Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Nightfall came, quickly. I sat on my new bed and sighed. I was worried about Miles; what would he say when I told him I was in Miami? I'd broken another promise. He'd be really mad with me, now. He'd probably tell my parents or my older sister, which always yells at me if I do something wrong.

Ugh, life.

I grabbed the phone from the nightstand and dialed my apartment number. It rang twice before Miles answered. I smiled; I had missed his voice.

"Partying residence, whose hollering?" He asked, then started laughing.

"Hey, sweetheart!" I exclaimed.

"Kimberlee! My love, I miss you, you know that, right?"

"Of course I do. I miss you so much, right now."

"So, what are you doing? How's the baby?"

"Good, good." Landon walked into the room and arched an eyebrow.

"Everything going good at Landon's?" I cringed.

"About that . ."

"Where are you?"

"Don't hit conclusions already. I'm fine."

"Kimberlee, where the fuck are you?!" I flinched. He was angry. Landon came by my side and held me close.

"I'm in Miami."

"Miami?! How did you get there?!"


"Who are you with? Tell me, now, or so help me God."

"With Landon, Avery, his Mom and his step-dad." Landon tensed, as I mentioned his step-father.

"Why are you there, by the way? I mean, you just leave. I need explanations, here."

"I left because, obviously, I'm pregnant with a vampire's child and I'm human. Landon brought me here, because his mom knows a lot about pregnancies."

"Ah. Well, have fun there, darling."

"Miles! Please! I didn't want to leave! But Avery, neither Landon, know how this kind of pregnancy works! I'm sorry, Miles! I love you so much!"

"Why do you always do this to me?" His voice had changed from angry, to exasperated. He sounded stressed.

"I'm sorry."

"Just take care, Kimberlee. I love you. Call me for anything."

"I love you, too. I'm sorry, again."

"You better be. Well, I gotta go. I'll talk to you soon, I hope."

"I'll call you." He sighed.


"Bye, Miles." He hung up after that.

Landon let go of me and kissed my forehead. I sighed. I felt tears whelm up in my eyes, but I didn't let them fall. I laid back and placed my hands on my stomach. So much was happening in my life, in so little time.

"You okay, love?" Landon asked, sitting beside me and caressing my cheek.

"Yeah," I lied. He sighed and laid down, wrapping his arms around me.

"You're stressed. Don't be," He whispered into my ear.

"How do you know I'm stressed?" I asked.

"You can thank my Mom, later," Landon smirked. I chuckled.

I yawned, a second later. Landon picked me up, then tucked me into bed, kissing my lips. I smiled and moved over, leaving some space for him. He took his shirt and pants off, then got into bed. He hugged my body against his and whispered, "I love you," into my ear, before closing his eyes and drifting into a slumber.

I didn't really fall asleep. I just laid in his arms, thinking about our baby. I wondered how it would look. Would it be a boy or girl? If I had a boy, would he be handsome like his father? Would he be the talk of the school he went too? Highschool he went too? If I had a girl, would she be beautiful? Would she be intelligent and popular?

I, slowly, drifted into my dream world. I dreamt about the future, how my new child was going to look like, how my life would change from then on.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter really sucks balls, i know, i'm sorry.
i'm guessing, it's just a filler story. but the next chapter is longer, i think. so, no worries of it being short as this part.

i hope you liked it, i know it was short, but i'm sorry.