Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I sat on the bed in Landon's room and sighed. I couldn't believe I was pregnant. Sure, I was somewhat young to have kids and my plans for my future was to have kids when I was at least thirty. But this was an exception, I was guessing. I was having a baby with the man I loved.

I still felt sick. My stomach ached, but not as bad as before. My headache had eased and only my legs hurt. I didn't have a fever anymore, which was good. When I had my fever, I felt that I was burning. Then when I was in the cold bathtub, the fire had been put out. I wasn't burning anymore.

I looked up from my hands as the door opened and in strolled Avery. She smiled and placed the glass on the nightstand beside the bed. She handed me a red pill and then the water. I chugged it down and handed her the half empty glass. I smiled and laid back in bed.

"What was that?" I asked.

"It was a pill vampires use to ease pain," Avery smiled. I yawned, quietly, seconds later. Avery patted my hand and stood up.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To bed. I'm tired, too," She chuckled. "Get some sleep, Kim. You'll need it."

"Okay," I nodded. Avery waited until I was fully tucked in, 'till she moved from her statue like posture and gracefully walked out, turning the light off in the process. I fell asleep, instantly. It felt amazing to actually close my eyes and rest.

Next Morning:

I heard a soft knock, then someone shuffling in the room. I didn't want to wake up. I didn't want to open my eyes and get up. I felt so lazy and exhausted. A small pat was felt on my foot. I groaned and kicked at it. The person, which was a woman, chuckled.

"Kimberlee, wake up. You've been asleep all morning," Avery's smooth voice said.

"Nooo. Leave me be," I moaned, into the pillow.

"Kimmy, wake up! You need to eat. If you don't, trust me, you'll get grumpy and you'll be all mad," Avery said, insistingly. I groaned and huffed, before getting up and walking into the bathroom. Avery was smiling as I returned to the room and hooked arms with me.

"There's a surprise downstairs for you," Avery smirked.

"I hate surprises," I grumbled.

"Now, now. Grumpy are we?" Avery mocked. I rolled my eyes and dragged myself into the dining room. I didn't look up because I didn't want, too. I was tired and I couldn't even hold myself up. I knew Avery couldn't feel, though, because she was so strong.

"Good morning, love," a man said. My eyes widened and I looked up, seeing Landon. He smirked and walked slowly towards me. A smile creeped on my lips and I ran into his arms. He held me securely to his body, kissing the hollow of my neck.

"I missed you so much, Landon," I said, into his shoulder.

"And I did, too," Landon said, softly.

"You know we're parents, right?" I asked, pulling away from him. He nodded and smiled, kissing my lips softly.

"Yes, and I feel like the happiest man in the world." I flushed.

"I'm really nervous and scared," I said, truthfully. He smiled.

"Don't be. I'll be with you, for as long as the pregnancy last, okay?" He asked, lifting my face as he puts his index finger under my chin. I nodded and hug him, tightly.

Somehow, now that Landon was here, I felt safe. Like nothing would ever harm me or try and hurt me and our baby. Landon kissed my forehead and pulled away. He led me to my seat and let me sit down, before pushing my chair in and sitting in his seat.

Landon called in some maids and told them to bring in the food. I waited, eagerly and smiled as I seen silver platters being put on the table. I served myself everything and felt full after all I ate. Landon chuckled and stood up, rubbing his flat stomach.

"That was good, ladies. Excellent work," Landon said to the elderly maids. They smiled and bowed, before excusing themselves and exiting. Landon looked down at me and held out his hand. I placed my hand on his and followed him up to my room.

Landon looked tensed and worried. He'd always look behind him, as if someone was following us. Then he'd look at all the rooms, as if someone was in there, hearing our conversation. I was happy when we got to my room; I felt worried and just as tense as him.

"What's wrong, Landon?" I asked, worriedly.

"Nothing, love," He forced a smile.

"You're worrying me, you know that," I said, softly.

"Please, don't worry over me. Look, how about we go on vacation?" Landon asked, brightening up.

"Where?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Miami," Landon smirked.

"Do what?" I asked.

"Look, my Mom lives there. I haven't seen her in such a long time and I know she'll love to meet you. Plus, she knows a lot about vampire pregnancies," Landon said.

"But Landon, my family lives here and stuff. I can't leave them," I said, quietly.

"We won't be there for long, though. Just until you have our baby."

"I don't know." Landon smiled and hugged me. He kissed my temple, before kissing my lips.

"You'll be with me; you'll be safe." The door to my room opened, slightly. Landon seen it and put his body infront of mine, protectively. Avery walked in, with a frown on her lips. Landon groaned, "It's only you," and stood away from me.

"Landon, can we talk in my room?" Avery asked, grimacing. Landon nodded, immediately and turned towards me.

"I'll be back, alright?" Landon asked. I nodded and let him walk away.

Landon's Point Of View:

I walked into Avery's room and leaned on the door as I closed it, incase if Kimberlee was listening. Avery turned towards me, with a bigger frown. She sighed.

"They're coming," She finally said.

"I know. But how did they find out so fast? It'd take them at least two days to find out," I said, frustrated.

"We need to leave, now," Avery said.

"I was talking to Kimberlee about going to visit Mom." I eyed Avery, closely. She nodded.

"Good idea. What did she say?" Avery asked.

"She doesn't know. She has family here, that's pretty much all the reasons," I explained.

"They're coming fast. If we leave by tomorrow, it might be too late. Landon, convince her. If not, wait 'till she falls asleep and pack up and leave." I smiled.

"I was thinking the exact same thing." Avery smirked and nodded. She got to packing right away and I got the hint to leave. I walked down the hall, feeling the air tense.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I turned as the door opened and smiled as Landon closed the door behind him. He took his shirt and shoes off, before grabbing my hand and walking me to the bed. He let go of my hand as he pulled the sheets back and crawled into one side of the bed.

"Get dressed and I'll be waiting here," Landon smirked. I blushed and nodded. I went through my clothes and grabbed some sweats, before walking into the bathroom and getting dressed.

As I walked out, Landon was staring at the cieling, motionless. He looked so beautiful laying there, like an angel. I crawled into bed and turned on my side, placing a hand on my stomach. I smiled as I thought about the future. Having my baby would be a large responsibility, but it didn't matter.

Another body turned on it's side and cuddled up to me, putting a hand on top of mine. Landon kissed my neck, softly and inhaled my scent. I flushed and cuddled closer to him. He chuckled.

"Are you happy, Kimberlee?" Landon asked.

"About what?" I asked.

"Our baby. Me?" He asked.

"Of course I am. It just seems all too soon," I confessed.

"True. Did Avery tell you I love you?" Landon asked, quietly in my ear. My heart skipped a beat; Landon chuckled.

"No," I said, slowly.

"Well, I'll tell you myself. I love you, Kimberlee," Landon said, softly.

"I love you, too," I said, quietly.

"Get to bed, love." I sighed and closed my eyes.

Landon's Point Of View:

I waited an hour, staring up at the ceiling, for Kimberlee to be fully asleep. I seen she was asleep, I got up, soundlessly. I packed up all her things in a couple of minutes and came back to her. I smirked; I had to undress her. I gripped the elastic waistband of her sweats and pulled them down, slowly. My fingers grazed her soft skin, making goosebumps rise all over my body. I folded it nicely, placing it beside me. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up, slowly. I bit my bottom lip as it went over her breasts; I didn't want to pounce on her.

I went threw hell undressing Kimberlee. Somehow, I made it through without raping her. I picked her duffle bag and slung it over my shoulder, then picked her up, after I changed her and walked downstairs. Avery smiled as she seen me and grabbed her suitcase, walking out of the house.

I opened the backseat door for Kimberlee and placed her in. Avery grabbed a blanket from the back and placed it over Kimberlee. I smiled and kissed her forehead, then climbed into the front and waited until Avery closed the passenger seat and buckled up. I backed down the driveway, then turned left and headed down the street.

"Kimberlee's going to be mad when she wakes up," Avery said, looking at me, seriously.

"I know. Leave the talking to me," I said.

"Shouldn't we call Mom and see if we can go?" Avery asked, quietly.

"Avery, you know Mom will already know we're going. Her visions and all. She would have known days ago about our arrival. Don't worry about it," I shrugged. Avery nodded and leaned her head against the seat. Her eyes closed and I knew she fell asleep.


I heard some shuffling in the back. I looked in the mirror and seen Kimberlee's eyes opening. I smiled and returned my gaze to the road. She sat up and gasped, then looked at me threw the mirror.

"Landon, where are we?" She asked.

"The airport is just around the corner," I told her.

"The airport?" She asked. Her eyes narrowed and huffed. "I said I didn't know about traveling."

"Kimberlee, it'll be fun. You'll be safe," I said.

"You've said I'll be safe so many times. Why do you keep saying that? What's going on?" She asked.

"Nothing. I swear," I said.

"I don't believe you. Tell me, now, Landon."

"It's nothing." She grimaced.

"Yeah, nothing my ass. You tell me now, or - or I'll jump out of this car."

"Kimberlee, don't. You'll loose the baby."

"Just tell me."

"I'll explain it on the plane."

"I'm not getting on that plane, if you don't tell me what's going on."

"For fuck sakes, Kim."

"You just took me from my home. What do you expect?"

"Okay, fine. You win. When I park the car, we'll get out. I'll give money to Avery, she'll buy the tickets to Miami and I'll explain it to you." I sighed as she stayed quiet and turned into a parking lot. I looked for parking spot for at least twenty minutes. The air was tenser, now. I grimaced. We needed to get on that plane, so our scent could fade in the wind.
♠ ♠ ♠

yuuuus, my computer is working again! i am so fricken happy, i don't think you guys understand! i fricken defeated that stupid software! i feel so victorious it's not even funny. i thought i wouldn't be able to go on this account for a long while, but the software was definitely wrong and it had it coming!

i hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, i might just update more of the chapters tonight after i update my other stories.

thank you for being understanding and sorry for keeping you waiting extra long, too.

more updates to come on the way. ;]