Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


My eyes fluttered opened as the sun touched my bare arm. An arm around my waist tightened their grip on my waist, as they dreamt. I yawned, quietly and turned, facing Landon. His hair fell over his face as he slept, covering his closed eyes. My hand shot up to his face, moving it aside for him. He stirred under my touch and woke up, slowly. A crooked smile appeared on his rosy lips and leaned down, touching lips with mine.

"Morning, love," He said, slightly apart from my lips.

"Morning," I sighed. He pulled away and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest. He placed feathery kisses along my forehead, until he reached my temple.

"We better get up," Landon grumbled. I groaned and turned from him, laying flat on my stomach. I pulled the sheets over my head and closed my eyes.

"I don't think so, missy," Landon said, amusedly. The next second, the sheets were being pulled off of me. I shivered from the lack of warmth and shrieked as Landon took hold of my ankles and pulled me towards him. He laughed and picked me up from my waist, carrying me into the small bathroom in the room and locking the door.

Landon stripped down to his birthsuit and got into the shower, while I stripped down, slowly. I hadn't noticed there was a full length mirror infront of me. I turned towards it and gasped. My stomach had grown! Landon poked his head from the curtains and arched an eyebrow.

"What's wrong, Kimberlee?" He asked. I didn't answer. I ran my hands over my bare stomach, staring at the sudden growth in shock and bewilderness. Sure, it wasn't gigantic, but you could tell something was growing inside.

"Landon, I grew a couple of inches," I said. Both of his eyebrows raised this time. I stepped into the shower and looked up at him.

"That was fast," Landon finally said. I smiled and stepped under the shower. I, suddenly, felt two hands run over my bare stomach. I wiped the water from my eyes and looked at Landon, who looked concentrated on what he was doing. I placed my hands on his and stepped towards him.

"That's your baby," I said, softly.

"Yeah. I never thought I'd be a dad," Landon declared.

"Now you are," I replied, contently.

"Yeah," He sighed. I frowned.

"Are you happy about this?" I asked, looking away from his gaze.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, lifting my face with his hand.

"I don't know. For the fact that I'm human," I shrugged. I looked away from his gaze.

"That doesn't matter to me. Does it matter that I'm a bloodsucker?" He asked. I winced at his choice of words.

"No. Don't say that again. It's too harsh - "

"And true," Landon mumbled.

"Landon, stop. I love you for you. Not for what you are," I said, softly. He smiled and hugged me, kissing the hollow of my neck.

"I love you, too, Kim. You're everything to me," He whispered.

My stomach did a flip-flop. I smiled against his shoulder and grasped his shoulders. His lips trailed up my neck, then onto my cheek. His lips found my upper lip and he sucked on it, getting a moan from me. His body pushed mine backwards, until I hit the cold wall. I shrieked in his mouth, before groaning as his hands ran down my skin, sending tingles and delicious sensations throughout my body.

"Landon! Kimberlee! Where are you?" Someone screamed from inside our bedroom. Landon pulled away and leaned his head back in frustration.

"In the shower!" Landon called back.

"At least wait until Kimberlee has her child!" Elizabeth called. I smirked.

"Just when I thought I was gonna get some," Landon muttered. I burst out laughing. Landon joined in and hugged me tighter.

"Let's go, before she holler agains," I chuckled. Landon nodded and pulled away, reluctantly. I showered, quickly and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. Landon came out from the bathroom minutes later and opened his suitcase. I grabbed some stuff from my suitcase and threw it on the bed, then let my towel drop. I dressed into my undergarments and stepped into a pair of capris sweats and a light-coloured tank top.

I tied my hair in a ponytail and walked out, as soon as Landon was dressed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my hair. Elizabeth was sitting in the fancy kitchen. She was drinking some tea and eating tea biscuits, as well.

"Morning, ma," Landon said, happily.

"Morning, dear. How did you sleep?" She asked, kindly.

"Fine. Where's Av?" Landon asked.

"Around. Talking to her Father, you know," She shrugged.

"How are things going with him?" Landon asked, after I sat on a stool and he sat himself down.

"Good. How's your Father?" She asked.

"He's being a bastard, that's how he is," Landon growled.

"Excuse me, young man? You shall not talk about your Father in that way," She said, sternly. Landon rolled his eyes and grunted.

"It's the truth," Landon said, quietly. Elizabeth shook her head, then turned to me and smiled, warmly.

"Anyways, how are you child? Is everything fine? "She asked, taking a quick sip of her tea.

"Fine. I grew a couple of inches," I stated, hugging my stomach and smiling at Landon's beautiful mother.

"Ah, yes. That is excellent news! After you eat, Kimberlee, we will talk about your child," She smiled. I nodded. Elizabeth called the maid that helped us last night and told her to make me breakfast. Jenise obeyed and set to work right away.

After I ate, Elizabeth and I went outside onto the balcony. Looking over the balcony, all I could see was the beauty of the ocean. The beach spread for miles and miles. We sat down and waited for Avery to join us. After a couple of minutes, Avery marched in, with three glasses of what seemed like orange juice. She placed one in front of me, then her mother and sat down herself.

"Okay, now that Avery is here. Let's begin," Elizabeth said, after a minute. She folded her hands on her lap and crossed her slender leg over her other.

"I just want to know, is this going to be easy? All the way through?" I asked.

"I don't know, my dear. Half-breed pregnancies usually have problems, during the last month of pregnacy. But they always have their babies and the mothers come out fine out, too," Elizabeth said, truthfully. I trembled.

"Well, now that I got that asked. You can go on," I sighed. Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

"As you already noticed, vampire pregnancies grow at a more rapid speed. The vampire hormones and cells help the baby develop much quicker than a human baby. The pregnancy only takes 4 months. Like I said, in the last month, you will have difficulty. You will get high fevers, a slight cold or flu. But once your child is born, this sickness will vanish. It will seem like it never happened. Also, the father of the child, needs to be with you at all times. The child needs to get to know his father. The baby will be able to smell his father from inside you.

"As the baby grows between those 4 months, no one will ever suspect it's a vampire's child, unless if you're a vampire, of course. When you are two months, it will seem like you are three months. When you are three months, it will seem like you are six months. When you are four months, it will seem like you are nine months. It's all easy to understand.

"By the way, it's easy to lose a vampire child; even easier losing a half-breed. You must be very careful. If you ever fall, or trip. You will lose the child, no matter what. Vampire babies are very fragile," She ended.

"Okay. Anything else?" I asked.

"No, besides eating healthy as all mothers do, and making me proud," Elizabeth smiled. I nodded and smiled back.

"I'll try," I said. She smiled.

"Next month, we'll go buy you some new clothes, 'kay, sweetheart?" She asked. I nodded in agreement and took a sip from my orange juice.

These were gunna be four long months.
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thanks for reading! :]