Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Landon's Point Of View:


I walked into the living room, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I could feel my hair sticking up in different directions on my head, but I didn't care. I heard a soft chuckle as I opened my half-opened eyes, more and seen my Mother sitting on the couch, with a cup of coffee in her hands. She patted a seat beside me and kissed my cheek as I sat down.

"Morning, dear," She said, softly.

"Morning," I said, gruffly.

"There's food on the island table," She said.

"Alright," I nodded and got up, heading towards the island. Like my Mother had said, there was some pancakes waiting for me on the island. I smiled and grabbed the syrup, pouring it over the delicious-looking pancakes. I was about to sit down, when I felt my cellphone vibrate against my leg. I flinched and shoved my hand into my pants, pulling my phone out and flipping it open.

My eyes lit in happiness. Once the call ended, I screamed in happiness. I heard my Mother gasp in surprise and turn to look at me with wide eyes. I laughed and ran to her side, kissing her cheek and hugging her. When I pulled away, she narrowed her eyes at me and gave me a confused expression.

"The airport just called," I said, the side of my lips twitching into a smile.

"And, what happened?" She asked.

"Well, Mom. In just four days time, I'll be able to get back to New York," I grinned. She forced a smile.

"You can't get it sooner?" She asked. I arched an eyebrow and shook my head.

"No. Why?" I asked.

"Landon, do you know what happens when vampire babies are away from either parent?" She asked, softly.

"Not really," I said, awkwardly.

"They get sick and they could possibly die, if one of their parents isn't with them at this time, when they need them the most," She said, with a saddened expression. All the colour flushed from my face as I stared wide-eyed at my Mother.

My baby girl, Kendra, could die if I wasn't with her.

I couldn't speak. I was speechless. If I wasn't with Kendra, she could die on me. My mother looked down at the coffee in her hands and sighed, quietly. My hands trembled as they ran threw my messy hair. Tears spilled from my eyes and I got up from the couch, rushing into my room.

"Landon, you need to be with her, now. I had a vision, two days ago. I seen Kimberlee check Kendra's temperature, then she checked again and she didn't have a fever. She needs you right now. You can't waste anymore time," My mother said as she stood in the doorway.

"What can I do, though? I can't fly myself. It'll take too much time," I said, quietly.

"I know that. But listen to me, the longer you stay away from her, the quicker she gets sick. Vampire babies can be away from their parents for a short amount of time. A day or so. Not over a week," She explained. My body shivered from fear.

"I can't do anything, though, Mom," I cried.

"I know about the Council. Haven't you noticed the air has been tenser than usual? They're looking high and low for her and you. They don't care about killing you or Kimberlee and the child. It's matter of time before they find her and kill her," My mother said, sternly.

"Avery can stop that, though. She's with them, I know she is," I said, looking up at her. She nodded.

"She is, but I don't know where. They could either be at your house, or Kimberlee's," She said. "I don't see where they are, but what's happening." I nodded and sighed, putting my head into my hands.

This couldn't be happening. I didn't need this stress being put on me more. The only stress I had been worrying about was getting back with Kimberlee, not my little Kendra dying on me. I needed to get there quick.

But how was I going to get there, if the only available tickets were in four days?


Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I opened my eyes as I heard a small cough to my right. I rubbed my eyes and took the blankets off of me, and kicked my feet against the floor. I walked towards the small coughing and glanced down at Kendra. She was awake and her hands were outstretched towards me.

I picked her up and cooed sweets in her ear, knowing she would fall asleep as every night. But she didn't. I felt worry build up, when she placed her burning hot forehead against my cheek. I frowned and walked down the hall. I knocked on Avery's door and waited, impatiently.

Kendra began crying. I hugged her body against mine and kissed the top of her head, trying to quiet her down. I bounced her up and down in my arms, lightly, trying to calm her. Avery came out, looking confused. I didn't understand why Kendra felt and looked this way. Her skin looked paler and whiter than before.

"I don't know what's wrong. I woke up to her coughing," I said, worriedly. Avery's eyebrows furrowed forward. He touched Kendra's burning head and frowned, deeply. She walked back into her room and returned with a robe in hand. She slipped into it and walked downstairs with me.

"Was she sick when you put her to bed?" Avery asked.

"No. She was fine," I said, as we reached the kitchen. She flicked the light on and searched in a cabinet for something. I sat down on a stool and tried calming Kendra down. I was somewhat relieved she wasn't crying as much as earlier.

"Was she feeling sick before? Had she gotten a fever before?" Avery asked.

"N - " I stopped myself before I could say anything more. "Yes, she had. Yesterday," I said. She looked down at the floor and I swear she muttered, "It's starting."

"I need to call someone. I'll be right back," She said and left before I could say anything.

Avery's Point Of View:

I was in my room in an instant. I grabbed the phone from the charger and dialed my Mother's number. The phone rang twice, before a male voice I recognized as Landon's, answered. I sighed into the phone and said,"Hello."

"Avery?" Landon asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Is Mom there?" I asked.

"What's wrong? Tell me right now," Landon growled.

"Let me talk to Mom, Landon," I said, sternly.

"If you're calling about my daughter, I need to know. Mom told me about what may happen if Kendra was away from me. Now, tell me, is she okay?" Landon snapped. If he knew, why would I keep it from him?

"She's sick. I don't know when it started. Now, let me talk to Mom," I insisted, more urgently. What if Kendra got worse?

"Fine." Silence. Seconds later, I heard my Mother's soft voice.

"Mom, Kendra is sick. What do I do? I'm so confused and scared. I've never taken care of a vampire baby before and Kendra being half, doesn't help much either," I said, concerned.

Mom explained everything to me. I felt more relieved now that I had my Mom telling me what to do. After she explained everything to me, Landon came back on. I could hear the worry in his voice and also imagine the tears. His voice was shaking and he would stop talking.

I hung up after a couple of minutes and was in the kitchen a second later. I glanced at Kendra, seeing her head laying on her mother's shoulder, while her back faced me and her arms were wrapped around her Mother's neck. She was sobbing; her body trembled each time.

"What happened?" Kimberlee asked.

"My," I paused. I didn't want to tell her I called my Mom. "I called my Doctor, vampire doctor. He told me to warm some milk in a bottle and pour two drops of this vampire substance we use to cure ourselves, or when full breed vampire children start growing, they're in pain for a short time as they're fangs, sense of smell, etc, come out and increase. It won't hurt Kendra, I promise. She won't even taste it."

"Okay. Just help her, please. I don't know why she's like this," Kimberlee said, kissing Kendra's head, softly. A tear slid down her cheek.

"I know why," I said, quietly, as I prepared Kendra's bottle. Kimberlee looked up at me, bewildered.

"Tell me," She demanded.

"When vampire babies are born, there's a time, when they need their parents, both of them, the most. It's usually around when they're five months and older. If they don't have both of their parents, they start getting sick. It could turn into something fatal," I explained, sadly. She gaped at me and looked down at Kendra.

"So, this is Landon's fault?" Kimberlee asked. I could sense the anger in her body. I thought about it before I could really answer. If Landon hadn't cheated on Kimberlee, they would be together and Kendra wouldn't be in this crisis.

"Partially," I said, quietly.

"If Kendra doesn't have her Father, she could die?" Kimberlee asked.

"Yes," I nodded. She hugged Kendra tighter to her body. I seen Kendra's grip around her Mother's neck, tighten.

"I can't lose my baby. She's the only thing I got. She's the one thing I love more than Landon. If I lost her, I don't know what I'd do," She cried, quietly. "Is there any other way to cure her? Or at least, something that will make her feel better and maybe, until Landon came back?" She asked, hesitating at the end.

"Yes, this I'm about to give her. She can't go out. Any room she's in, it has to be a certain temperature. You can't leave the balcony doors open. None of us can. A cool breeze can effect her, majorly. Keep a blanket around her, at all times. Ask me what you can feed her. There are certain things that can effect her," I said. Kimberlee nodded, without a second glance back.

"Anything for my Angel," She whispered. "What do I do, now?"

"Feed her this," I said as I dropped a bit of the medicine into her milk bottle and closed it, shaking it afterwards. I handed it to her and watched her slip the nipple into Kendra's mouth. Kimberlee watched her baby as she drank the milk, small tears slipping from her eyes. "Kimberlee, Kendra can only drink half of that for now. Later on, you need to feed her again. I'll make two more bottles soon and you can feed her from there. I promise, I'll help you as much as I can. I got most of the information down." She nodded.

"After you feed Kendra, put her to sleep. Kendra will be out for a few hours. Once she wakes up again, feed her the rest of that. Also, one thing that might cost you, is, she won't want to stay away from you. She'll want to be with you every minute, every second. She'll be very attached to you. Like a leech is attached to you when it sucks your blood," I said, wincing at my own example.

"That won't matter. I'm always attached to her," Kimberlee chuckled. I smiled.

"It's only 6. She might not be awake until one or two. Only when she sleeps, she won't really need you," I said. She nodded, once more.

I watched as Kendra fed from the bottle. Her skin was paler and her eyes looked faded. Kendra's eyes were usually a dark blue and now, they were a light blue. Her hand held Kimberlee's index and middle finger in her hand, looking up at her Mother.

Please Landon, hurry. Your daughter needs you, I thought, sadly.