Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Kimberlee's Point Of View:

Knock. Knock.Knock.

Miles got up from my side and walked to the door. He unlocked it and opened it to Avery. She smiled at him and said something to him, before Miles let her through. She walked into the living room and gasped, stopping dead in her tracks.

You're probably wondering what's wrong with me, right? Well, ever since I took the pregnancy test, I felt that my body was on fire. My body ached in every spot imaginable. I couldn't think; it hurt my head too much. I couldn't speak because my throat was sore. I was just in so much pain.

"How long has she been like this, Miles?" Avery asked, turning to look at him.

"A few hours. I don't know what's wrong with her," Miles said, quietly. He walked to my side and dabbed the cloth in the bowl full of water. He wiped my face with it, softly and sighed.

I looked around and everything was a blur. I couldn't make out Avery or Miles. My world slowly faded, until the blackness consumed me.

Avery's Point Of View:

I seen Kimberlee's hand go limp on the couch. I ran to her side in a flash and checked her pulse. I gave a sigh of relief and placed my purse on the couch. I had a feeling Kimberlee was only sick because she might be pregnant. Miles looked at me, worriedly.

"We need to put her in cold water. It'll ease her high fever,"I explained. Miles nodded and disappeared down the hall. I picked Kimberlee up and threw her over my shoulder. I walked down the hall and turned into the bathroom, surprising Miles a tad.

"Are you a vampire, too?" Miles asked.

"Yeah," I said. He nodded in understanding and turned to the bathtub. He turned the water off and moved to the side, letting me put Kimberlee in the freezing water. She shuddered and woke up, slowly.

"Kimberlee, hun. Don't talk. I know it's cold, but your fever needs to cool. In a few minutes, you'll get out, get dressed and I'll see what's wrong with you." Kimberlee nodded and closed her mouth, easing the noise of her chattering teeth. Miles kneed beside her and grabbed her cold hand.

"You'll be fine, babe. Don't worry," Miles smiled. Kimberlee nodded and tried to relax in the cold water.

Five minutes passed, as Kimberlee trembled in the water. I checked her forehead; it was moderate. I picked her up from the water and Miles handed me a fluffy towel. I wrapped it around her cold body and led her into her room. I helped her undress, as Miles picked some clothes for her.

"Kimberlee, I need to do something," I said, quietly to her, as she slipped into her clothes.

"Like what?" She asked.

"It involves a bit of your blood. Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Yes," She nodded. I smiled and let her sit down.

"Want Miles to stay or no?" I asked.

"Please." Kimberlee shivered. I nodded and Miles walked to her side. He grabbed her hands and wrapped his free arm around her shoulders. He kissed her temple and whispered reassuring words in her ear.

"I'm sorry if it hurts. It won't take long. Now, give me your wrist," I demanded. She pulled her long sleeve up and handed me her arm. I took a deep breathe and placed my nail over her vein. I ran my nail over her vein, cutting through the skin. She winced and bit her bottom lip.

Blood dripped onto my palm. I brought my lips towards Kimberlee's wrist and licked it. Her blood tasted different and looked it, too. Her cut healed in an instant and I cut my palm. Her blood mixed with mine, making a different colour. It went from red, to blue. I gasped.

"Kimberlee, you're pregnant," I said, quietly. She looked down at me with wide eyes, a small gasp coming from her lips.

"That can't be. The pregnancy test said I wasn't," Kimberlee mumbled.

"The pregnancy tests humans use, don't work with vampires. Vampires have different ways of finding out if they're pregnant. You're pregnant. You have Landon's child," I explained.

"I'm pregnant," Kimberlee chuckled.

"Congratulations," I smiled. "I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom to wash my hands." She nodded, happily and hugged Miles. He frowned, but hugged her back.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Landon's number. It rang twice, before he answered.

"Landon, I got news."

"About Kimberlee?"


"Okay, shoot."

"She's pregnant."


"She's pregnant. You're a dad."

"That's amazing! Is she happy?"

"Yeah. Miles isn't, though. Well I don't think."

"It doesn't matter. I'm so happy right, now."

"But what about the Council?"

"Take her home, keep her safe. Don't let anyone in, unless if we know them. Don't tell her about the Council. I don't want to put any stress on her."

"Okay. What if they find out?"

"They'll take some time if they're flying there. Two days max. You'll know if they're coming or not."


"You can do this, Avery. I'll be home soon. If I'm not home by tomorrow afternoon, and the Council are coming, leave. Take Kimberlee with you to a warm place and keep her safe. Move around a lot, I'll find you."

"I'm afraid, Landon. What if they find us before we can run?"

"They won't, hun. Just try and leave before I get there. Just don't stress Kimberlee."


"I love you and tell Kimberlee I love her so much." I nodded.

"Okay. Bye."

I hung up and walked into the hallway. I seen Kimberlee was on the couch, with her hands on her stomach. Miles was in the kitchen, drinking some water. His formed looked tense and worried.

"Kimberlee, you need to move in with me." Miles turned to look at me and frowned.

"She can't leave. We gotta keep a close eye on her, now."

"I know, that's why I'd be taking her home with me. She's pregnant with a half-breed. Half vampire and half human. A lot can happen, I wanna be with her when they happen. I'll understand more than you, Miles." He sighed, but nodded.

"Is Landon gonna be there?" Kimberlee looked so happy when she asked this.

"No. He'll be home tomorrow or so. I don't know."

"Oh, alright."

"Are you fine with coming with me?" Kimberlee frowned and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess. It'd be safer living with a vampire who knows what will happen if a human is pregnant with a vampire's child." I forced a smile.

"I'll help you pack, then." She nodded and stood up, walking towards me. She still looked pale and ill, but she would get over it during the night.

In less than half an hour, we had most of her clothes packed up. I grabbed a sweater from her closet and made her put it on. Kimberlee tried putting the suitcase down, but it was too heavy. I told her I would do it and told her to take the small handbag. I picked the suitcase up like it was a feather and walked out with her.

"Miles, I'm leaving, now," Kimberlee called. Miles walked down the hall, his hands stuffed into his jeans. He flipped his hair to the side and forced a smile.

"Hey, babe. Leaving me again?" He asked, with a chuckle.

"I love you, Miles. I'll be back, soon," Kimberlee said, softly. She kissed his cheek and hugged him, tightly. He hugged her back and a tear fell from his eye.

"I know, it's just I wanna be there when you need help," He cried, quietly.

"You'll be there, I promise. You can help me spoil this brat, okay?" Kimberlee asked, as she pulled away, grabbing his hands. He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"I love you. Take care of her, Avery. Don't let anything happen to her," Miles said. I nodded.

"I won't. She's in save hands."

Or so I hoped.
♠ ♠ ♠

i'm back. :]

heheh, kimberlee is actually preggo her eggo. man, what's a story without someone actually being pregnant? most stories i read have at least ONE pregnancy in it. and usually, you see it coming all the time. i bet you guys knew sooner than later, kimberlee would get pregnant.

i'd let myself get preggo if i had landon as a man. [smirks]

i'm so excited for the summer guys! i want to get my tan back and i want to finally go swimming. school is too stressful and well, i have boy problems. i can't take it and if i don't see him for a whole two months, the crush will disappear. i'll probably miss him, but i'd rather get over him than get hurt. i think he just considers me as a friend, when obviously i consider him as more. i donno, should i ask him if he does ... ?

if i do and he says the big NO, the big long r word we all know as REJECTED is going to be written across my forehead.

who else hates boys? : (