Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Bryce's Point Of View:

I checked my wristwatch. My flight was going to leave in ten minutes. I smirked as I settled in my seat and sighed. Once I got back home, I needed to find Kimberlee. Maybe Avery was at home; I'm sure she was. I could pass by and ask her about Kimberlee. Avery didn't have anything against me... Or I didn't think so, anyways.

I felt the airplane slowly start to ascend. I grinned and laid my head back, closing my eyes.


I walked out of the airport, hours later, with my suitcases in hand. A black limo pulled up by the curb and the driver stepped out of the car, walking towards me. I gave him my suitcases and climbed into the back of the limo. I heard a soft slam, indicating the driver had put my suitcases into the trunk and heard him climb into the driver's side.

"Where to, Sir?" The driver asked.

"My beach house," I said, nonchalantly.

"Of course," The driver said.

I laid back and relaxed. The driver would wake me up once we arrived.

Landon's Point Of View:

I slammed the receiver down and growled. This couldn't be happening, especially not now. Just twenty minutes ago, I had called the airport to reserve a ticket to New York. Turns out, I couldn't reserve any tickets until two more weeks. So technically, I couldn't get any tickets, even if I went to get them myself at the airport.

I had given flying myself there a thought, but vampires take a long time to get to their destination. I'd be home in, at least, a week. I groaned; this was fucked up.

I walked into my room and flopped onto the bed, running my hands threw my messy hair. I sighed, loudly. How was I going to live another two weeks - day - without Kimberlee and Kendra? If I couldn't live a minute without them, I knew two weeks would just kill me.

I drifted into a light slumber, thinking that there was a possibility I would never see Kimberlee or Kendra again. I knew something was going to happen. Something was going to separate us more and it killed me to think like that. I just wish I got there before any worse happened.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

Living in Avery's beach house actually changed my attitude. It was true when she said hearing the ocean; the waves crushing against each other, during the night and day would calm me. I felt so relaxed, even when I thought of Landon. I guess, just being here, with Avery, Corbin, Miles and my baby girl, Kendra, just made it even better.

I ran a hand over Kendra's small belly and smiled as she stirred, slightly, from her slumber. I laid down beside her and pulled her closer to my body. She breathed in deeply, before laying her head on my chest. I smiled, once more and sighed.

How was Landon? Was he doing fine? I asked myself these questions, constantly. Sure, it had been almost a week since I had left Miami and he had betrayed me. I just missed him so much. I didn't understand why he had cheated on me? What did that Sandy girl have that I didn't? I knew she was a vampire, maybe that was it. Maybe Landon only stayed with me because he got me pregnant.

I held the tears back and let out a shaky breathe. Damnit, Landon Harris! Why did you do this to me? Why did you have to hurt me like this? Did I not satisfy you enough? I thought, sadly. I groaned. Why was I thinking about this? Landon and me were done. Over. I didn't have to worry about him.

But my heart said otherwise.

I didn't know what to do, anymore. I knew I could move on, I had the strength to move on. If I didn't have to the strength, I'd be begging Landon to take me back. I grunted. I hated thinking of him because he was the one who hurt me so badly. He was the one who lied to me.

He killed me, emotionally.

I stood up from the bed and walked outside, onto the balcony. I placed my hands on the railing, letting the warm breeze dance and play with my hair. I gazed out at the sea, seeing the sun setting. It went down, slowly, making beautiful colours like purple, pink, orange and yellow appear in the sky. I smiled.

I don't know how long I stayed outside, watching the sun set. All the memories had flooded back from the beginning when I met Landon, 'till now. So many memories that seemed such a short time ago. It seemed like I had met Landon yesterday and fallen in love with him.

I walked back into the room to see Miles holding an awake Kendra in his arms. He smiled as he seen me walk in and patted a spot beside him on the bed, with his hand. I sat down as I reached the bed and sighed, gazing at Miles and wondering how long he had been in the room.

"I didn't want to bother you," He said, as if reading my mind.

"Oh." I gave a nod in understanding.

"You were so deep in thought. I called you, but you never answered. I stayed Incas Kendra woke up," Miles smiled.

"Mmm . . . . "I mumbled. We stayed silent for a moment, as we were both in thought. Miles looked up at me and searched for my eyes. Once he got my gaze, he locked his eyes on mine.

"What . . . What were you thinking of?" He asked, softly.

"Landon. Memories," I said, looking away from his eyes.

"Oh. Do you think you'll forgive him?" Miles asked, setting Kendra on the bed.

"I, really, don't know. My hearts says I should, I should hear him out. Let him tell me what really happened. But my mind, tells me to just forget him. It keeps telling me that if he loved me, he wouldn't have done that to me," I said, quietly. "I don't know what to believe. What side I should choose," I added.

"Once you figure it out, you'll choose the right path. Trust me," Miles smiled, grabbing my hand and kissing the top of it.

"I hope so. So, what have you been doing? When did Kenny wake up?" I asked.

"Not too long ago. Half an hour," He shrugged. I nodded.

"Thanks," I said.

"No prob," He said, softly. "C'mon, let's go eat. I'm starving," Miles added, grabbing Kenny from the bed and picking her up. I grinned and walked downstairs with him.

Avery and Corbin were in the living room, watching television; Oprah Winfrey. Corbin smirked as he seen Kenny and grabbed her from Miles arms. I shook my head in disbelief and chuckled, as I sat down beside Avery. She smiled at me and took a long sip of her strawberry smoothie, I was guessing.

"There's some food on the stove and this delicious smoothie in the fridge," Avery smiled as she seen my expression.

"Are you sure you can't read minds?" I asked.

"Nope," She laughed. I smiled and got up, walking into the large kitchen. Miles was already seated at the island, waiting to be served. Hmph, like I was supposed to serve him. Please.

"So, when are you gonna serve me my food?" Miles asked, with a sly smirk. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Me? Ha! In your dreams, my dear Miles," I chuckled. He pouted.

"Okay," He sighed, sadly and dragged himself to the fridge. Yeah, I did feel guilty, but he was a big boy. He could do it on his own!

After I grabbed some food and left Mr. Pouty to get his food, I went to sit with Corbin and Avery at the couches. Corbin was playing with Kendra, as Avery laughed. I dug into my food hungrily and chowed it down. Miles joined us minutes later, still pouting. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.