Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I woke up, abruptly, looking up at the white ceiling. A cool breeze made bumps rise over my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. I yawned as I sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I glanced at my side, seeing Kendra sleeping, soundlessly beside me.

I threw the covers off of me, making sure I didn't wake Kendra and trekked into the bathroom. I washed my face and brushed my teeth in hurry, Incas Kenny woke up. I grabbed a towel and wiped the water off of my face. As I walked into the room, I heard a small sigh and some shuffling around in the bed. Kendra was sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, Kendra," I said, softly. She smiled as she seen me and outstretched her arms. I picked her up and walked outside onto the balcony. The sun shined brightly over the water, making a beautiful reflection swim over it. I smiled.

Kendra giggled as a warm breeze blew our way. It ruffled threw her, already, messy hair, making small strands of her hair stand up. I chuckled and ran my fingers into her hair, kissing the top of her head, afterwords. We walked back inside and out into the corridor. I smirked as I walked into Miles' room, seeing him, laying in a very sexual position with Corbin.

Corbin must have gotten lucky last night.

I placed Kendra on the floor and let her wander around. I watched her, cautiously as she sat beside the dresser and played with Corbin's slipper. After I made sure that was okay, I walked over to their bed and bent over Miles' ear. I sucked in a lot of air, then screamed, "Wake up!" in Miles' ear.

I fell back in hysterical laughter as Miles jumped twenty feet into the air and looked around the room like a maniac. He glared at me as he spotted me laughing on the floor and crossed his arms in front of his bare chest. He arched an eyebrow and stood up. Luckily, he was in boxers.

"Kimberlee," Miles said, sternly.

"Good morning, Miles," I said, between giggles.

"So, you think it's funny to scare the living daylights out of people, now do you?" Miles asked.

"Maybe," I smiled.

"You come back into this room and so help me God, you will regret it," Miles said, narrowing his eyes at me. I arched an eyebrow, playfully and crossed my arms, in a mocking way.

"What's the worst you can do?" I challenged. He smirked, evilly and threw himself on me. He started tickling along my sides, then grabbed my feet and tickled me there. I kicked and screamed, but no Saviour came to my rescue. Kendra was giggling and slapping her hands together, as she watched us adults play.

There goes my little Saviour. She was enjoying watching her mother suffer.

Corbin got down on the floor and joined in the fun. I laughed harder as he tickled my sides, while Miles was tickling both of my feet. Why had I been cursed with such a ticklish body, I will never know. I heard some shuffling coming down the hall, then a chuckle from above.

Avery smirked as she leaned against the door frame, watching Miles and Corbin torture me. Ipleaded screamed I would pee myself if they didn't stop and maybe I would die from the lack of air since I was laughing so hard. They gave it a thought, but continued tickled me. Five minutes later, they stopped. They left me sprawled on the floor, breathing heavily.

"I. . . hate . . . you," I said, between breathes. Miles smirked and wrapped an arm around Corbin's waist.

"I love you, too, Lee," Miles chuckled.

"Wow," Avery laughed. "What an interesting morning!" I rolled my eyes and sat up, which hurt because I had been laughing so hard. Kendra crawled towards me and put her hands on my thigh, with a big goofy smile on her face.

"Did you like watching that, you little devil?" I asked Kendra. She just smiled.

"We'll take Kendra from here. You seem a little tired. What happened?" Corbin asked, grabbing Kendra. I sent him a cold glare, making him laugh. He blew me a kiss as he walked out of the door, in only jeans. Miles helped me to my feet and we walked downstairs, hand in hand.

Breakfast was delicious, as always. After I ate, I breast fed Kendra. She seemed really hungry today and her head felt somewhat hot. Once she was finished, I asked Avery if she had a thermometer. I struggled putting the thermometer into Kendra's mouth carefully and finally, after ten minutes of trying, I seen her temperature was normal. I felt confused. She was burning hot when I had touched her earlier and she seemed . . . Sick, and now, she was fine.

Vampire stuff, maybe.

As Avery and me had planned last night, I went upstairs and changed into navy blue jeans, a purple t-shirt underneath a thin sweater, with Vans. Corbin had changed Kendra into a cute dress.

After we were dressed, we walked into her garage and drove off into town. The day was warm and the breeze was just right. Kendra reached up every now and then as she felt the air brush her fingers. She smiled and looked up at me. I smiled back and wondered, why she had a sudden fever earlier.

I would have to ask Avery later.

Avery parked the car in the mall's parking lot and we got out as she shut the engine off. I placed Kendra on my side and carried her towards the mall entry with Avery on my left. Avery opened the door for me and I stepped into a beautiful mall. It was huge!

"Where you want to start?" Avery asked. Our eyes both landed on Kendra. She smiled as she noticed the attention was on her and reached out for Avery.

"I need to by Ms. Kenny a stroller. She's getting way too heavy to carry," I said.

"Trust me, I know," Avery chuckled.

We got into an elevator, which I may say, fascinated Kendrain a very, very bad way. After I calmed her down, we walked into the baby store and looked around. The store looked expensive. I checked one of the price tags and winced. A stroller cost over a hundred dollars in here.

Can I say rip off?

Avery waved me over as she stopped in front of something. I smiled and strolled towards her, glancing at what she was looking at. It was a crib. The crib looked exactly or similar to the one me and Landon had been wanting to buy. I sighed and gave Avery a weak smile.

"Like it?" Avery asked.

"Yeah, I love it," I nodded.

"Alright," Avery smiled. She called someone over and a teenage boy, about our age or younger walked towards us. He flipped his blonde hair from his blue eyes and smiled at us.

"What may I get you ladies?" He asked, with a sly smirk. Avery grinned.

"I would like to buy this crib," Avery said, smoothly. He nodded.

"Okay, come this way," The teenager said and led Avery to the register. I let another sigh escape my lips as I looked at crib. I remembered when Landon and I were shopping, we had both abruptly stopped in front of this similar crib and grinned at each other.

"I miss your Daddy, Kenny," I said, softly. I seen Avery gaze towards me, with a sad expression. Of course she had heard me.

"I miss him, too," Avery said, as she stood beside me.

"Come on. No sad talk," I forced a smile and sighed.

"Well, Kendra has a crib, now. I haven't paid for it, yet. We're going to buy this young lady a stroller," Avery smiled, kissing Kendra on her cheek. She giggled.

"Avery, everything's too expensive," I said.

"Sweetie, I'm a vampire. Our little salesman over there likes me. I can persuade him," Avery said, with a soft grin. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

Well, as you know, Avery made me choose a stroller. I picked the one that was the cheapest and easiest to fold. Avery was right when she said she could persuade the teenage boy. He was drooling over her, as she whispered sweets across the counter.


I was exhausted as we entered a small restaurant, not too far from the mall. I placed my eight bags of clothes and Kendra's new clothes on a chair at our table and sat down. Avery chuckled and sat down, pleasantly. Of course she wasn't tired; she was a vampire. She could fight a lion and she wouldn't be out of breathe. Me, I'd be in the lion's belly.

I unstrapped Kendra from the stroller and placed her on my lap. Her fingers reached out and touched the cold surface of the fork. I moved the knife away, before she touched it and gave her a stern look. She knew she understand it. Avery grabbed a menu from in front of her and opened it.

"So, what you ordering?" I asked.

"Spaghetti and meatballs," Avery replied. "You?"

"You choose for me," I smiled. She nodded and grinned, replying with an alright.

A waitress walked up to us, with a small smile. Kendra looked at the stranger and reached up to touch her. The waitress chuckled and put her finger between Kendra's hand. I smiled. Avery tapped her finger against her chin, in thought, then looked up at the waitress.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress asked.

"Yes, we are," Avery smiled.

"What can I get you? First, what would you want to drink?"

"I'd like a coke," Avery said. The waitress wrote it down on her notepad, and turned to me and Kendra.

"A lemonade and an apple juice," I said. The waitress smiled, warmly and scribbled it down.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Spaghetti with meatballs and a slice of pizza," Avery said.

"Is that all?" The waitress asked, as she wrote it down. We shook our heads.

"I'll be back with your drinks. Also, you have a beautiful baby," The waitress said, warmly and walked away.

"Did you hear that, Kenny?" I asked, Kendra. She just smiled in response.

The waitress returned with our drinks and not long after, she brought our food. Avery and I conversed as we ate, while I let Kendra take small sips of the apple juice. She liked it, but since apple juice is somewhat sour, she made one of the cutest faces. Avery and I laughed. Who wouldn't?

"Excuse me. I need to go to the bathroom," Avery said, softly, placing her napkin on the table.

"Was the food that bad?" I asked, playfully.

"You really want my opinion?" She asked, with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Just go," I said, jokingly. She laughed and walked away. I placed Kendra, carefully back into her stroller and moved her small bangs from her eyes. I smiled; it reminded me of someone.

Her father.

I put the sailor hat back onto her head, but she pulled it off and chewed on it, or attempted too, because she didn't have any teeth yet. I chuckled and fixed her dress, absentmindedly. I did this all the time with her clothes. She played so much with her clothes, she always messed them up.

I was about to take a drink from my lemonade, when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Well, look who it is."