Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Kimberlee's Point Of View:

The night before I was kidnapped, discovered there was actually vampires out there and I was alone. I rested my hand on my pillow as I stared at the open window to the balcony. The warm wind blew over my body, playing with my loose hair. I had been awake since six in the morning. I was thinking, trying to figure out things.

A knock shattered my thoughts. I looked over my shoulder and sighed, turning on my side and ignoring the door. Another knock sounded around the room, making me groan. I got up from my comfortable position on the bed and answered the door to a girl my age or a bit older. She smiled, kindly and placed a hand on her hip.

"You're really pretty," She said, warmly. I smiled and blushed.

"Thanks and so are you," I said.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

"Of course." I moved out of her way and let her in. My mind was asking only one question; who was this?

"Oh, my name is Avery Hall if you were wondering. No, I can't read minds, but your expression said it all," She chuckled.

"Kim," I said. She nodded and sat down on the bed.

"Why did Landon bring you here?"

"I don't know." She scratched her head.

"You smell. . . I don't know. . . Different." She sniffed the air again, then arched an eyebrow.

"You and Landon had both said something along those lines."

"It's the truth." She shrugged. "Anyways, I'm going to be around, so you aren't alone. Landon can be kinda boring and uncomfortable to be around if you don't know him."


"Since you're gonna be staying here for a while, we're gonna go out. Landon can't say no to me, so let's go into my room so you can have a shower and get dressed."

"Alright." I followed her as she led me out the room and down the hall. She opened a door minutes later and I entered in a large red and black room. It was huge! I had never seen a room so large and pretty before.

Avery smiled as she seen me gawking. She sat on a four poster bed, pulling the black see through curtains to her right. She took her short hair out of the ponytail it was in and shook her hair. Her hair bounced on her shoulder as it settled and she stood up, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the bathroom.

"Okay. You seem the same size as me, so my clothes will probably fit you. Now, there's a towel on the counter and shampoo in the closet behind you. Take as long as you want. Gives me time to search for your clothes."

"Thanks." She smiled and nodded, closing the door behind her. I sighed, heavily and turned around, opening the door behind me. I raised my eyebrows in surprise. There was every product in shampoo history in this closet. Every conditioner and hairspray in hair history. Soaps and body lotions. It was packed.

I grabbed Pantene Pro-V and some conditioner, then strolled into the shower after I striped my clothes off. I threw away the bloody pad and stepped into the corner shower. I turned the faucets on, turning the faucets to get that right temperature. I stood under the water, running my hands threw my hair. I forgot about all my troubles, until I heard the door open.

"Hey, sorry about interfering." Avery's voice rang throughout the bathroom.

"It's alright. What's up?"

"I got your clothes ready already. Haha, I thought I would take forever, but I guess I didn't." I chuckled.

"Thanks about the clothes and stuff."

"No problem. Consider me a friend."

"Alright, same to you."

"Do you have your period?" That question caught me off guard. I dropped the soap I was holding in my hand and almost slipped. I composed myself and wondered is this girl a vampire, too?

"Um. . . Maybe."

"Oh, that's why he brought you."


"Yes, I'll explain after your shower. Pads or tampons are under the sink."

"Okay." I waited for the door to close, to let out my heavy sigh and rub my temples.

I, quickly, shut the shower off and got out, wrapping the black towel around my body. I opened the cabinet underneath the sink and grabbed a pad, then walked out of the humid bathroom. Avery was reading a book on her bed, comfortably. She looked up from her book and smiled.

"Ready?" She asked, closing the book and laying it aside.


"Okay, come here." I nodded and walked over to her. She handed me a black lacy tank top, a black shirt with silver skulls designs on it, black skinny jeans and undergarments.

"Where can I get changed?"

"Closet if you want. Pick whatever shoes you want."

"Okay." I walked into the closet and shut the door. I put all the clothes on, including the small pad and looked through all the shoes. Flats, high heels, boots, converses. What to choose? I grabbed black converses and walked out, hearing a small squeal from Avery.

"You look great!" I blushed.

"Anyways. . . About what you said in the bathroom."

"Ah, right." I walked over to her bed and sat down. She crossed her legs Indian-style and placed her elbows on her knees. I laid on my side and placed my elbow on the pillow, holding my head up with my hand.

"How do I start . . .? Well, when a female vampire is in heat or to humans, has her period, she gives off an odor. Males can smell it easily, since it's so strong. To claim their territory, they always bring the females home to mate with them. Landon must have smelt you. . . All he wants is to mate with you."

"Oh, that's just great to hear. All, this guy I don't even know, wants to do is bang me, then leave me. Amazing." I huffed. Avery giggled.

"You'll only be here for a temporary time. Then you can go home. Since you're in heat and since Landon is in heat, he might try and do something. You virgin?"


"Well, watch out. It's a lot easier for humans, since they don't have raging hormones like vampires do when they're in heat."

"But how does Landon get in heat?"

"When he smells the female. It's like a signal saying the female is ready."

"So they have sex?"

"Oh yeah. For as along as it takes." My eyes widened.

"Okay, wait. I want to get some things straight."

"Go on."

"Vampires get their periods? Won't they die from blood loss?"

"Oh no! We have enough blood to get a period and to live off of. Our bodies work like humans."

"Alright. Can vampires have kids?"

"Yup. Landon and I are full breeds, meaning two vampires mated. Now, if a human and a vampire mate, the baby is called a half breed. Most vampires want to have full breeds, though, since half breeds are kinda a disgrace to the family."




"Well, full breed families don't want to ruin their tradition of having only full breeds. Plus, vampire families want to show other families that they are the dominant family. It's like a competition in a way."

"This is really weird."

"Very. I still don't get it 'till this day."

"But when you get your period, doesn't Landon come after you?"

"Nope. Siblings don't go after each other. That'd be incest." She made a disgusted face.

"You're brother and sister? But you have a different last name then him?"

"Well, we have the same Mom, not the same dad."

"What happened? Or is that personal?"

"No, it's not to me. Well, when our mom was with Landon's dad, she went off and had an affair. Our Mom wanted another child, but Landon's dad only wanted one child, since he was always busy and didn't have any time for Landon, it would be harder to have another child. Mom got pretty mad, if you know what I mean? She just got drunk one night and had an affair. Next morning when my parents woke up together, they fell in love. Mom filed for divorce a week later, then she got married to my Dad after she was divorced, which his last name is Hall. They had me a year and a half later."

"Do you and Landon like each other?"

"Of course. We're just like normal siblings; fighting over small things. Always have been. "

"Is he nice?"

"Sometimes. When he's in a bad mood, you don't wanna cross his path."

"What if I reject mating with him? Will that make him mad?"

"I don't know. When it's mating season, he tries to stay away from girls."

"What about you?"

"We can't smell each other, since we're family."


"So, whenever I'm in heat, he only knows when there is guys knocking at our door every hour or so. He tells them off, though. You should see how he looks when he's being a protective brother. A lot of girls have said it's a total turn on."

"Oh." I nodded.

"Look, I know you were taken forcefully from your home, but Landon is a nice guy. He wouldn't hurt you, plus, it's not gonna be long 'till your period is over. How long does it take to stop?"

"Between three to four days."

"Exactly. If by the end of your period, you don't do anything with him, I'm sure he'll let you go. It's just his hormones. He hasn't been like this, before. This is his first time, actually bringing a girl and trying to mate with her. A lot of vampires who don't want anything to do with each other, just stay indoors and can control themselves. But I guess, Landon couldn't this time."

"I hope. I just don't want him to force me or anything. I don't even know. I don't want to lose my virginity to someone I don't know."

"I understand you." She smiled.

"I'll try and avoid him."

"That's gonna be hard. He can smell you right, now. Your scent is everywhere around this house to him."

"My goodness."

"Yeah, well come on. Let's go to the mall or something."

I nodded. I got up from the bed and followed Avery out of the room.