Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


I needed to leave.

Was someone watching me from somewhere?

I hated having this feeling, because it made me feel even more anxious than I was. Another feeling was being scared. It washed over me like a wave. Bryce didn't seem to notice though. I was happy for that. I didn't want him to think I wanted to get away from him, because I didn't. I wanted to stay close to him; I wanted him to comfort me and tell me everything was fine.

The waitress came, breaking us from talking. The feeling of being watched got stronger and I looked over my shoulder, seeing nothing. I looked out the window and seen nothing, but people walking by, laughing and talking. Why did I feel like this? Was I being paranoid? Maybe it was just Kendra. I just needed to relax. She was fine, that's all I needed to think, right?

I dug into my food and munched on the fries. I focused on eating and breathing, which was hard. My mind wouldn't get off the case of me being watched. It kept talking to me, saying, run, it's not safe here, something is coming. But what would be coming? I wasn't in any danger.

"Hey, what's wrong, Kimberlee?" Bryce asked.

"Nothing, why?" I asked, looking up at him.

"You seem . . . I dunno. Anxious," Bryce shrugged.

"Why would you think that?" I asked.

"You don't seem too comfortable on that chair. You keep playing with your hands," He shrugged, like it was nothing.

"It's nothing," I forced a smile.

"I wish I could believe you. Don't worry, I understand. It's Kendra. Sweetie, you need to relax," Bryce said, soothingly, putting his hand over mine.

"I know, just, she's my baby girl," I explained. He nodded in understanding and half-smiled. We continued eating, until the feeling got way too strong. I turned my head and looked out at the window, catching two pair of eyes I recognized. But in an instant they were gone.

I heard the small bell on the door for the restaurant, ring and the waitress talk to someone. My heart stopped as I heard the voice. Bryce was glaring daggers at this person and his hands clenched into fist. His knuckles turned white as he squeezed harder. Footsteps neared out table, until they were standing right infront of us.

"Bryce," the voice growled. I swallowed hard and my eyes slowly found theirs. They looked hurt and stressed; worried.

"Landon," I breathed.

"I thought I would have found you alone, taking care of our daughter, but I guess I was wrong. You're a bad mother," He snapped. Those words cut right threw me, killing me with each word.

"Lan - " Bryce cut me off before I could say anything.

"Leave her alone, Landon. She needs to get out for once. Look how tired she looks. Avery convinced her, too," Bryce said, sternly.

"How do you know my sister?" Landon snarled.

"None of your damn business," Bryce said, between gritted teeth.

"Please, don't fight. I don't need this. Come on, Bryce. Let's pay for our food and leave," I said, quietly.

"Good idea, Kimberlee," Bryce said, reaching out and touching my hand. Landon growled and walked out of the restaurant. Bryce paid for our food and we walked out. Landon was leaning against the car, arms crossed and glaring towards us. I tried looking away, but I was taking in every detail.

Bryce climbed into his car, parked two cars behind Landon's. I told Bryce I'd be right back and walked towards Landon. He arched an eyebrow, though his glare or scowl never left his perfect face. His body stiffed as I reached out to touch him and he inched away.

"Landon," I said.

"What?" he snapped. Anger flickered in my body. I didn't understand why he was getting so fucking mad, when he betrayed me. He hurt me, not the other way around.

"Why are you getting so mad, when you're the one who should be begging on your knees? I moved on," I said, bitterly.

"How many damn times do I have to tell you, I didn't cheat on you. I never did! She came onto me, understand that?" He half-yelled. People looked our way. Landon ignored him, though. He had never looked at me like this. His hardened expression scared me. He looked like a true monster.

"Not what Bryce told me. You lied to me," I snapped.

"Bryce is a fucking liar! He always has been! Why you looking at me when I'm the good guy here? I love you so fucking much, it hurts not to grab you! But you don't seem to get that through your thick skull, now do you? You believe anything that looks pathetic and disgusting like Bryce,"He glowered.

"No wonder I believed you," I said, sarcastically. He smirked, cruelly, his eyes darkening.

"If you think so," Landon said, between gritted teeth. I shook my head, feeling the traitor tears fall down my cheeks. I started walking towards Bryce's car, when I heard a gunshot and next second, I was in someone's arms. I looked up and seen Landon, his face contorted in pain. He pulled me up and ran me into his car and threw me in. People were screaming and shouting.

Two men in long trenchcoats, held silver guns in their hands, aiming it at Landon. Landon hissed and flipped them the finger, before getting into the car and slamming his foot on the gas. I screamed as another gunshot was heard, breaking through the back window. I covered my head and screamed.

Landon swerved as he turned a corner and sped down the road. Soon, we were at Avery's house. He got out, me following suit. He ignored me as he entered Avery's house, slamming the door opened. He smelled the air and followed whatever he was smelling. I followed him and seen him enter my room.

I gasped as I didn't see Kendra, laying in her crib. I ran into the room and looked in the crib, then looked hysterically around the room. Landon grabbed his cellphone and shakily dialed someone's number. He put the phone to his ear and growled into it as someone answered.

"Where is she?" Landon snapped. His eyes widened in disbelief. I inched towards him as he nodded and closed his phone. He looked at me, his eyes softened now.

"Kendra is in the hospital," He said, quietly. My heart, literally stopped. My knees buckled underneath me, but I fell into Landon's arms. He held me against him, as I felt the tears slid from my eyes. He kissed my forehead and lifted me to my feet.

"We gotta leave, now," Landon said, sternly. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the house. I got into the car and Landon drove away. I put my head in my hands and started crying. How could my baby girl be in the hospital? Was she dying? Was I actually going to lose my baby?

Landon swerved in and out of the cars, speeding faster as if time ticked. I was dazed as we arrived at the hospital. He pulled me out of the car and we ran into the hospital. We found Avery, Corbin and Miles, sitting in the waiting room. Miles stood up and grabbed me from Landon, hugging me tightly.

"Where is she? Where is she?" I asked, repeating it over and over again. Miles led me away, as I heard Landon following behind us. Miles opened a door and there she laid, eyes closed, her chest slowly rising and falling. A nurse was in the room with her, checking her.

"Ma'am, this is the Mother," Miles said. The nurse gave me a weak smile and walked towards me.

"The doctor said she might not survive. I'm sorry," the nurse said, softly. I shook my head, vigorously and cried into Miles' chest. The nurse frowned and walked out of the room. Miles walked me towards Kendra.

"Kendra. My Kenny," I sobbed. I touched her soft skin and cried harder. She felt so...cold. Landon stepped closer towards the crib and looked down at his daughter. Tears rolled down his cheeks and looked away. I fell to my knees, crying and shaking.

I hadn't realized Miles had left. Landon dropped onto his knees and pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I cried against him. He cried into the hollow of my neck and wrapped his arms around my waist. I was going to lose my baby, my only daughter.

I don't know how long I stayed in Landon's arms, crying my soul out. Landon had stopped crying and was hushing me. He cooed in my ear and looked at Kendra every once and a while. "Come on, Kimberlee, let's get up," Landon whispered in my ear. I nodded and let Landon lift me. I placed my hand over my heart as I looked down at Kendra, laying there, helplessly. I placed my hand on her small chest and felt more tears fall. Landon wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him, as he placed his hand over mine.

I closed my eyes and prayed to the Lord he could save my baby. Minutes passed as I prayed and prayed. Suddenly, I heard a small sigh. My eyes snapped open as I looked down Kendra, staring up at us, a small smile on her pink lips. Her dark blue eyes gazed at us, both and she reached up at us. I grabbed her without thinking and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. A sob escaped my lips as I hugged her tighter to me. Landon brought us into his arms and his lips trembled as he pulled them into a smile.

A doctor walked into the room and stared, wide-eyed at Kendra who was looking as if nothing had happened to her. His eyebrows pulled forward as he stared at us. "How did . . "His voice trailed off. Landon pulled away from us and smirked.

"Miracle," Landon chuckled, wiping his tears away.

"She was . . . She was dying, though. She looks fine, now," the doctor said, surprised. I shrugged and smiled.

It truly was a miracle.