Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Why was he here? Was he following me? Did Miles tell him where I was?

Mark looked up at Landon and glared back, while clenching his jaw and fist. Landon wrapped an arm securely around me and growled. What was wrong with these two guys? Did they know each other or something?

"Landon," Mark hissed.

"Bryce," Landon growled.

Hold the bus from just a second! Who the hell was Bryce? This was Mark, not Bryce. I gave Landon a questioning look, then looked at Mark. But they weren't looking at me, but each other. Their eyes were dark and narrowed. The only expression I read on their faces was pure and cruel hate.

"Why are you here? Weren't you in Europe?" Landon snapped.

"Well, it's not bad to travel, now is it?" Mark hissed.

"Guys, guys! What's going on here? How do you know each other? And whose Bryce?" I asked, standing in the middle of them, with my hands on their chests.

"That's Bryce. And it's a long story I'll explain to you soon," Landon said, baring his elongating fangs.

"No, no. That's Mark," I said.

"Wait, is this the guy you were with for a month?" Landon asked, now looking down at me.

"You can say that," I replied, in an ackward tone, nodding my head, slowly.

"No wonder I smelt him easily! Kimberlee, this fag's full name is Bryce Mark Creeo. He's a regret to vampire society," Landon snarled.

"Fuck you, dip shit," Mark or Bryce snapped.

"Look, you guys gotta calm down. I don - "

"Whose baby is that?" Mark asked, suddenly, staring down at the large lump, protruding from my body.

"The child's mine," Landon claimed, protectively, pulling me behind his body.

"How do you know Landon, Kimberlee?" Mark asked.

"Long story," I said.

"Stay away from her, you piece of crap. If you even come an inch close to her, I'll kill you and I promise you this time I'll make you're dead," Landon replied, through clenched teeth, in a voice I didn't recognize. It was filled with so much hatred, pain and determination, it actually scared me. His eyes were filled with only hate and I could hardly recognize him as I stared at his face, the one I fell deeply in love with. Now, I didn't recgonize this stranger.

Mark looked shocked, before his face contorted with rage and gave a stiff nod, "Have a good day, Landon."

"Let's go, Kimberlee. Right now," Landon said, in a low, menacing voice. I nodded and grabbed his hand. His face softened somewhat, but it turned rock hard in a flash.

The car ride home was silent. All I heard was Landon's heavy breathing and the car's soft engine. I didn't want to ask what had happened back in the mall, because it looked as if Landon could kill anyone at that moment. A thought crossed my mind the second I thought of Landon hurting someone and well, I thought my safety. I knew I shouldn't have judged him like that, but I had never seen Landon so mad and it looked like he would do anything to get his rage out.

Landon turned into the driveway and slowly, the car rolled into the garage and the car engine came to a dead halt. He shoved the car keys into his pocket and climbed out of the car, slamming the car door shut behind him. I jumped, at the force and shivered, slightly as I watched him walk around the car and open the door for me. I grabbed his outstretched hand and let him pull me up. He shut the door for me and kissed my forehead, whispering he loved me before we walked into the house. Reluctantly, I let his hand slip away from mine and watched him go into the living room. He sat down on the couch, sighing heavily as he stared at the black TV screen with a blank expression. I bit my bottom lip as I woddled towards him, sitting down in the corner of the couch, wanting to touch him.

"What did Mark, I mean Bryce do?" I asked, quietly, placing my hands over my large stomach, starting to chew on my lip as I watched him tense.

"A lot in my life," Landon said, softly.

"You can tell me, you know," I said.

"The story's too painful," He said. I nodded in understanding. He looked over at me and asked, "How did you meet this guy?"

"Miles introduced him to me, then we got together. But he never showed any signs of being a vampire. I never knew," I said.

"You wouldn't. He's half-vampire. Most half-vampires don't have fangs and they look a lot like humans. They don't drink blood often, it's rare. They enjoy human food more than that," Landon explained.

"You know I love you, Landon. And I'm here for you. If you tell me, I'm sure I could help you or well, try. I don't want you to be like this, I've never seen you so mad. Just tell me and let me help you," I whispered, reaching out to touch his arm, laying limply at his side. He sighed as my fingers made contact with his skin and his body eased, only slightly. I let my hand slide down his forearm, until I laid my hand over his palm and laced my fingers with his. He closed his hand over mine and nodded, looking over at me.

"Okay, I'll tell you," he paused for only moment, before he began speaking, "Bryce and me had been best friends since we were younger, really. There was not a day I wasn't spending my time with him, playing or getting into trouble. I didn't just consider him a friend; I considered him like a brother. The day I turned eighteen, Bryce decided to take me out to celebrate at this nightclub he always went, too. We met a bunch of girls, but this one girl caught my eye. Her name was Maria. She was a vampire and she was a year younger than me. She was with her friends, and Bryce seemed to had taken a liking to this one girl named, Sandy, Maria's best friend. I didn't think he would have minded, but I was terribly wrong.

"In weeks, Maria and me became an item. We had dated for almost two years, without any trouble from Bryce or anyone, really. The only difference was that Bryce had started distancing himself from me. We barely talked during school and when we were able to spend time together, it was usually ackward. I noticed that he had started hanging out with the football team and even older kids from college. He did things I never thought he would have done and finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I asked him what was wrong. He just came right out, telling me he was angry that I had taken the girl he liked and that he couldn't stand having me as a friend, anymore.

"From that moment on, we stopped talking to each other and our friendship ended. I didn't understand what I had done wrong, because he had never told me about having feelings for Maria. He was usually with Sandy and they seemed close. But, I just ignored it and knew he was being selfish. If he couldn't be happy for me, I didn't need him as a friend. How would I have known he liked her? He had never hinted it off for me; it was a blank communication.

"One evening, I went home to the apartment I shared with Maria, after school. Usually, I had to work after school, but I didn't have a shift that day. I decided to go home and surprise her. When I got there, I was surprised to find the front door opened. Maria didn't like leaving the door unlocked; she thought it wasn't safe.

"I heard shrieks and squeals, once I entered the apartment. I thought Maria was being attacked or she was hurt. I ran down the hall and kicked the door opened. I found Maria and Bryce having sex on our bed. I grabbed Bryce and kicked the shit out of him. Maria; I didn't do anything to her. She pleaded to me to take her back. I couldn't. I can't deal with that kind of stuff. I kicked her out of the house and since then I haven't seen her again. Apparently, Bryce knocked her up and she had his kids. But, I don't know if it's true or not. I don't give a fuck, either."

"Do you still care about Maria or think about her?" I asked, tensely. I wanted to move my hand away from his, but I didn't want him to feel hurt. Maria, this other girl, had been his first love. She had hurt him, but it still didn't take that feeling that he still loved her or felt something towards her. Maybe I was just acting like a jealous girlfriend, but the thought of him loving this other girl and not me, made my heart lurch.

"Maria was someone I cared terribly for, but she's in the past. I hadn't thought about her in years. That's until I saw Bryce, today," Landon sexplained, running his hand through his black hair.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Please, don't say sorry. Bryce and Maria are in the past. I have you now and I love you so very much. More than I ever loved her. Maria messed up and I'll never forgive her for that," Landon replied, lifting our hands up towards his face and kissing the top of my hand.

"I love you more than life. Don't ever think I don't. I'd never cheat on you, ever," I whispered. Landon smiled and pulled me towards him, laying me between his legs and hugging me, tightly. He pressed his lips against my temple, running his hands over my stomach and sighing. I felt his chest fall, behind my back and rise, again.

"I know you love me, because I love you, too. Just seeing Bryce made me so mad. I can't believe he was the one who had been with while me and you had been separated. I know he still has feelings for you, I could feel them. But his heart is stone, he'll care for a short time and then, he'll dump you somewhere. But, he won't take you away from me. You're my everything, you're mine," Landon whispered, against my ear. He kissed my earlobe and I felt him smile.

"I feel nothing for him and I know he's aware of that," I stated, gently.

"I'm glad. Now, go to sleep. You sound tired. I'll wake you up later, alright?" Landon said, before placing a kiss on cheek. I nodded in response and closed my eyes, obediently. In minutes, I could already feel myself drifting into a deep sleep.

Landon's Point Of View:

Kimberlee closed her eyes and instantly, she was asleep. Her small body fit perfectly over mine, as I hugged her closed and let my hands lay on her growing stomach. I smiled, lovingly and kissed her forehead. Kimberlee was completely different than Maria, as I brieftly remembered. Maria had a great personality, but she had another personality, as well. It was dark, pitiless and cruel. She never associated herself with people lower than her status. She was a person of class and someone without it, wasn't the kind of person she wanted to be acquinted with. If it wasn't her way, it would never be anyone else's way, either.

Then there was Bryce. Once a best friend and now, a dark enemy. Why did he have to come around, now, that I was happy with the woman I loved? In a month, our child would be born. I would be the happiest man on the planet when that day came. But what if Bryce did something to stop that? What would happen then?

I groaned, quietly. I shouldn't be worrying. Kimberlee's and my love could take on anything. Our love was strong, passionate and beautiful. Nothing could break us apart. Not now or ever.

But then why did I have this gut feeling something large was going to interferre with us? I still, hadn't told Kimberlee about what was happening. Mom, I don't know if she knew already. Since Avery could sense other vampires around - thanks to our Mother, we all got different things - she said the other vampires were still looking for us, but they didn't have the slightest clue we were in Miami.

Thank God.

I just hoped that when that day came when I'd tell Kimberlee the whole truth, she wouldn't hate me. I only did this because of her. If it wasn't for me being an idiot at the Council, I'm sure they would given her a chance. Ugh, but I screwed up.

It's all my fault she's in danger.

But nothing was going to touch her. I am determined to keep her safe from whatever comes our way.
♠ ♠ ♠
last update for tonight and maybe the rest of the week.

well, in this chapter i editted it. readers from quizilla who might have already read this and remember it, might see the difference. if you hadn't read this before, do not worry. :]

but let's get one thing straight:
bryce = BAD guy.
landon = good guy.

bryce = traitor.
landon = GOOD GUY.

get that straight and don't change your mind! :]

night! <3 , thanks for reading!