Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I had stayed two more days in Miami. Avery couldn't get the tickets any sooner than yesterday. Landon kept trying to make me forgive him and explain himself. I didn't let him. I couldn't even look at him in the face; it hurt too much. My heart was already in millions of pieces.

I looked up at the clock in the living room and sighed, heavily, as I seen it was time to go. Avery walked into the living room a second later and smiled. I forced a smile back and grabbed my handbag filled with Kendra's accessories. Elizabeth walked into the room, carrying Kendra.

"Ready to go?" Elizabeth asked. I nodded, slowly and stood up from the couch.

"Where's Landon?" I asked.

"I don't know. He was in my room, earlier," Elizabeth said, sadly. I nodded, again and walked down the hall. I entered the room and went straight to grab my suitcase. The other one was already in the entrance, waiting to leave. I sighed, shakily, feeling the tears threatening to spill out. I pushed them back and looked around the familiar surrounding.

So, this was it. I was going to be leaving Landon forever. I was stupid, way too stupid, to think something like this fairytale would last forever. I mean, c'mon, this guy was a vampire. He was perfect and I wasn't. Of course, that didn't matter, until now. I wish he would have actually loved me, instead of hurting me more by acting, then going off and cheating on me.

I walked over to the bed and smiled as I remember all the times we slept together, snuggled close together. I remembered, feeling so safe and warm in his arms. I thought nothing in the world could ever harm me and it turned out, the owner of those arms, the one who claimed loved me, harmed me.

How everything turned upside down.

I clenched my fist and put it to my heart, feeling it aching. I heard a knock at the door, and realized I was crying. I wiped the tears away and turned, looking at Landon. He looked awful. But it was all an act. It always had been, hadn't it? I have to say, he was a good actor. Making me fall head over heels for him, getting me pregnant. Telling me false lies of love.

I glared at him and wiped the last stray tear from my cheek. I clutched my suitcase handle and started for the door, when Landon stood in front of it, a stern look on his face. He swallowed hard and shook his head, pushing me back and closing the door.

"I want you to hear me out before you leave," Landon said, sternly.

"Do you think I care about what you have to say? What's done, is done. Now, leave me alone," I said, my voice shaking.

"You have to hear me out. Or I'm not letting you leave," He said, leaning against the door.

"Landon, just stop it. Don't you understand you're hurting me enough? You really had me believing that you loved me. But I'm happy we're over with. I can forget you and pretend you were never in my life. I'll erase you from my memories, I promise that," I said, angrily.

"No! I never lied! I have never lied when I said I loved you! That was all true! You got to understand that Sandy came onto me! She came into the house, while I had just gotten out of the shower. I thought it was you, coming back from the beach with Kendra!" Landon cried. "I would never do that to you! Ever! You're everything to me! You and Kendra! Do you think I would want to harm you like that? You think I would want to make you leave my life like that! No! I love you too much to do that to you! Understand you're my everything! My world! Without you or Kendra, I'm nothing!"

"You should have thought about that, before you did what you did! You could have pushed her off, if you loved me! You could have controlled yourself if you loved me! But you didn't! You let her suck on you like a damn lollipop! You let her kiss her you like it was the end of the world! You were going to take her to bed!" I screamed.

"No, Kimberlee! I wasn't! Please! I love you so much!" Landon sobbed, grabbing my shoulders. I shook my head and let the tears, finally fall. I tried pushing him off, but he had a good hold on my shoulders. He grabbed my face with his hands and brought his face towards mine. His lips brushed against mine, forcefully. I pounded my fists on his chest, but he didn't let go. I was going to give in, I could feel it.

I, finally, pushed him off and slapped him so hard across the face, it hurt me. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and glared at him through bloodshot eyes. "I hate you, Landon Harris. I hate you with all my heart. Don't show your face. I don't want Kendra knowing she had you as a Father," I whispered, menacingly.

Landon looked down at the floor, with a hand on his cheek. I grabbed the suitcase and ran out of the room. Landon dropped to his knees and cried into his hands. He punched the floor, making his fists start bleeding. He lost the woman he loved and his daughter.

Avery looked concerned as I ran into the living room and fell to my knees, crying. Elizabeth and Avery were at my side in an instant, hugging me and picking me up from my knees. Avery led me out of the condo, while Peter carried the suitcases. Elizabeth closed the door and walked down the hallway, carrying a sleeping Kendra in her arms.


After I said my good-byes to Peter and Elizabeth, Avery and I boarded the plane. Yes, Avery was coming back home with me. She said she couldn't stand to look at Landon. She didn't ever think he would do such a vile thing to me, when he had said so many times he loved me.

I sat in the airplane, by the window, with Avery at my left. Kendra slept in my arms, with a blanket over her small form. I smiled down my baby girl and kissed her forehead, then looked out the window, watching the plane start moving for lift off.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I didn't want to think. I didn't want to speak. I just wanted to stay here, still. I close my eyes and then, opened them again. I wished it was all a nightmare. That Landon hadn't hurt me like this. But as I opened my eyes again, I realized it was real. No nightmare.

I closed my eyes again and slowly drifted into sleep.


By the time I woke up, the plane was slowly landing. Kendra was still sleeping in my arms and Avery was putting away a book she was reading. She smiled as she seen me and settled back in her seat. I tried smiling back, but it only came back as a frown.

"Don't worry, we're almost home," Avery said, softly.

"I know," I whispered.

Minutes later, the plane finally started landing. I felt anxious as we gently hit the ground. I was going to see Miles and Corbin again. I was going to start my life all over again with my bundle of hope. I grabbed my handbag and sighed. I would forget that I ever loved Landon.

That seemed impossible.

When the plane landed, all the passengers and us got off. Avery and me went to get out suitcases and got them after a couple of minutes. We put our suitcases on one of those carts and pushed them to the front of the airport, where family and relatives waited to see the new arrivals. I searched around the crowd, wanting to see Miles.

I heard someone call my name. I twirled around and seen Miles, a smile on his face. I smiled and walked towards him, hugging him tightly, though careful that I had Kendra in my arms. He kissed my forehead and smiled, again.

"I can't believe you're here, again," Miles whispered.

"Neither can I," I said, softly.

"I can't believe Landon did that to you, after all he said," Miles said, heatedly.

"Don't talk about it. Someone wants to meet you," I chuckled. Miles looked down at Kendra, who was looking up at him. He laughed and grabbed her, gently from my arms and kissed her cheek. She smiled and tilted her head to the side, examining him. I hugged Corbin as he came to stand beside Miles.

"She's so beautiful," Miles breathed.

"I know. Her name's Kendra," I said. He nodded.

"Great name," Miles said. He glanced up from looking at Kendra and looked at Avery, with a smile on his face.

"Hey," Avery said, softly.

"Welcome back," Miles said. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, it's good to be back," Avery replied.

Avery, Corbin, Avery and me departed from the airport. It was a good ride back home; I forgot about Landon, I can tell you that. Corbin was in love with Kendra. He didn't want to let go of her and I'm sure Kendra loved him, too. I was just so happy to be back home, with two people I loved so much.

Corbin, as you should expect, carried Kendra as Miles and I carried my suitcases. Avery had taken her stuff home and she'd be passing by soon. I flopped on the couch as I sighed and looked at Corbin, sitting with Kendra on his lap. She was playing with her stuffed dog.

"I wish I could get pregnant," Corbin said, quietly. I arched an eyebrow in disbelief and burst out laughing. He joined in laughing and smirked afterwords.

"You're crazy, you know that?" I asked, after I got my breathe back.

"Of course, dear," He smirked. I rolled my eyes and stood up from the couch and grabbed Kendra from his lap. Corbin pouted.

"She needs to eat," I explained.

"Fine," He sighed. I smiled and walked into my room. How much I had missed this room and how much I hated it. I had gave in to Landon in this room, on that bed. I groaned; I needed to stop thinking of that bastard.

I sat on my bed, leaning my back against the headboard, as I breast fed Kendra. I draped a blanket over my shoulder, covering Kendra and my exposed chest as I heard someone walk down the hall. Miles walked into the room and grinned. He strolled over to the bed and flopped down.

"How you doing, sexy?" He asked, seductively, in a joking way. I rolled my eyes, but smirked nonetheless.

"Pretty good, you?" I asked.

"No, really," He said, his face turning serious in an instant.

"I dunno. Bad, like shit," I mumbled, looking away from him.

"If I could, I'd kick his ass," Miles said.

"Don't worry about it. He's not worth it anyways. I got my baby right here. My hope, my everything. I got you and Corbin. I got my family. What else do I need?" I asked.

"Nothing else, but us," Miles smiled, pecking my lips softly. I nodded.

"I just can't believe he did that to me, after all he said. I feel so betrayed, so lied too," I said, feeling the tears threatening to spill out.

"No, Kimberlee. Don't cry. He doesn't deserve your tears. He doesn't deserve you," Miles said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he moved to sit beside me.

I let some tears fall, but wiped them away. I didn't know what to think. I loved Landon so much, I would do anything to be with him right now. To forgive him. But, cheating? Is that something you can forgive so easily?


I didn't think so.