Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Bryce's Point Of View:

Sandy ran her hand over my bare chest and smirked. I looked down at her, with blank expression. She sighed and looked at the alarm clock on my nightstand. It was two in the morning. Just to sum it up, Sandy came for a visit, we got somewhat drunk and we had sex.

"I have to go," She said, as she sat up, holding the sheets over her naked chest.

"Okay," I shrugged, turning on my side.

"So, what do you think happened with Landon and that girl?" Sandy asked, as she slipped out of bed. I heard her walk over to the couch in my room and grab her clothes.

I turned to look at her. She was putting her bra on. "I dunno. Why don't you find out?" I asked.

"Do you think he wants to see me after what I did?" Sandy asked, with an amused smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Please, you don't have to see him. Just spy," I said, nonchalantly.

"You do it. I already did my part. Your turn," Sandy said. She zipped her pants up and grabbed her shirt.

"Fine," I growled. She chuckled and put her shirt on. She grabbed her purse and walked out of the room.

I got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom. I felt dirty. I always did after I did it with Sandy. She was such a big whore*re, I mean, who wouldn't? She could have diseases for all I knew. I closed the door behind me as I entered the bathroom and got in the shower.


I walked down the street, searching for Landon's smell. Once I tracked his scent, or his family, I could follow it to their apartment. About five minutes passed and I still hadn't smelled again. Maybe, they hadn't gone out today. His Mom usually did and same with his Sister.

Half an hour later, I tracked down their smell. I followed it and seconds later, I was standing in front of a condo. I smirked; easy stuff. I walked into the building and followed the scent until I was in front of a door. I put my ear to the door and listened. No one was home.

I unlocked the door with my nail and stepped inside. I walked into the large condo and walked into a hallway. There were four doors on the left side and four doors on the right. I decided I was going to open the last one. I turned the doorknob and walked in.

The bed was unmade and it reeked like Landon. I scrunched my nose in disgust and walked over to the dresser. I opened a drawer and didn't find any women clothes. I opened all of them; Kimberlee wasn't here. I grinned. That bitch Sandy had driven her away.

"Good girl, Sandy. Good girl," I muttered. I walked out of the condo and locked it again, before running out in top speed.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

You can say I was doing pretty good. I went swimming with Avery, Miles, Corbin and Kenny. Miles almost drowned me, but Corbin came to the rescue! I swam with Kendra for a while, then passed her around. We went back home and not once did I think of Landon!

I'm doing good!

I walked into my room, after saying good-bye to Avery. I closed the bedroom door behind me and placed Kendra on the bed. She started playing with her feet, sticking them into her mouth as she fell onto her back. I laughed and walked into the bathroom, turning the water on in the bathtub. I walked back out and grabbed Kendra, kissing her cheek, and making her giggle.

I took Kendra's bathing suit off and placed her in the bathtub, while it was still filling. I quickly got undressed and stepped into the bathtub, picking Kendra up and placing her on my lap as the water slowly filled. I grabbed some soap and rubbed it against Kendra's soft skin.

By the time Kendra and me got out of the bath, it was already nine at night. We had spent most of the time at the beach. Avery had taken a basket filled with goods a maid and herself had made. I have to say, Avery is a very good cook.

I changed Kendra into pink and white sleepwear and laid her down. Once I set her on the bed, she was already asleep. I rubbed her stomach, softly and smiled. I sighed and got comfortable on the bed, putting Kendra's blanket over her. She stirred a little, but fell back asleep. She was my little angel.