Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


Landon's Point Of View:

I ran my hand threw my hair for the millionth time and sighed. I leaned back against the couch and glanced at Avery as she walked into the living room. She smiled and sat down on the couch beside me, wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and kissed her forehead, laying my head on hers, as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"What's up?" Avery asked, glancing up at me.

"I dunno. You?" I asked, with a sigh. She frowned and her eyebrows furrowed forward.

"What's wrong? What happened? I can smell the worry," Avery said, leaning out of my arms.

"Me and Kimberlee had a fight," I said, looking away from her grimace.

"Why?" She asked, darkly.

"Me cheating and everything," I said, with a shrug.

"Did you start it?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"No," I said, quietly.

"I'm sure you didn't," She said, sarcastically. "Where is she, now?"

"The beach with Kendra," I replied.

"Do you think it's safe for her to be walking around, when you were almost killed a couple of days ago?" Avery asked.

"I was so angry, I didn't think of that," I said.

"Tell me the truth, who was it? Did you recognize them? Those bullets weren't normal. They're bullets vampires use to kill other vampires. A normal bullet wouldn't even have affected you so much," Avery said, sitting Indian-style on the couch.

"They were vampires," I paused, hesitating, "from the Council." Avery sighed, rubbing her temples, in frustration.

"They're not going to stop until they have you and Kimberlee," Avery said, softly. I nodded.

"I know. I don't want to lose Kimberlee," I said, glancing at Avery's worried face. I got up from the couch, with Avery following suit and walked into Kimberlee's room. We walked onto the balcony and stared out at the beach. I searched for Kimberlee, until I found her sitting by the water, with Kendra digging her hands in the wet sand. Kimberlee laughed and kissed the top of Kendra's head.

Avery suddenly hissed. I glanced at Avery, seeing her eyes darkening and her fangs elongating. I looked the way she was looking and seen four vampires, with guns in their hands. They were heading towards Kimberlee. I cursed under my breathe and jumped over the railing. I landed on my feet and ran towards Kimberlee. She screamed as I scooped her and Kendra in my arms, running towards the house and jumping up on the balcony. I pushed her in her room and closed the balcony doors.

"What the hell!" Kimberlee snapped, holding Kendra close to her.

"Sorry," I forced a smile. I peeked out the balcony doors and seen the vampires looking around, frantically. Kimberlee was snapping at me, calling my curses. My eyes widened as I seen one of the vampires, running towards the house. I grabbed Kimberlee from around the waist and pulled her outside the room, slamming the door shut. She punched my chest, but I ignored it and sped downstairs.

"They're coming," I growled.

"What are we going to do?" Avery asked.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I punched Landon as he conversed to Avery about someone coming. Avery, suddenly, crouched down, as if she was preparing for war. I had never seen Avery look like this; her fangs were extended and her pupils were red. Landon pushed me behind him, putting one of his hands out defensively in front of him, while the other was outstretched to his side. His body tensed and he crouched, slightly.

I heard a loud bang come from upstairs and I gasped. Landon snapped his head to look by the stairs and two men, ran downstairs, with guns in their hands. Avery hissed at them and spat at them. One men aimed the guy at Avery and the other aimed a gun at Landon. They looked like the men who had shot Landon a couple of days ago.

"Get out of my house!" Avery growled. It rumbled in her throat, afterwards.

"We come to collect Landon Harris and the human," One of the men said, tightening his grip on the silver weapon.

"You're not touching her. You stay away," Landon snapped.

"You, Landon Harris, are the one who broke the law. You knew you weren't supposed to breed with a filthy human and you did. Humans are only food source," The same man, spoke, bitterly. There was laws? Vampire laws? Landon had broke them?

I felt so confused and scared. Landon had lied to me. He had put me and Kendra in danger. What would happen to us? What were these men going to do to me and Kendra? I hugged Kendra tighter to me and trembled. Footsteps were heard from upstairs. Voices I recognized as Miles and Corbin's echoed towards us, until they appeared at the top of the stairs. The two vampires glanced towards them, aiming their guns and shooting.

"Miles!" I screamed. They both screamed and turned right back around, running. Landon and Avery took the opportunity to attack. Landon flew towards one of the men, grabbing a hold of their neck and pulling him down to the floor. The man growled and slammed his elbow into Landon's stomach. Landon groaned and his arms loosened. The man kicked him across the face, then punched him as Landon started falling.

Avery wasn't having much trouble. The one man couldn't grab her as she moved too quickly for him to catch. She punched him right when he was about to get her, then kicked him. He fell to the floor and aimed his gun at Avery. I screamed as I heard a gunshot, but Avery was fine. She had kicked the gun out of his hand and turned the gun towards him, instead.

I was too concentrated on watching this fight take place, when I felt a hand slap against my lips. I screamed into their hand and struggled against their grip as they held me against the, with an arm firmly around my waist. They ripped Kendra from my arms and ran away with her. My heart literally stopped as I watched them take my daughter away. I screamed into the person's hand and kicked, flaring my arms out. I went wild. I couldn't let them take my daughter away.

A tall man with long black hair and a piercing on his lip, came towards me and slammed the gun handle across my face. My head went limp and my body stopped moving. The man holding me, picked me up and carried me away.

Landon's Point Of View:

The vampire swung towards my face, hitting the side of my cheek. I flew back and hit the wall. I started getting up, when I realized Kimberlee wasn't here, anymore. The vampire ran towards me, pulling his gun out. I could have ducked, I could have. But I didn't. I was too worried looking, frantically for Kimberlee and Kendra.

I flinched as I heard something heavy drop and looked at the vampire, who had been charging at me, lying dead on the floor. Avery ran towards me, with a gun in her hand. Two more vampires ran towards me. A tall vampire with black hair stood by the doorframe, watching, with a smirk on his face. I had seen him somewhere, but where?

Before I could think, two bodies slammed against me. I flew back, with them punching at my sides. I growled loudly and grabbed both from around the neck, slamming their heads together, hard. Their skulls crack and I threw them to the side. I heard a scream and turned to look at Avery, being dragged away. I ran towards her, but the tall black-haired vampire stepped out and elbowed me in the face, knocking me unconscious.

I seen him smirk as I fell to the ground.


My vision was blurred as I came to consciousness, slowly. I looked around and seen I was in a dungeon. I was sitting a top a bed of hay on the floor, with my hands behind my back, chained to the wall. I tried standing up, but my ankles were chained, as well. I flipped my bangs from my eyes as I glanced at the bar door, seeing another cell with someone in there.

A dead woman.