Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Landon's Point Of View:

The doctor was still gaping, hours later, about Kendra's miraculous recovery. I watched as the doctor left, then stared back at Kimberlee sitting on top of the hospital bed, with Kendra sitting on her lap. Kendra's dark blue eyes stared up at her Mother, with a large smile on her cute face. My lips twitched into a half-smile as I watched the two girls I loved the most in my life.

I squared my shoulders against the couch, cringing in agony. I glanced down at my chest and narrowed my eyes. Blood was seeping through the shirt I was wearing. I touched the spot where the blood was coming from and frowned. So, I had been shot. I looked at my bloody hand and took a deep breathe, which hurt like a bitch.

Kimberlee glanced towards my hand and her eyes widened, slowly, with shock. I stared at her, until I felt the world underneath me shake and I was out.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I jumped off the bed and ran towards Landon. His head went limp against his shoulder and his hand fell to the side. I was trembling as I touched his face, whispering to wake up. I placed my index and middle finger against his neck, trying to feel for a pulse. I felt so stupid as I remembered he was a vampire. They didn't have pulses. Then at the exact moment, I wished he did have a pulse so I could make sure he was fine. What if he was actually gone?

"Landon, wake up. Please, answer me, Landon," I sobbed. I gasped as I seen the blood on his shirt, that was still spreading. At the moment, the doctor walked in. His smile was wiped off his face, like a tsunami washing out a whole town. He speed-walked to his side and checked his pulse. The colour drained from his face in an instant, and he was calling for the help, the next.

I tried explaining he was fine, but the doctor pushed me out of the room, slamming the door in my face. I groaned and ran into the waiting room, where Avery, Corbin and Miles sat. They smiled as they seen me carrying a healthy Kendra in my arms.

"Avery, Landon's dying," I said, as another sob escaped my lips.

"Wait, what?" She asked, shocked. She was up on her feet with a swift movement.

"It's a long story. To make it quick, Landon was shot. He's dying right now. The doctor thinks he's dead, because you guys are dead," I hesitated.

"Damnit. I'll be right back." She disappeared with that. I turned to look at Miles and Corbin, but they just shrugged and gazed the way Avery had disappeared too. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe, hugging Kendra closer to me. She was fascinated of what was happening; like she knew it.

My eyes snapped opened as I heard a large commotion. Things crashed and fell with a loud bang, making the people around us stand up and scurry to go see. I did a double-take as I seen something flash by and blonde wisp of hair disappear through a door that opened and closed, with a slam.

My gaze stayed locked on the door, until I jumped. The doctor ran out, screaming like a little girl, then slammed into a wall and fell back, still screaming. His legs were still kicking in the air as he thought he was running, until he realized he wasn't and got up and started running, again. The secretary ran after him, calling his name. Miles snorted.

Then, I realized something. Avery had just made a distraction to save Landon. I frowned; we were going to be in deep, deep trouble. Miles and Corbin stood up, stretching. I stood up with them and followed them, as they whistled towards the exit. We could still hear the doctor's shrieks and shouts.

"Well, that clears something," Miles grinned. I rolled my eyes and walked outside. The sun was shining brightly and there was hardly in clouds, exposing the large blue sky. I looked up at it, trying to forget that Landon was injured. But, it didn't help.

A car I recognized as Avery's, pulled up beside us on the curb. She forced a smile and nudged her head to get in. Miles got in the front, as Corbin and I got in the back. Landon was sitting in the middle, unconscious. I stared at him, with worry written all over my face. Blood was still seeping threw his shirt and I wondered if by the time we got to the house, he would actually be dead.

Avery slammed on the gas and swerved onto the road. She sped down the road, dodging in and out of cars. She went threw a red light and I screamed for my dear life as cars from right to left came at us. They honked and yelled as we flew by. I couldn't stop screaming, as we got across the road.

"Shut up, Kimberlee! We're fine!" Miles snapped. I glared at him as I stopped screaming, clutching my shirt.

"Well, excuse me! I don't do that everyday, thank you very much! I don't want to die!" I snarled. Miles rolled his eyes and turned to look out the windshield. Avery turned, abruptly and we were infront of her house. Corbin and I piled out, while Miles ran and opened the house door. Avery and Corbin grabbed Landon, carrying him up to the house. They placed him on the couch and Avery ran to the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Dr. Cicoria. I need you to come down to my beach house. Landon is really injured. Please hurry," Avery said, urgently. She nodded, once and pressed the end button on the phone. I sat on the armchair diagonal from the couch Landon was laying on and swallowed hard. Kendra was sitting, watching Avery pace back and forth.

"We need to stop the bleeding," I said, suddenly. Avery stopped pacing and nodded. She grabbed a cloth from the kitchen and walked over to Landon, placing the cloth over the gunshot and pressing down on it. Landon cringed, unconsciously and gritted his teeth.

I set Kendra on the couch and ran to the door as we heard two knocks. I opened it to the same doctor who had help me give birth to Kendra. I let him pass and closed the door behind him. He kneed in front of Landon and his eyebrows furrowed.

"How long has he been bleeding for?" The doctor asked.

"A while. Twenty or thirty minutes," Avery explained.

"It looks like he's lost way too much blood," The doctor said, examining the gunshot. He reached into his black bag and grabbed some white gloves.

"Will he be okay?" Avery asked.

"I hope so. He's lost so much blood, and then I have to take out the bullet if it's still in there. He'll bleed a lot more," the doctor said, looking up at Avery. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.

"If he fed, would he get somewhat better?" Avery asked. The doctor nodded.

"He wouldn't make a full recovery, but it would help. He'll have to stay in bed for about a week or so," the doctor explained. Avery nodded. "Alright, I'm going to start. I'll be quick, I promise. If I'm quicker, I won't cause him so much pain," The doctor added.

The doctor started on helping Landon. Landon woke up as he felt something dig into his skin. He screamed, loudly, making me flinch. I seen his fangs elongate and his eyes darkened as he glared at the ceiling above him. His chest went up and down, rapidly as the doctor worked quickly. When I say quickly, I mean quick. His arms were blurs as they worked over Landon's wound.

Half an hour later, Landon was being stitched up. He had still had the bullet in, when the doctor had started working on him. The doctor cleaned up the blood and poured some alcohol on a clean cloth, before cleaning around the stitched up wound. Landon winced and cringed away.

"It's alright, Landon. You're fine," Avery cooed, kissing his forehead. Sweat dripped down his temple, as he tried to keep his eyes opened.

"He's all done. He needs to bathe, to take the remains of the blood off of him and to help his wound. Then, he needs to feed," The doctor said, getting up from his knees. Avery nodded and sighed, quietly.

"Thank you so, so very much," Avery said. The doctor smiled and turned towards me.

"Your baby girl is looking very healthy," The doctor said to me. I smiled.

"Thank you. I try my best," I smiled. He nodded and said good-bye, before he left.

"Kimberlee, can you bathe Landon for me, please?" Avery asked. My eyebrows furrowed forward, but I nodded, willingly reluctantly. "Thank you. I don't want to touch him like that, you know, we're brother and sister. I haven't done that since I was a little girl." She smirked.

Avery helped Landon up and walked him upstairs into my room. She sat him down on the bed and smiled towards me. I placed Kendra on the carpet and let her wander around. I rolled up my sleeves and walked into the bathroom, turning the water on and feeling it with my hand. I heard a door close, indicating Avery had left. I sighed and walked back into the room, where Landon sat, wincing in pain.

"The water's ready," I said, softly. Landon looked up at me and nodded, before he got up, and slowly made it to the bathroom. I placed Kendra in her crib and put her stuffed dog inside, so she could play. She clutched it in her hands and watched me disappear into the bathroom.

Landon was sitting in the bathtub, pouring water over his injured shoulder. He gritted his teeth and looked down at the water. I walked towards him and kneed beside the bathtub, grabbing a cloth from the edge and rubbing the soap against it. Landon stopped pouring water on himself and looked at me. I kept my gaze away from his eyes as I rubbed the cloth against his good shoulder, feeling the hard muscle underneath his skin.

"You don't have to do this, if you don't want too," Landon said, quietly.

"I'm fine with it," I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathtub. I gasped as I sat on Landon's naked lap and looked at his face.

"I'm sorry, Kimberlee, for everything I did. I never meant to hurt you," He whispered in my ear, before kissing my neck. I shivered against his touch. "I've been so lost without you. I missed you so fucking much." He looked down at my lips and slammed his against mine. I gasped into his mouth as he opened my lips with his tongue. I responded back, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

After minutes, I pulled away and slapped my hands against my lips. Landon half-smiled and pecked my cheek. He was about to wrap his arms around my waist, when he growled loudly and glared down at his shoulder. I grabbed the cloth and pressed it, softly, against his shoulder as he started bleeding.

"Are you mad at me still?" Landon asked. I wondered if I was.

"I'm not sure," I whispered.

"I love you, Kimberlee. I swear, she came onto me, I would never hurt you like that," Landon said.

"I don't know what to believe," I said. "I'm going to get out. I need to check on Kendra," I added, quickly. I got up from Landon's lap and stepped out of the bathtub, before Landon could grab me. He sighed as he seen me walk into my room and look down at Kendra. She was laying on her side, playing with her stuffed dog.

I smiled and walked back into the bathroom, unzipping my pants and pulling them off. Landon was looking at me, I could feel his eyes on me. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, before walking out and opening my drawer. I reached in and pulled out some grey sweats and underwear. I put them on and walked back into the bathroom. Landon was standing in the middle of the bathroom, with a towel around his waist. I looked at his shoulder, seeing a large red spot around the cut.

I sighed and tied my hair up in a ponytail, as I walked back into my room and seen a glass of blood on the nightstand. I shuddered and wondered whose blood that may be. Landon walked into the room and looked at the blood, with lust. He grabbed it and chugged it down. He sighed as he finished it and placed it on the nightstand, licking his fangs.

"Where's your stuff?" I asked.

"In my car. Avery should be bringing my clothes in a minute. I'm sure she has some here, though," he shrugged. I nodded. Kendra was standing on her feet and that made me chuckle. Everyday, I discovered something new about this baby girl. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. She was focused on her Father, though. She struggled in my arms, until I gave up and let her crawl across the bed to her Father. Landon picked her up and hugged her against his chest. She laid her head against his chest and sucked on her thumb.

I gazed down at the floor; how could I not forgive this man?

I just needed answers. Answers that I didn't know when I'd ever get.