Status: Completed. Readers: 273; Subscribers: 27.

You Found My Heart


If I could still hear and feel my heart, I'm sure it would have burst from my chest. I struggled against the chains, wanting to see this woman. I growled as the chains stayed locked in the wall and sat on my knees, feeling the tears slid down my cheeks.

"Oh, you're awake," A deep voice said, amusedly. The tall black-haired man stepped out from the shadows, with the same cruel smirk on his pierced lips.

"Where are they?" I snarled.

"Oh, the human's fine. Same with your daughter and Avery is just fine," He smirked. I sighed and let my head fall forward.

"Thank God," I whispered.

"You know, if it weren't for your human friend, you'd be fine. Why did you choose a human, when there's plenty of vampires out their to mate with?" he asked.

"None of your business. I don't have to answer your questions," I snapped, glaring at him threw my bangs. He chuckled.

"True. Just asking. Is she good in bed?" He asked. I growled.

"You're a disgusting piece of crap!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Just wondering. I've never had sex with a human. I might just experiment tonight," He chuckled. My eyes widened and I stared at him, with fear. He arched an eyebrow and smirked.

"You wouldn't dare," I said.

"You'd be surprised what I'd do," He smirked.

"You touch one hair on Kimberlee and I swear, I'll break out of this dungeon and come after you," I threatened, glaring daggers at him.

"Chill, bro. I was just kidding with ya. I wouldn't touch her. I can see you care for her," He said, the evil glint fading from his eyes.

"How do I know you won't?" I asked, menacingly.

"Just do it. I'll keep her safe and your daughter, too. I'll make sure none of the other guys touch her, either," He said. I didn't know if I should trust this stranger. This stranger that looked so familiar. Had I seen him somewhere?

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked.

"Probably. Meh, I dunno," He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. He nodded his head towards the dead woman laying in the cellar across from mine. "She was part of the Council, but she betrayed them."

"Why?" I asked.

"She went with a human," He said, arching an eyebrow. I looked away from her and clenched my jaw, tightly. So, this was the consequence, of loving a human. I knew I might end up like that woman from the Council, but at least I knew I died for the one person I loved.

"I'm going to die like her, ain't I?" I said, looking up at him. He shrugged.

"Maybe." He flipped the hair from his eyes. "Well, nice talking to you, Landon. I'll see you, soon." He smirked and stepped into the shadows. I knew he was gone.

I cursed myself. I had brought Kimberlee into this mess. I could say I wished I hadn't met, kidnapped her, but I'd regret saying that. I'd probably meet her, anyways, right? I groaned. I hoped this was all a bad nightmare. From the time Sandy ruined my life, 'till now.

Kimberlee's Point Of View:

I had woken up on a cold, wet surface. Once I started waking up and my dizziness had disappeared, I looked around. I had woken up in a cellar. It was dark and the only light that illuminated the cellar, was the bit of light coming from the barred doors.

Now, I sat against the wall waiting for someone, some help. I was so scared and worried. I shivered as a cool breeze flew around me and disappeared, suddenly. I shivered from fright and brought my knees against my chest. I hugged them towards me and laid my head against my knees, feeling the tears slip.

Where was Kendra? Was she alive?

Where was Landon? Did they hurt him?

Where was Avery? Had she escaped?

Questions and questions flooded my mind as I thought about where they were; how their condition might be. A sob escaped my lips as I thought about Kendra being dead. These vampires wanted Landon, Kendra and me. They could have killed Kendra and now they were coming for me.

What had I done to deserve this? I minded my own business. I never wanted to be kidnapped by the vampire I fell in love with. I didn't care about knowing vampires existed. That was far from my mind. I only wanted to find a better job than I had. I wanted to have a family, but not a kind like this, though I don't regret being in this family, now.

A heard something touch my hand, then scratch it. I glanced down and seen a huge rat, the size of my foot or bigger, watching me, glaring at me. I screamed and scurried away from it, crying harder. A voice made me scream again and I covered my ears.

"Shh, it's alright, Kimberlee," the voice said, again, soothingly. I looked up and seen the tall black-haired guy. He smiled and crouched down, leveling with me. I was shaking as I uncovered my ears and stared at this vampire.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed.

"I just wanted to check on you," He shrugged. "Don't have to be so rude," he added.

"Where's my daughter?" I asked, standing up, shakily. He stood up as well and eyes trailed down my body.

"She's fine," He said, his eyes trailing up to my face. I looked at him in disgust.

"Landon? Avery?" I asked.

"They're fine," He said, coolly.

"What are you going to do to us? Are you going to kill us?" I asked, taking a step towards him.

"That's not my business. I only capture law breakers," He said, firmly. "You'll find out, soon. In a matter of days, the Council will be seeing you and Landon."

"Do you like killing your own kind?" I asked.

"It doesn't really matter," He said. "They have to die, they have to die. I'm only obeying orders."

This was too much to take in. My head hurt from getting hit by this bastard and I felt dizzy again. I leaned against the wall and slid down, sitting on the cold and wet ground. I rubbed my temples and closed my eyes, feeling more tears slide down my cheeks. The man sighed and sat beside me.

"I seen Landon,"He said.

"And?" I asked, sniffing.

"He seems really worried about you," The man said.

"He better be. He put me in this mess," I said, quietly.

"But you love each other, right? You should be happy you met," He said.

"I am. Just, I never wanted to be in a dungeon. I just wanted a normal human life. I didn't care about knowing vampires existed. I was satisfied knowing they didn't exist," I replied.

"Sometimes, bad things happen to the best of us," He shrugged.

"It's easy for you to say. You probably had it easy. You're a vampire, it's always easy. I'm human. I have complications in my life. So many things that can harm me," I said, glancing down at the ground. He snorted.

"Sweetie, just 'cause we're vamps, don't mean we don't have it rough. For example, I had it pretty rough. My mom died when I was a small lad, I don't really remember her. My dad was never around when I really needed him. He was always working and he's never around, now. Not much has changed," He said. He growled, "I really hate being part of the Council. It's a harsh business. No remorse, no nothing. You can't feel bad. That's why I try not to be so in it. I try to stay as far from it as I can. That's why I capture vampires."

"Hm. Where does your Dad work?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"The Council," He said. I nodded in understanding and I knew I'd be facing this guy's Dad soon enough.

"I guess I'm going to meet this Father of yours the hard way," I said. He chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah. Once I find out when this whole trial thing is up, I'm going to be getting you and Landon. I'll take care of Kendra as much as I can. She's really cute," He laughed. I smiled.

"Thank you so much," I said, softly.

"Not like I have a choice and I like you and Landon. I don't think it's too fair you're in here," He said, standing up. "By the way, name's Jeff." I smiled and nodded.

"You should know my name," I said.

"Yeah, Kimberlee," He smirked. I grinned. He stepped into the shadows and I'm guessing, disappeared. I sighed, loudly. I wondered how long I would be in this cell. How long I'd be far from Landon and Kendra. I missed my baby girl so fucking much. I wanted to scream and cry. I wanted to beg for mercy.

Landon's Point Of View:

I heard voices coming towards my cell. I leaned my head up seeing two men; one familiar, the other I haven't seen before. A guard, guessing. The bar doors were opened and he stepped in, strutting towards me. He glared down at me and arched an eyebrow. I looked away and breathed heavily, from the anger I was feeling. I had known he was in it the whole time.

"Nice seeing you, again, Landon," his bitter voice said. I clenched my jaw and clenched my fist, hearing the chains jingle.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Don't give me attitude, this is your own damn fault," He snapped, grabbing my jaw and making me face him. I glared at the man, who had given me part of my life. This man who had helped my Mother create me.

"I'm never going to regret falling in love with a human and having a beautiful daughter with her," I spat. His grip tightened on my jaw and he growled.

"You know, Landon, you can get killed. The Council won't care about killing another. They've killed many of us, who had disobeyed their law," He said, in a low menacing voice.

"Like I give a shit," I snapped. He dropped his hand and slapped his hand against my cheek. My head snapped to the side from the impact. I felt the blood swimming around in my mouth. I spit it out and trembled, angrily.

"I told you, boy, not to mess with a human. Look where that human has earned you. A line to death," He roared.

"I love her too much to care about what you or those murderers called a Council, to care about death. Don't you understand love doesn't have limits! Love chosed, we don't," I snarled.

"Landon, don't give me that crap. You could have found yourself a female vampire. There's plenty out there, but you had to get yourself a human. You don't know how embarrassed I am to call you my son. If they killed you, I'd say you deserved it," He said.

"I know you've never cared about me. I've learned to deal with it," I replied.

"I'm happy you understand," He smirked, cruelly.

"You're bastard, Dad. You know that, right? If Mom was here - "

"Exactly! If your Mother was here, she'd probably stop me. But she's not. She hasn't been here for a long time," He growled.

"I bet she only cheated on you because you were such a sick fuck, she couldn't deal with you," I grinned. He narrowed his eyes at me and slapped me again. I chuckled and licked the blood from the side of my lip.

"I can't believe I ever called you son," He said. He shook his head and walked towards the barred doors, calling for the guard. They were already there, unlocking the cell door. They opened it and moved to the side to let my Father out. Once he stepped out, they slammed the door just to add effect.

Of course my Father was going to think I deserved this. He was always obeying those damn laws; laws that didn't make sense. Plenty of vampires disobeyed them. None of them thought they were worth listening, too, anyways. I thought it was a waste of my time, actually. I smirked.

I spit the remaining of the blood from my mouth and looked down at the ground, wondering how I was going to get out this one. I needed to get Kimberlee, Avery and Kendra out of here, before they killed them. I knew they wouldn't spare Avery. She had been like an accomplice to my acts; she had been there throughout the whole time I was with Kimberlee. But I couldn't let that happen. We were going to get out.

Shit, I hoped so.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, it was fun putting this story up and it was fun editing it and adding some new stuff, too.

unfortunately, there's only one chapter left.
stay tuned for that; it's coming right after this one! ;]