Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart



Kimberlee's Point Of View:

Landon was recovering, quickly. Just a day ago, Avery had taken the stitches out. The cut looked better than I thought it would look. Kendra was doing great, too, after the scare she had given me. She seemed really happy, too, being with Landon and all. Landon never left her side, unless if I were to breast feed her, bathe her or change her. I was happy, though. I could relax a little bit and sleep the hours I hadn't slept with Kendra.

I walked outside, onto the balcony, in my sleeping robe and black night gown that reached my lower thigh. A small breeze flicked through my hair as I placed my hands on the railing. People were already at the beach, tanning or in the water, surfing. Little kids laughed and played in the sand with their parents beside them and little brothers or sisters, playing along side them.

I'm going to take Kendra to the beach today, I thought, with a half-smile. I moved my bangs from my eyes and inhaled, before exhaling. The sun felt amazing against my skin, as I stood on the balcony, hearing the sounds of the waves crashing against each other and the people laughing.

An arm circled around my waist, making me jump. A chuckle rumbled from their throat and they kissed down my neck, sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine. Half of their body stood behind me and they placed a hand on the railing beside my hands.

"I'm sorry for scaring you," Landon whispered in my ear.

"It's alright," I said, half-smiling.

"Kendra's in her crib. She's still in her sleeping clothes," Landon said, moving away from me and standing beside me. Another breeze flew around me and I closed my eyes, leaning against the railing to feel it more.

"Kendra's really happy you're here," I said, softly and glancing at him.

"I'm happy to see her . . . And you,"Landon said, looking at me. "Aren't you happy to see me?" He asked, his voice turning serious. Before I could respond, Miles walked in, with the phone in his hand.

"Sorry to interrupt. There's someone on the phone for you, Lee," Miles said. I looked away from Landon and walked towards Miles, grabbing the phone from his hand and placing it against my ear. He smiled and walked out.

"Hello," I said, into the phone.

"Hey Kimberlee. It's Bryce," The person said.

"Oh, hey Bryce. How you doing?" I asked.

"I'm alright. How about you? I mean, I haven't spoken to you since a couple of days ago. What happened back there? I seen two men with guns, everything was a blur," Bryce said.

"I don't know what happened, either. I've never seen those men," I said.

"What are you doing right now?" Bryce asked.

"Nothing," I said.

"Want to hangout or something?" Bryce asked. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Landon, his back facing me. You could see he was tensed and I knew he was glaring at the sun.

"I don't know," I said.

"Is it because of Landon? Are you already forgiving that fucking excuse for a boyfriend?" Bryce said, sternly, into the phone.

"Bryce, please. Can we talk another time? I'll call you," I said, urgently. He sighed.

"Fine. I love you, Kimberlee. I hope you know that. I'll be waiting for you," He said, softly.

"I know. Take care," I said and ended the call.

"He dares call here," Landon growled.

"Avery never said anything about it," I said, quietly. He grounded his teeth together, angrily. "This isn't your house, Landon. This is Avery's house and when she says he can't call, I won't answer any of his calls," I added.

"Right, because he's the victim? He tells you a whole different story and you believe him, right?" Landon snapped, turning to look at me.

"I don't know who to believe Landon! I'm sorry! Understand that! I feel so damn confused, I can't even think. I was so pissed at you because of what you did. I'm heart broken right now. A heart broken girl will believe anyone!" I hissed.

"Kimberlee, Bryce is a liar! He's known for that! He acts a lot," Landon snapped.

"What about you?! You cheated on me! You said you loved me! Said so many false things! That's not acting?" I half-yelled.

"I never acted!" Landon growled.

"Then what do you call that? Huh?! What do you call everything you said to me? What do you call cheating on the person you love with all your heart?" I cried.

"I meant every word I said to you! I would never lie to you! I didn't love you, if I had lied about that, I would have never even come back! You weren't in Miami after you left, seeing me suffer! I was so empty, so dead, without you!" Landon yelled.

"You will never know how much I suffered! I cried so much Landon! Because of you, we almost lost our baby!" I screamed back. He flared his nostrils and glared at me.

"That isn't my fault. You didn't listen to me! I wanted to tell you the whole truth, but you didn't hear me out!" He glowered.

"Oh please! Stop putting the blame on me! I love Kendra more than you will ever know! It's your fault I almost lost the only fucking good thing you ever gave me! Don't you dare put all the blame on me! You cheated! I didn't!" I screamed.

"What about my love? Isn't that good! Wasn't that something amazing?" His voice was shaking.

"No, because your love was bullshit and it always will be!" I snapped. He shook his head and pushed past me, making me fall to the floor. He slammed the door closed as he marched down the hallway and disappeared. I brought my knees against my chest and hugged them, crying, loudly.

I cried for an hour or more. My eyes ached and I knew they were red and puffy from crying. My head throbbed, as well. So much crying had those small effects that could cost you. I stood up from the floor and walked into the bathroom. I checked myself in the mirror and seen my eyes weren't so bad. Just really red.

I sniffed and blew my nose with some toilet paper. I crushed it in my hand and threw it in the garbage bin, before walking into my room and checking on Kendra. She was sitting up, looking up at me. Her eyes looked concerned and I smiled down at her. I picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Don't worry about Mommy. I'm fine," I cooed in her ear. She giggled and my heart lightened up.

"Guess what we're going to do?" I paused, looking at Kendra and smiled, "We're to go to the beach!" Kendra clapped her hands and smiled. I laughed and set her on the bed, placing some pillows at the edge of the bed. She cocked her head to the side and placed her hands on the pillow before her.

For a baby, she seemed pretty damn smart.

I picked out a bathing suit for her and myself. I took Kendra's night clothes off and put her bathing suit on with blue shorts on top. I slipped into my bathing suit as I took my night gown off and put jean shorts on, picking Kendra up and carrying her downstairs.

Miles, as usual, was sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. I wondered if he got tired of doing that every morning - afternoon. I set Kendra on the island and sat down on the stool in front of her. Miles glanced at me from the corner of his eyes and sighed.

"I heard you and Landon fighting," he claimed.

"Good morning to you, too," I said, sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Don't change the subject. Why were you arguing?" He asked, setting the cup of coffee on the island, away from Kendra.

"Old stuff," I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"He made you cry, too," Miles said, rubbing my shoulder.

"How do you know? Can you see it on my face?" I asked, grimacing.

"No. I heard you. I wanted to come and check on you, but I didn't think you wanted company," He said.

"Thank you," I said, quietly.

"Don't worry, hun. Whenever you need me, I'm here. I don't know why Landon came back," Miles said.

"He had, too. If not, Kendra would have died," I said. Miles' eyes widened.

"What? You never told me this. I mean, I knew she wasn't well, but . . . little Kenny almost dying," He said, surprised.

"I didn't want to worry you more,"I said.

Miles rolled his eyes this time. "Not like I wasn't worried before at all," He replied, sarcastically. I half-smiled.

"She's fine, now, though. She needs both of us right now," I explained. He nodded.

"Where you heading, too?" Miles asked.

"The beach," I smiled, thankful he had changed the subject.

"Ah, Kendra's gonna like that," He smirked.

"She does. She was really happy when I told her, weren't you Kenny Boo," I chuckled. She reached out and touched my face.

"You going to eat, then leave or what?" Miles asked.

"I'm not too hungry. There's a hot dog stand down by the beach. I'll be fine for the meantime," I smiled.

"Alright. Well, I'm going to check on Corbin. I didn't want to wake him," Miles smiled. I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Haven't you gotten any lately?" I asked, mischievously.

"Oh, stop it, Kimberlee," Miles blushed, slapping my shoulder, playfully. I laughed and picked Kendra up from the island, placing her at my hip. I wrapped my arms around her and walked towards the door.

"Where you going?" I heard a deep voice, ask. I turned around and a scowl spread on my face. Landon stood, leaning against the wall, with his arms crossed and a glare on his features.

"None of your business," I snapped.

"If you're taking my daughter, it sure as fucking hell is my business," He snarled.

"Please. Don't act all Fatherly, now. I don't need your shit," I hissed.

"I am Kendra's Father. I have the right to know where you're taking her," He said, unfolding his arms and dropping them to his side.

"Why do you care? She's with her Mother, isn't she? I wouldn't harm her, like her Father harmed her Mother," I said, annoyedly.

"But would her Mother believe a fag like Bryce? I don't think so," He said, arching an eyebrow.

"Just drop it. Stop acting like you care. Leave, Kendra's fine," I snapped.

"I'm not staying because you. I'm staying because if Kendra. If I leave, she'll get sick again and possibly die," He said. I glared at him and bit my bottom lip, not to make a remark. I grabbed the door handle, but Landon was pushing the door back, as he glared at me.

"What do you want?" I said, between gritted teeth.

"A simple answer. Where. Are. You. Going?" He said, slowly and menacingly.

"To the beach. Happy? Now get out of my way, asshole," I snarled. He opened the door and moved out of the way, with a sly grin across his face.

"I am, actually," He said and slammed the door in my face.

I wish I could hate Landon for how harsh he was treating me. But I couldn't. I loved him so much and to lose him again, not being able to look at him, take in every single detail, would kill me, again. I would hate myself for making him leave. My heart told me he wasn't lying when he said he was staying for Kendra. He had showed me he loved her with the bottom of his heart. He'd do anything for Kenny.

I walked outside of Avery's house and towards the beach. I stepped onto the warm sand and smiled, walking towards a spot under a tree, that was close to Avery's house and the water. I placed Kenny on the sand and let her crawl for a little, as I unzipped my shorts and let them slid down my legs. I folded it and placed it beside the trunk of the palm tree. I picked Kendra up and walked towards the water. I flopped down and set Kendra on the sand, between my legs. She turned on around, so her back was facing me and dug her hands into the wet sand, giggling softly. I smiled and watched the waves.

Bryce's Point Of View:

Damnit, how much I hated Landon Harris. I thought Sandy had done her job. I didn't think Landon would be coming back at all. But that little bitch didn't do her part of the deal. I had taken Kimberlee away, what simple order didn't that blonde whore understand? Yeah sure, Kimberlee's little brat would die if Landon wasn't here, but if the brat died, I would be there beside Kimberlee, consoling her. We could always have more children. It'd be fun.

I leaned against my desk chair and arched an eyebrow as I thought about what I had done. Making a deal with The Council wasn't too good and now, I was in their hands, but it was worth it. I was getting paid and Landon would soon be out of my hands. I wouldn't have to get my hands dirty with Landon's blood.


I seen Landon throw Kimberlee in his car, before he did and they disappeared down the street. I cursed under my breathe and got out of the car. The two men looked my way and walked towards me, guns aimed at me. A light bulb had clicked on as I looked at them. I put my hands up, defensively and walked, steadily towards them.

"Gents, gents. I mean no harm," I said, as I stopped a few steps away from there.

"Half-vampire, are we? I thought the Council had killed every one of them. I guess we'll do the honors and kill the last," One of the men said, bitterly. I dodged the bullet as it came flying towards me and smirked.

"Boys, I'm here not to harm you, but to make a deal. I tell you where Landon and that human live, you let me off," I said. The vampires exchanged looks, then put their guns away.

"Fine. Tell us what you know and we won't demolish you," One growled.

I smirked.
