library. I spread myself out on the long couch and rested my head on the couch's arm. I heard a soft knock as I flipped to the next page in my book. I called them in and an elderly maid walked in, carrying my chocolate cellphone in her hand.

"It's Landon, dear," The woman said.

"Thank you. You are excused," I smiled. She bowed her head and turned on her heel, closing the door behind her. I put the phone to my ear and said, "Hello."

"Avery. We need to talk, now."


"You need to see Kimberlee. There's the possibility she's pregnant."

"What? You and her never had anything, though."

"Actually we did. It was a couple of days ago."

"Oh my God." I placed a hand on my mouth, shocked.

"You need to find out if she is."

"Why? What did the Council say?"

"Thanks to me, they could kill Kimberlee and our child if she's pregnant. I don't want anything happening to her if she is."

"What do I do, then?"

"Just go see her. Once you do, call me if you sense anything. Alright?"

"Okay. I'll go see her tonight. Bye, Landon. Take care."

"Thank you, Avery. Good-bye."