Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Kimberlee's Point Of View:

Days passed with Kendra not getting much better or neither getting much worse. I couldn't ever sleep during the nights. I had dark circles around my eyes from the lack of sleep and from worrisome. Kendra would never sleep during the night. She'd be awake, crying or coughing up a storm.

Avery walked into my room, with a milk bottle in her hand. She frowned as she seen Kendra sitting on my lap, with her hand around my fingers, as she cuddled closer to my body. I hugged her and kissed her burning hot forehead. Her eyes looked white, now, as the days had passed. Just a couple of days ago, her eyes were a light blue. Then they had gone grey, until they turned white. I had asked Avery about this. She had said it was part of her being ill. She said not to worry because Kendra could see, still.

"Here's the bottle," Avery said, handing it to me.

"Thanks," I said, quietly.

"You need sleep," Avery said, softly. "You look pale from the lack of sleep," She added.

"Don't worry about me. Worry about Kendra. I need her to be fine, so I can be fine," I said.

"You need to eat, too," Avery said, sitting beside me and rubbing Kendra's back. I slipped the nipple into Kendra's mouth and laid her back in my arms, cradling her, as she drank the milk.

"I know, I know." I drew in a shaky breathe and exhaled it.

"Bryce called," Avery said.

"What did he say?" I asked, running my fingers threw Kendra's hair. I could feel the heat radiating from her scalp.

"He wants to know if you would want to go out, just to relax a little," Avery explained.

"He knows I can't. I have to take care of Kendra," I said.

"Kimberlee, I think he's right, as much as I hate to admit it. You need to go out and refresh yourself. Kendra will be fine while she sleeps. You don't have to be out for the whole day. Just an hour or something," She said, with a smile. "Your just human." I rolled my tired eyes.

"I can't," I whispered.

"Kimberlee, if you don't go, I'll make you. You can get sick and whose going to be able to take care of Kendra, when she's depending on you and only you, if you're sick? You need to breathe. You need the sun to warm your skin. You need all that because you're only human, and just that," Avery said, grabbing my hand and looking me in the eyes. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"But Avery, she's my baby. She needs me, more than I need all that. I'd give up all of those things just to help my little Angel. I don't care about getting sick. Unless if she's fine and she's well again, I won't care about what happens to me," I sobbed, quietly, hugging Kendra closer against me. I closed my eyes and let the tears slide down my cheeks.

"As much as I'll hate saying this, you can only do so much. You are only human and you need all of that. You're not one of us, who can live for a year without food or anything. We're dead. We don't have a heart that beats each second. You do. You have a heart that beats hard and strong. I can hear it right now and you don't even know how much I wish I could hear that every night. If when I was scared, I could feel it hammering against my chest. Once Kendra is sleeping, you will call Bryce and tell him you are going. You need to breathe. Tell me how you're gonna breathe if you don't have any air, Kimberlee," Avery said, sternly.

I let out a shaky breathe. "Fine," I whispered. Avery smiled, triumphantly and sighed.

"Thank you," Avery said. I nodded. "I know you'll thank me also when you come back from seeing Bryce. I know you will," She added.

I waited until Kendra fell asleep and put her in her crib, gently. She didn't even stir. Since she had gotten sick, she would drink the milk, and fall into a deep sleep. She wouldn't even move, which scared me most of time. But I looked at her moving chest and I realized she was fine.

I walked down the hall and downstairs, where Corbin and Miles sat, watching some show, as usual. I forced a weak smile as I entered the living room and grabbed the phone, dialing Bryce's cell number. It rang a couple of times, before someone answered.

"Hello," Bryce said, softly.

"Hey Bryce. It's Kim," I said.

"Kimberlee! How you doing? How's Kendra?" He asked, his voice brightening.

"She's not getting worse," I said, with a small shrug. He sighed.

"That's good. So, did Avery tell you I called?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm willing to go out for a little," I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. He chuckled. Not like I had a choice to go or not. Avery would make me, either way.

"I'll be there, soon." I said bye and hung up. I walked back upstairs and showered. I hadn't showered for a couple of days, being so attached to Kendra. I got dressed quickly and brushed my hair. I applied some makeup so it wouldn't look like I was a monster and walked downstairs. Bryce was sitting on the couch, conversing to Miles and Corbin. He smiled as he seen me enter the living room and stood, kissing my cheek.

"Ready to go?" Bryce asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Have her home by in an hour, mister," Corbin said, jokingly. Bryce smirked and nodded, saluting afterwards. I rolled my eyes and walked out with Bryce, after saying bye to Miles and Corbin.

I sighed as I felt the warm breeze circle around me, as if it was greeting me. I smiled and closed my eyes, letting it play with my hair and feeling the warmth of the skin. Bryce pulled me back from my fantasy and walked me towards the car. He opened the door for me and waited until I climbed, closing the door behind me and climbing in himself.


Bryce took me to a small restaurant not too far from the mall. He opened the door for me and led me inside. It smelt so delicious and my stomach grumbled. Bryce laughed and hugged me, kissing my cheek. I blushed. A waitress walked towards us and smiled.

"For how many?" She asked.

"Two," Bryce smiled. I swear I seen her blush. She grabbed two menus and told us to follow her. We sat by the window, where the sun shined on us. We thanked her and sat down.

"What you going to order?" Bryce asked.

"I haven't even looked at the menu," I said, with a chuckle.

"I have," He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the menu. As I scanned the menu, I felt as if someone was watching me. I looked up, but Bryce wasn't looking at me. I glanced out at the window and seen nothing. I shrugged it off and looked at the menu again.

A different waitress strolled towards our table and smiled. "What can I get you?" She asked, kindly.

"I'll have a hamburger with fries please," I smiled. She nodded and wrote it down. She turned towards Bryce, next.

"A poutine," Bryce said, warmly.

"Anything to drink?" She asked. Bryce looked towards me and I shrugged.

"Two cokes," He said. She nodded and scurried off.

Bryce and me conversed. I was surprised he made me laugh, though I was so down about Kendra. Deep down, though now I was hiding it, I was so damn worried about Kendra and mentally inching towards the door. I was so anxious. What if Kendra woke up and started crying, while I wasn't there? Anxiety got the best of me. I wanted to get home, now. The thing that made it worse, was I felt someone was watching me. Yes, I knew Bryce was watching me, but we were talking. Something else was watching me. From above, from outside. I hated the feeling and wanted to hide deeper into the store, if not leave.