Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



I heard a soft giggle as I woke up from my slumber. I turned on my side and seen Landon on his back, with Kendra sitting on his stomach, holding his hands. She let go of his hand and played with her hair, twirling and gripping it. She, then, looked at me and smiled, reaching out for me.

"Hey, sweetie pie," I said, softly. She gave me a big smile and giggled, jumping up and down.

"When did you wake up, missy," Landon replied.

"Just now," I said.

"Well, Kendra has been awake since nine in the morning and I am tired," Landon yawned, loudly.

"I'll take over from here. C'mon, Kenny. We're gonna go have a bath!" I said, enthusiastically. I grabbed Kendra from Landon's stomach and carried her into the bathroom. I sat Kendra on the counter by the sink and took her clothes off, gently, leaving her in her diaper. I set her down on the floor and gave her a stuffed dog. I got undressed and put my dirty clothes in the bin.

After water had filled the tub, I got in with Kendra. I laid down and let Kendra sit on my stomach, as she splashed around in the water. I cupped some water in my hands and poured it on the back of her head. Her dark hair looked darker as the water soaked through it.

I smiled as I looked at my daughter. She had grown so much in the past five months. Her hair had grown and now, she had small bangs that often got in her eyes. She was chubbier and weighed more. She was like an angel; a small angel that was mine. She was my miracle.

Fifteen minutes of watching Kendra play with the water, we got out. We smelt like flowers and refreshed. I wrapped a towel around her body, then one around myself. I picked her up and carried her out into the bedroom. Landon was spread out on the bed, with the sheet covering half of his body. His hair was eating most of his face and his right foot was hanging from the bed.

I rolled my eyes and put Kendra on the bed. I grabbed a pillow and placed it beside her, so she wouldn't fall and get hurt. I walked over to the dresser and opened it, grabbing some clothes of Kendra and undergarments for me. Kendra was trying to get the towel off of her, but it wasn't working too well. I laughed and sat on the bed, beside her. I placed the clothes beside me and grabbed Kendra, laying her down, carefully.

I put her diaper on, quickly and dressed her in a pink t-shirt with butterflies on it, dark jeans and some white socks. I brushed her hair, gently, smiling at how soft her hair was. I grabbed elastics and carefully tied her hair up in small ponytails on either side of her hair. As I was done, the first thing Kendra did was reach up and play with her ponytails.

I was about to drop my towel, when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Avery. I smiled at her and moved out of the way for her. "Hey," I said.

"Morning. How you sleep? I heard Kendra wake up this morning," Avery smiled.

"I didn't hear her. Landon did, though, "I chuckled.

"Can I take her for a little? "Avery asked. I nodded and walked over to Kendra. I picked her up and kissed her cheek, before handing her over to her Aunt.

"Take care, Kenny," I said, smiling her. Kendra gave me a goofy smile, before walking away with Avery. I sighed and closed the door. I walked over to the bathroom and grabbed my brush. I walked back into our bedroom, brushing through my somewhat tangled hair. I stood by the bed, thinking what I was going to do today. I could go to the beach with Kenny, since she liked doing that.

Two hands grabbed my waist and turned me around. I arched an eyebrow as I seen Landon sitting on the bed, looking up at me. He pulled me towards him and made me straddle his waist. He grabbed the brush out of my hand and placed it on the nightstand, then turned to me.

"Morning to you, too," I replied. He grinned, seductively and slammed his lips onto mine. I felt confused; had I missed something? I got lost in the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips trailed off my lips, kissing down to my neck and sucking. I moaned, into his ear and arched my back, hitting my body with his.

"It's been so long since I held you like this," He purred, lustfully, against my neck. My eyes widened as I felt something hard poke at my inner thigh. He started unwrapping the towel from my body, kissing my bare collarbone, then trailed lower. I moaned again and held onto his shoulders for support.

Minutes passed, until he reached into his pants and pulled himself out. His fangs had grown and his eyes had darkened. I bit my bottom lip and kissed his lips. Yeah, sure, I thought about someone bursting into the room. Possibly Avery with Kendra, but that didn't mean I didn't want this.

Landon was about to push himself into me, when there was two knocks at the door and then it slowly opened. I gasped and grabbed my towel, running into the bathroom. I, seriously, didn't know what happened with Landon. I know they would realize it wasn't a large snake when they seen it!

I was expecting a scream or a shriek or a gasp.

But it never came.

I poked my head out of the bathroom door and seen Landon smiling, awkwardly up at Avery, with Kendra on the bed, crawling around. I rolled my eyes and closed the door again, leaning against it. If Avery had come any sooner, I don't know what would have happened.

Embarrassing, much?

I walked out the room, to see Avery wasn't there anymore. Kendra was on the carpeted floor, crawling about. I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms below my chest. Landon smirked and got up from the bed, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Any sooner and Avery would have caught us," I said, softly.

"If we would have started sooner, you wouldn't have cared. You would have been blinded by the pleasure," Landon grinned.

"Oh, really?" I chuckled. He arched an eyebrow and nodded. I rolled my eyes at the cocky bastard and leaned against him. "So, did she see anything?" I asked.

"Of course not. I put him away before she could see," He smiled. I shook my head and kissed his neck. "Please, don't. Unless if you want me to fuck you here, in front of our daughter, I recommend you don't do that," Landon whispered in my ear.

I grinned and pulled away from him, grabbing Kendra and putting her on the bed. I smiled as I realized Kendra had lost one of her socks. Silly girl.

"Landon, can you take care of Kendra for a minute? I need to get changed," I said. He nodded and walked over to the bed, flopping down beside Kendra and grabbing her. He sat her on his flat stomach and played with her. I walked into the closet and grabbed my bathing suit, along with some jean shorts, and a tank top. I put everything on and walked out, putting my hair up in a ponytail.

"Where you going?" Landon asked.

"The beach with Kenny," I said, grabbing Kendra from his stomach.

"Can't you let Avery take her, so we can play?" Landon asked, sitting up on his elbows and arching an eyebrow.

"Tempting, but I'm going to spend some time with my daughter, right Kenny?" I asked, Kendra. She smiled up at me, while she tugged at her ponytail. Landon pouted.

"Fine. I'll just play on my own," Landon said, defeatedly.

"Naughty boy. Well, we're going, now. You and your hand have fun," I winked and walked out, laughing.

"Kimberlee!" Landon called after he got it. I burst out laughing again and shut the front door.