Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I glanced at the alarm clock; nine o'clock in the morning. I sighed and rubbed my stomach. I gasped, quietly, as the baby kicked. I looked over at Landon, or where the empty space where Landon should be sleeping in. I got up and looked into the bathroom; he wasn't there either.

I shrugged. He probably went out and I was glad for him. Ever since I got sick when this month started, he had been at my side the whole time. To tell you the truth, I was getting pretty annoyed. Boy didn't do anything, but nag at me or make me stay in bed. Now, I could just have a shower, go into the living room afterwards and eat.

As I planned, I did just that. I had a bath, because having this baby inside me, tired me out and made my feet swell. I washed my hair, then relaxed for half an hour. Or until the water got cold. I stood up and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my body and walking out.

I got dressed into some sweats and Landon's band tee. I dried my hair and brushed it out, wincing and grinding my teeth as I brushed through the tangles. I walked out after brushing my hair and walked into the living room, flopping down on the couch.

The condo was silent. I, reluctantly, got up and walked over to the fridge. I was about to open it, when I seen, taped to the door, a note. I ripped it from the fridge and read it out loud:

Dear Landon and Kimberlee,
Avery, Jenise, Peter and I went grocery shopping.
We'll be home no sooner than four.
If you need anything, just call cell.

P.S. Jenise made some food in the morning.
It's in fridge.


I sighed. I was all alone. I had no idea where Landon was and I didn't know when he would be back. I opened the fridge and took out some food Jenise had made, I was guessing. I took the lid off of the plastic container and grabbed myself a plate. I put the amount of food I was going to eat on the plate, then put it into the microwave.

I leaned against the counter and looked into space, until I felt a twinge of pain. I winced, and sat down on the stool. It didn't come back after a couple of minutes. I didn't worry about it. Maybe the baby just kicked really, really hard. I sat on the stool, waiting to feel pain again, with my hand on my stomach, hoping to feel the baby kick again. But nothing came.

I jumped a bit as I heard the microwave beep, indicating the food was ready. I stood up and walked over to it. I grabbed my food, then grabbed a fork from the cabinet and walked over to the couch and sat down. I watched the television while I ate, glancing over at the door every once and while if Landon came home.

He never did.

I ate the last of the food, which was very delicious and walked over to the sink, placing the dirty plate and fork in it. I grabbed a glass of orange juice and started walking towards the living room, when I felt another pain - worser than the other one - and fell to the floor. The glass broke into a couple of pieces and I felt a shard dig into my knee.

I looked down and seen my pants were wet with something and blood was soaking through where the glass had dug into my skin. Another wave of intense pain flooded through my body and my stomach hurt. Tears spilled from my eyes as realization dawned on me.

I was about to have my baby and no one was here to help me.

I screamed.

Landon's Point Of View:

Early in the morning, I had gone out to feed. I didn't want to leave Kimberlee alone, especially in her condition, but I hadn't feed since two months ago. Vampires can only go without blood for at least a month or a month in a half. Having Kimberlee in the house, while my blood lust was going crazy, I didn't want to do something I'd regret.

On my way home, I seen a flower store. I stopped by and decided to get some flowers for Kimberlee. She had said a couples months back, that she loved roses. An elderly woman smiled as she walked up to me. I smiled and turned towards her.

"Hello, young man. How may I help you?" She asked.

"I'm looking for roses," I said.

"Ah. Come this way," She smiled, turning around and walking back the opposite way. I followed her until she stopped two minutes later and bent down. She grabbed five roses, all different colours. She handed them to me and smiled.

"Wow, thank you. How much?" I asked.

"Two dollars," She said.

"I thought roses were expensive," I said.

"They are. But you have a beautiful girl back home and there's a lot of love between you two," She said, her face warm. I started at her, dumbfounded.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Let's just say I have Sight," She smiled. I nodded in understanding and handed her five dollars. I told her to keep the change and walked out, feeling very relaxed and happy.

I walked, quickly, down a street. I was about to turn a corner to take a shortcut home, when I bumped into someone. I was about to snap at the person, when I realized I knew her. She smiled at me and turned to face me, with a hand on her hip.

"Why isn't it Landon Harris," She chuckled.

"Sandy! Long time no see," I laughed.

"So, how's life been?" She asked, facing me completely, now. She hadn't changed much. She still looked the same since high school.

"Good. You?" I asked.

"It's been good. Normal for me," She smiled.

"Like partying? Shopping everyday?" I asked.

"Of course! You know me!" She laughed. I joined in and smirked afterwards.

"So, you live here?" I asked.

"Mhm. I just moved here two years ago. It's been good living in Miami," She said.

"I just moved here. A couple months back. I'm living at my Mom's house for the meantime," I shrugged.

"That's good to hear," She smiled, softly. I nodded.

"Anyways, I'll be heading out, now. I hope we can hangout sometime. Catch up," She said, a sparkle in her eyes.

"Of course. I'll see ya and take care. Don't party too hard," I grinned. She rolled her eyes, playfully. In a second, she had hugged me. I hugged her back, but quickly pulled back, as I felt her smell me. I looked at her and seen her eyes darken, as she licked her lips. I knew, immediately, she could smell I was in heat and well, she smelt like it, too.

"Can we hangout soon?" She asked, as she licked her fangs. I swallowed hard.

"I dunno - " I almost dropped the roses I held tightly in my hand as I felt something intense hit me. The only name that came into my mind was Kimberlee.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

The pain was intensifying. It was growing worser and worser each minute - second - that passed. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to get up and call Elizabeth, but my knee hurt so much. The pain from both were unbearable. I screamed as another wave flooded me.

"Pl - please Lord, if you're out there, help me," I stammered, helplessly. I laid down on the floor, sobbing loudly. I shrieked as the pain worsened. I felt like I was dying; like my insides were burning.

The door burst opened. I glanced towards the door, through watery eyes and started sobbing again. Landon ran to my side and picked me up, carefully. In a second, I was in our room, laying on the bed. He grabbed his cellphone from his pocket and shakily dialed a number.

"Mom, I need you now! Kimberlee is about to have the baby!" Landon said, urgently, half-yelling. "Hurry up!" He said after a minute. He closed the cell and turned to me, hugging me.

"It hurts so much, Landon! I can't, anymore!" I screamed.

"No, you'll make it. You're gonna be fine. As long as I'm here," Landon stated. He kissed my sweaty forehead and cradled me in his arms.

Minutes later, everyone else arrived. Elizabeth was ready. She told Avery to grab some towels and a bowl of hot water. She called someone, quickly, then hung up and took my pants off, carefully. I screamed, more, as the pain came more. Landon placed me between his legs, with my back facing his front side. He held me close to him, whispering assuring words into my ear.

A man walked into the room with a small suitcase in his hand. He took his dress jacket off and rolled his sleeves up. He washed his hands in the water and worked on my knee first. It took seconds to take the glass out, making me scream once more. He poured some peroxide on a cloth and put it over my leg, making it burn. I cringed.

He wrapped a bandage around my leg and then turned towards me. "Darling, I know it hurts, but you need to trust me. This is going to take a long time, but when I tell you to do something, will you do it?" He asked. I nodded, without hesitating.

The doctor spread my legs open and placed his hands on my knees. Landon grabbed my hands, tightly and kissed my cheek. The doctor nodded towards Landon and told me to push. I screamed as I did, leaning against Landon and tightening my grip on his hands.


Many hours later, I heard a baby cry. I let myself drop onto Landon's chest, exhausted. I couldn't hold my drooping eyes, opened anymore. I fell limp in Landon's arms, hearing him gasp. He didn't have to worry, though, I was fine. I'd be up in a few hours.


My eyes fluttered opened what seemed years later. I looked around the room, and sat up, to lay back down again from the pain. Why was I so sore? What had happened? I didn't remember a single thing. What had I done yesterday?

The door opened to my room and Landon walked in, a beautiful smile on his face. He sat down on the bed, beside me and kissed my forehead. There was an air about him that made me happy, too. I smiled up at him, feeling kinda stupid that I didn't know why he was so happy.

"I'm happy you're awake. She wants to see you," Landon said, softly.

Wait! Who wanted to see me?! Who was this she? I glanced at Landon confused; an eyebrow arched. He chuckled and stood up, holding his index finger up, telling me to wait a second and left the room. He came back, with something wrapped in a blanket. Then it all hit me. I was pregnant and I had given birth.

"Here she is," Landon smiled, placing the baby in my arms. I looked down at her and smiled, tears appearing in my eyes. She was so beautiful.

"Our baby. She's so beautiful and adorable," I said, softly, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I was really scared when you fell asleep. I thought something really bad happened," Landon said.

"Well, giving birth for heaven know's how long, you kinda get exhausted," I chuckled. He laughed.

"I know, I know. But how you were screaming and it seemed you were in so much pain. I thought you just gave up," He shrugged.

"I didn't. I was so exhausted," I said, staring up at Landon's face.

"Anyways, what are we going to name her?" Landon asked, sitting beside me on the bed and putting his finger inbetween our baby girl's hand. Her eyes opened, slowly and she stared into my eyes for what seemed an eternity. An eternity I'd spend, no matter what.

She blinked a couple of times and tilted her head, gazing up at me more. Her dark blue eyes were mesmerizing. She, suddenly, smiled and her hand reached up towards my face. I bent my head down and let her hand touch me. Her fingers rubbed against my skin, then she dropped her hand and looked at Landon.

"Does she know who we are?" I asked.

"Yeah. She always has," Landon said, grinning at our daughter.

"About the name. What about Kendra?" I asked.

"Sounds good," Landon smirked, showing a fang. He kissed my cheek and rubbed the back of Kendra's hand, softly. It was so small compared to his finger, it was funny, but cute.

"Kendra Leanne Davison Harris," I said. Landon nodded and grinned.

"I love it and I love you," Landon whispered in my ear. I blushed and turned from him. He chuckled. "I still make you blush?"

"Maybe," I said.

"That's good," He purred in my ear. I half smiled, then glanced at the dresser. Something was wrapped up in paper.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing towards the dressed. Landon looked where I was pointing and smirked. He stood and grabbed the package, unwrapping it and handing it towards me. My eyes widened in surprise and I chuckled.

"Roses," I said, quietly.

"Yeah, "Landon nodded.

"Where did you get these?" I asked.

"A flower shop a couple of blocks away," He shrugged.

"Thank you so much," I said, smelling them.

"Anything for you." Landon laid in bed with me as I breast fed Kendra. After I breast fed her, I laid her beside me and slowly drifted into sleep, dreaming about Landon and our new baby, Kendra.
♠ ♠ ♠
see what happened once landon left the house, kimberlee went into painful labor.
and yes, kimberlee finally had her baby girl.
maybe in the next update or on the summary page, i'll put up a picture of little kendra.

i think one last update, then i'm done for the night.
i'm about ready to pass out, aha.
thank you for reading!
you guys are the fricken best! <3