Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Avery's Point Of View:

After I said bye to my niece, Kimberlee, Corbin and Miles, I went to my room. I closed the door behind me and headed towards my bed, when I froze in mid-step. I dropped the glass of water I held in my hand and my heart pounded as I seen scenes of the future.

I dropped to the floor and gasped for air. My eyes went back to their natural colour and closed them. My heart hammered against my chest, as I breathed in shakily. So, Landon was planning on coming back and the Council were slowly nearing us. In two month's time or between two months, the Council would find us. Maybe not here at my beach house, but somewhere. They would take Kimberlee and Kendra away, along with Landon. I felt the tears slid down my cheeks.

All Vampires, if they are full breeds, are born with some kind of gift. These gifts were like healing powers, Sight or being psychic, invisibility, time travel, persuasion and manipulation, telekinesis, etc. I was granted with Sight, along with my Mother. Of course, it was useful, but sometimes it hurt to know the truth. I started seeing visions of the future when I was five. Because I was so young, I only thought they were dreams, because that's when I'd have them, when I was sleeping. But I slowly started realizing as I grew older, that they were real. My visions wouldn't come true until weeks or months later. Whatever I had seen in my visions, would be the exact thing I would see when they came true.

I sighed, wiping the tears away. I heard a knock at the door that distracted me from my thoughts. "One minute,"I called as I looked myself over in the mirror. Good, it didn't look like I was crying. I grimaced as I seen the glass pieces on the floor and stepped over them, walking over to the door and opening it. It was Kimberlee.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked, with a smile.

"Nothing much. Just really bored," Kimberlee chuckled. I looked over at my alarm clock; 9:45 PM.

"Tomorrow, want to go out for a little? We can go to the mall, maybe go swimming around. Would you like that?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. I could leave Kendra here with Corbin and Miles," Kimberlee nodded, with a grin.

"You could take her. It's no fun without little ole' Kenny," I chuckled.

"Okay, haha. Well, I'll see ya tomorrow in the morning. Good night, Avery. Sleep well," Kimberlee said, softly.

"G'night," I said. She smiled and walked down the hallway. I closed the door and turned to look at my mess. I walked over to it and started picking the glass up, before throwing it in the garbage.

I got changed into my pajamas and crawled under the covers. I stared up at the ceiling and frowned. How was I going to tell Kimberlee that Landon was returning? I knew he'd take sometime, figuring out where we were. But his third guess, would be coming here. I, also, couldn't go and tell him where we were. I didn't want to go against mine and Kimberlee's friendship.

I closed my eyes and the visions ran by my eyes again. I opened my eyes, abruptly and sighed. I wouldn't be getting any sleep tonight. Well, maybe not now, at least. I got up from my bed and walked towards my balcony. I opened the doors and walked, leaning against the railing as the cool breeze hit my skin.

I didn't understand why the Council didn't want to have half-vampires. I didn't understand why they were banned from society. Sometimes, things just happened. It wasn't fair for those children to suffer; to die because their kind was banned. They be able to live. They could be changed, couldn't they? It wasn't that hard to change a half-vampire into a full one.

Would Landon change Kimberlee and Kendra?

I knew it wouldn't hurt Kendra when they changed her. Half-breeds only needed a small amount of the mother/father's - who was a full breed vampire - blood to become a full breed. Unless if you were human, wanting to become a vampire, that would take days. Plus, it was against the rules to turn a human into a vampire.

Back in the eighteen hundreds, many humans were becoming vampires because the vampires who feed from them injected the wrong substance into the human's body. The Elders were infuriated with all the newborns. The newborns didn't care about being noticed that they were something else. Many slayers were after the true vampires and they killed many. The Elders or now called the Council, took matters into their own hands and went after the newborns, taking care of them, themselves. Once all the newborns were demolished, the Council made up laws vampires needed to obey; it was for their own safety. One of these rules was to never, ever turn a human into a vampire.

I sighed. Landon had already gone against one rule, he wouldn't care going against another one. The love he held for Kimberlee, would make him cross the world for her. But that love would kill him. The Council had no remorse on killing a vampire who went against their rules. I guess they thought it was a lesson to all vampires that they shouldn't go against the laws.

I just hoped Landon could get out of this one.